It’s the holiday rush for shipping, I get it. Our regular driver is fantastic. We have a substitute currently
The wife and I have not bought new phones in 10 years or more. She’s rocking a 6plus we bought used, I’m rocking a 10, also used.
We decided to buy new 15pro phones. Did it all online, they shipped.
They were here Friday but I got a message that there was a signature required and they weren’t left. Ok…
I filled out the waiver online as well as signed the slip that was left and taped to the door. We live almost a mile from the road and unless you know where we are, you don’t know where we are. Not worried about porch pirates.
I was in my office today and got a text….sorry we missed you we will try again tomorrow for the final time
I texted my regular driver who texted the sub. Sub called and agreed to meet me so I could get packages. Cool cool.
I jet down to meet and he pulls out ALL my packages

Fucker hadn’t been to my house, he was gonna skip us
To top it all off, this one was obviously cut open and resealed with scotch tape

but nothing seems missing.
Lort I hope my regular guy is back soon cause other boy is a dipshit.
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