Trump Calls for Department of Education to Be 'Closed Immediately'
President Donald Trump said he wanted the Department of Education to be "closed immediately," describing it as a "big con job."

This is pretty unequivocal….
And how long have we been saying here on SH that the Dept of Ed. Is a corrupt scam and has destroyed education.
Put education in the states and communities!!!
I can hear the Rheeeeee from the NEA already…. Then again, those commies may see this as an opportunity and attempt to take over the states with their huge union-dues-paid pockets.
What was the saying in 1991? The Bear is dead, but now the woods are full of snakes?
The level of vigilance at the state level and among localities is going to have to get turned up to 11 so as to not get their schools taken over by the brainwashers…
And at least 2 generations of teachers and administrators are now brainwashed, greenie socialists. And many dumber than sacks of hair… there to teach the tests, stamp out critical thinking and push DEI and climate BS as education.
While this is a welcome move, it’s also time to make sure it doesn’t end up wayyyyy worse under some whackjob state legislators and administrators.