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Feds raid and kill Utah man threatening Brandon

There were two others last week you all haven’t discussed yet…

There's probably a lot more.

People have short memories. WACO/Ruby Ridge etc during Clinton for example. Every government throughout history has had jackbooted thugs to enforce their political will. America isn't any different. We're a Banana Republic with big screens and pickup trucks.
This is hilarous - there are at least 4 feds, if not 5 posting here!! I would hazzard to say one fed per page lol!! And the FauxBois are bitching with the C-👁️‍🗨️-A's lol!
I think you may be right I got the following message PM’d to me today.

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There’s seems to be nearly as many agenda driven posts on this site as sincere ones. The worst part is watching the glowing accounts waddle over to the technical sections and share their “knowledge” to thicken their “cover”.

It’s funny to see every account less than a year old summarily labeled as a fed and harassed. Might be running off good folks…
Looked up what I believe are the others. They seem extremely hush about those events.

My question is why is this one, Utah, being made public? You can hardly find the others though inter web searches.
Because of the neighbors who got out their phone and recorded. Staying ahead of the narrative is priority.
Because of the neighbors who got out their phone and recorded. Staying ahead of the narrative is priority.
Well if you read the others they are not releasing information, or at least in my short look into it. In fact had to wade through multiple storys about this Utah event.

If I may tighten the strap on my tin foil helmet... Is it a bureau thing, releasing info, or is it the media picking up on it because it checks the right narrative boxes? Trump Supporter, Extreme pro 2A, threatens Biden.
Looked up what I believe are the others. They seem extremely hush about those events.

My question is why is this one, Utah, being made public? You can hardly find the others though inter web searches.
That would be a question for the media in those locales. My guess is that some mope shooting it out with the cops at 0615 just isn’t out of the ordinary. I.e., not newsworthy.
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Just think what would have happened if all those J6 fags would have showed up with their guns! That would have interdasting!
Yeah, because who in their right mind brings a handful of guys along to take over the government in a well publicized freakin' insurrection - and doesn't bring guns? It's almost like it was just a protest or something?
PA one was Tioga North Philly near Temple - I would call that a "no-go zone" myself. They were investigating a guy robbing Seven-Elevens. He was a Biden voter, so you won't hear about it.
Kinda the point I am driving.

But I understand why they don't give opinion responses and defer to the others doing it. I have watched enough congressional testimony. Figured I'd ask anyway.
There are no "good folks" who are ok with the overt corruption of DC, the suspension of our rights, and the weaponization of all their bought and paid for agencies who do their bidding. Yes, there are stupid and ignorant people who aren't "bad", but this system was designed for educated, civics minded, free men, not ignorant slaves who lick their master's hands. We may be outnumbered, but even that doesn't matter since our elections are now on the honor system, and the people who's honor we're supposed to trust are more rabid, ignorant marxists than the Bolshevics. All their sick ideology does is transfer power from those who are productive to those who wield political power. They replace an economic upper class (who they hate and envy) with a political class, and don't kid yourself, from the "agents", to the speech police, to the "journalists", to the politicians themselves they all see themselves as the ruling political class. From whence do you think "political correctness" springs? They are without honor or fidelity to The Constitution, our system, and our Republic, but rather to their party, their agency, and their government. It is going to fail in spectacular fashion. It's a certainty and follows the demise of every such system.
We have literally transitioned from a republic with laws to an aristocratic monarchy with a patrician ruling class that isn't subject to the same laws, government programs, and taxes that they ruthlessly enforce upon is (in less than two generations). Our system is failing right before our very eyes, and those who are cheering it in the name of not-being-offended and "safety" aren't "good folks" in my opinion. We'll see how good they are if they win. My bet is they'll act like anyone above the law has acted before them since the dawn of time...poorly.

The things that used to unite us are gone. The oaths these people swear means nothing to them. They're just words they say in order to get a paycheck and follow orders. By the time the ignorant "good folks" realize what they are doing they will be to afraid to stand up. It's probably too late at this point.
All that said, threatening a President on the internet is about as fucking moronic as it gets. It was going to end badly no matter what. But the truth is that guy is easily identified, likely convinced he didn't do anything wrong, so he is easily provoked and eliminated, and that's exactly what they did.

The ones who know aren't afraid of some elderly blowhard on the internet. This is the guy who is actually dangerous.
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Sorry, I didn’t interpret your question as looking for an opinion.
Well, why do yo think this is getting more more attention than the other 3 situations this week. Especially as some of the others, like the kids robbing 7/11’s (philly)were actually committing crimes.

While what this guy (utah) did was really really stupid, I personally don’t think he was going to make good on his rants.
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Well, why do yo think this is getting more more attention than the other 3 situations this week. Especially as some of the others, like the kids robbing 7/11’s (philly)were actually committing crimes.

While what this guy (utah) did was really really stupid, I personally don’t think he was going to make good on his rants.
Is this situation getting more attention in the media, or just here in the Pit? Genuine question…I haven’t watched news of any of this stuff.

Anyway, if it’s getting more media attention, I think it’s because it’s related to threats to a President. Threats to public officials which actually result in a law enforcement action are rare. And when I say “action” I mean other than a simple interview “hey, knock it off” kind of action.

Also, it happened in a place that’s not the usual hotspot for shootings (this is an assumption based on the fact I don’t ever hear about Provo, UT). Like Uvalde…little town in conservative, fly-over America.

I don’t know if this guy would’ve made good on his threats and rants. What he was saying online isn’t what got him killed.

ETA - I also think the media is lefty as fuck and they want to highlight the fact Robertson was a gun-loving Trump supporter.
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Is this situation getting more attention in the media, or just here in the Pit? Genuine question…I haven’t watched news of any of this stuff.

Anyway, if it’s getting more media attention, I think it’s because it’s related to threats to a President. Threats to public officials which actually result in a law enforcement action are rare. And when I say “action” I mean other than a simple interview “hey, knock it off” kind of action.

Also, it happened in a place that’s not the usual hotspot for shootings (this is an assumption based on the fact I don’t ever hear about Provo, UT). Like Uvalde…little town in conservative, fly-over America.

I don’t know if this guy would’ve made good on his threats and rants. What he was saying online isn’t what got him killed.

ETA - I also think the media is lefty as fuck and they want to highlight the fact Robertson was a gun-loving Trump supporter.
The fact that he was a gun loving Trump supporter and was killed is what makes them all giddy inside. The leftists in media love hearing about things like that and cannot wait to share with the world.
Is this situation getting more attention in the media, or just here in the Pit? Genuine question…I haven’t watched news of any of this stuff.

Anyway, if it’s getting more media attention, I think it’s because it’s related to threats to a President. Threats to public officials which actually result in a law enforcement action are rare. And when I say “action” I mean other than a simple interview “hey, knock it off” kind of action.

Also, it happened in a place that’s not the usual hotspot for shootings (this is an assumption based on the fact I don’t ever hear about Provo, UT). Like Uvalde…little town in conservative, fly-over America.

I don’t know if this guy would’ve made good on his threats and rants. What he was saying online isn’t what got him killed.

ETA - I also think the media is lefty as fuck and they want to highlight the fact Robertson was a gun-loving Trump supporter.
It got more media attention because it plays fully into the narrative. Trump supporters are all psychotic gun toting murderers! They want to paint us all with a broad brush that we either belong in jail or deserve to die, not because of our actions but simply because of our beliefs. Beliefs which are in total opposition of theirs. There is no time or place for civil discussion, just name calling and threats until somebody can justify the use of force on their political opponent, and that force it is the DOJ in one of its 3 letter iterations.
It got more media attention because it plays fully into the narrative. Trump supporters are all psychotic gun toting murderers! They want to paint us all with a broad brush that we either belong in jail or deserve to die, not because of our actions but simply because of our beliefs. Beliefs which are in total opposition of theirs. There is no time or place for civil discussion, just name calling and threats until somebody can justify the use of force on their political opponent, and that force it is the DOJ in one of its 3 letter iterations.

Don’t think the glowfeds only look at the Right. There are some militant trannies out there getting attention!
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Don’t think the glowfeds only look at the Right. There are some militant trannies out there getting attention!
One would certainly hope so as it shouldn't be about political affiliation, but right and wrong. Certainly we are all aware that the Leftist leaning candidates are the ones weaponizing the .gov against the average citizen.
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Thats not punishment... This is punishment.

The First few sub forums is a little insight to the problems inherent in their... um... Heads.
How do you spot them? What do you look for? Are they using tactics that give it away?
Look for those with 1,000s of post, who have put in years of work creating cover. Those that post all day long, claiming to have jobs, but somehow have time to post all day long. Those that are constantly calling others feds. Those imbedded in every part of the fourm. Those that actually do shoot long distance, spending years on fantastic cover. Those that tiptoe the line of saying things that could be construed as threats, yet just say enough to lure people in to trust them. They are generally the "bullies" of the site, because most LE have that general trait and can't curb it, because it is bred in them. Anyway, those are the ones I would look at..........among others. If my goal was to actually find people of concern, that is how I would approach it, have to put in the effort.
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It would be very entertaining to know just how many different .gov organizations are attempting to scrutinize meaning and intent of every word spoken here - or on any other gathering place of people who do not support the socialist woke agenda. More than likely, the people some of them deem as "dangerous" - are probably imbedded members of competing organizations or departments.
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Look for those with 1,000s of post, who have put in years of work creating cover. Those that post all day long, claiming to have jobs, but somehow have time to post all day long. Those that are constantly calling others feds. Those imbedded in every part of the fourm. Those that actually do shoot long distance, spending years on fantastic cover. Those that tiptoe the line of saying things that could be construed as threats, yet just say enough to lure people in to trust them. They are generally the "bullies" of the site, because most LE have that general trait and can't curb it, because it is bred in them. Anyway, those are the ones I would look at..........among others. If my goal was to actually find people of concern, that is how I would approach it, have to put in the effort.
Given all of the potential sites out there claiming "Feds" are participating, it seems like a highly unlikely use of government resources, just having employees on sites all day long with no particular objective, hoping to come up with something.
Given all of the potential sites out there claiming "Feds" are participating, it seems like a highly unlikely use of government resources, just having employees on sites all day long with no particular objective, hoping to come up with something.
If they think somebody has "potential" - they'll begin a PM conversation. You know, on account they are making friends and stuff.
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Look for those with 1,000s of post, who have put in years of work creating cover. Those that post all day long, claiming to have jobs, but somehow have time to post all day long. Those that are constantly calling others feds. Those imbedded in every part of the fourm. Those that actually do shoot long distance, spending years on fantastic cover. Those that tiptoe the line of saying things that could be construed as threats, yet just say enough to lure people in to trust them. They are generally the "bullies" of the site, because most LE have that general trait and can't curb it, because it is bred in them. Anyway, those are the ones I would look at..........among others. If my goal was to actually find people of concern, that is how I would approach it, have to put in the effort.
Also look for those provocative posts.

Example: “Somebody should do something about XYZ!”

Same with meme types too.

Honestly if I wanted to know who the honest .gov workers are I wouldn’t lead with this question: “Who works for the federal, state, or city government in any capacity?”


I would start a thread titled something along the lines of: “Who spent @wade2big ‘s tax money on cool shit!?”

Everyone here knows @wade2big does not appreciate fed/state/city government workers, and many would openly post just to dig at him, but now I can compile a list of people. Then I can go through their post history and find inappropriate things they may have posted, and then use that to extort, blackmail, etc.

The most blatant glowies are the low hanging fruit and meant to be identified.

People don’t think operations in the information environment be like it is, but it do!
Given all of the potential sites out there claiming "Feds" are participating, it seems like a highly unlikely use of government resources, just having employees on sites all day long with no particular objective, hoping to come up with something.

They absolutely do it. If you read about any of the "terror" arrests you'll see that somewhere in it an FBI or DOJ agent was conversing with the guy. Most of the time they're the ones encouraging the guy to do it and/or telling him they'll provide money and logistical support.
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Look for those with 1,000s of post, who have put in years of work creating cover. Those that post all day long, claiming to have jobs, but somehow have time to post all day long. Those that are constantly calling others feds. Those imbedded in every part of the fourm. Those that actually do shoot long distance, spending years on fantastic cover. Those that tiptoe the line of saying things that could be construed as threats, yet just say enough to lure people in to trust them. They are generally the "bullies" of the site, because most LE have that general trait and can't curb it, because it is bred in them. Anyway, those are the ones I would look at..........among others. If my goal was to actually find people of concern, that is how I would approach it, have to put in the effort.
Except a lot of non fed people have desk jobs