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Just generally pissed

cav has been

Full Member
Apr 25, 2008
wilds of montana
Maybe it's just me but I doubt it. I've had the ass all day. One 19 year old with little to no training, with hand held weapons and some low grade explosives has managed to shut down a major U.S. city. In my admittedly old guy opinion, that is flat unacceptable. Talk about a way to encourage bad behavior, this is it.
A good dose of Blackjack Pershing justice this evening would have made a lasting impression on future would be jihadists.
Blackjack justice you ask? You bet! When said miscreant was surrounded,a call should have been issued for a pig. Said pig upon delivery, killed in plain sight of above mentioned miscreant as well as any and all television cameras. Next several L&O marksmen should dip a few rounds of ammo in the pigs blood. There upon the several times aforementioned miscreant,would be given a couple of minutes to present himself for surrender. Failing to surrender would result in the designated shooters killing him right fucking then and there with the pigs blood washed bullets on world wide television. Furthermore, said former bad guy should be bundled with the patriotic pig and dumped in an anonymous hole, again forthwith and in plain view of the media cameras. No sad songs, no apologies, you fuck with my country, kill my people,this is your reward.
For those historically challenged, Pershing did this on a larger scale in the Phillipines, in response to muslim acts of terror. Brothers, that lesson lasted over a hundred years in the South Pacific.
Rant off,Steve

PS now you understand the first line in my sig.
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Sir i really do wish more people felt that way, maybe just maybe could we possibly start taking control of this fucked up country if we handled shit like that. And i live in a state that wants to take my guns away so I can't protect my friends and family from crazy fucks like these guys, makes a lot of since doesn't it.
I am a believer in this as well, Adam Lanza should have been displayed in an open casket for a week for the public to desecrate as they see fit. After all he did it for the fame. That would give a new perspective to would be mass murders.
The public believes that it is more important about peoples civil liberties than thier criminal intent.
crap on that!
Why dont they pass harsher laws on criminal sentencing, rather than law abiding citizens.(Greedy bastards wanting more revenue off allready stressed taxpayers)
Ive read about that and wondered why its not done either...
Why bin laden got a full muslim burial is beyond me...should have wrapped him up in diseased swine carcass and burned him.
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How many places in Africa and in the Caribbean have mental health care professionals? None.... I bet you can't guess why that is can you? I'll give you a little hint "hacking people to death is very therapeutic"!!!!
Hate begets hate. Also, don't forget that all US citizens have a right to due process. If you wanna slice and dice evil doers you better move to Somalia or some other lawless place.

I agree with this. To the OP, I fully understand where you're coming from. But we cannot and must not become the darkness that we are trying to overcome.

"And if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss will gaze also into you". Nietzsche.
How many places in Africa and in the Caribbean have mental health care professionals? None.... I bet you can't guess why that is can you? I'll give you a little hint "hacking people to death is very therapeutic"!!!!

Kingston, Jamaica:

Jamaica Psychologists - Find Psychologists in Jamaica Yellow Pages
Jamaica Psychiatrists - Find Psychiatrists in Jamaica White Pages

Want me to keep on looking for you?

"Believing whatever it is that keeps you warm at night is very therapeutic."
As much as i hate these guys, i feel the need to jump in here if i may.
My thoughts on the matter are bit muddled, i hate these individuals and all like them as an American, as former infantry nco and sniper, a cib holder, and as a man. I assure you that i hate them with every fiber of my being. However, they are American citizens, and simply declaring them terrorists and waiving their rights would be nearly as tragic as what they did. If we deny them their rights for these attacks whats to stop any of us from being declared a terrorist and having our rights revoked? Now, i guess my true line of thinking is this, its not that i dont think these guys are terrorists and i certainly think they should burn for their crimes, i dont like the precedent that would set.
As much as i hate these guys, i feel the need to jump in here if i may.
My thoughts on the matter are bit muddled, i hate these individuals and all like them as an American, as former infantry nco and sniper, a cib holder, and as a man. I assure you that i hate them with every fiber of my being. However, they are American citizens, and simply declaring them terrorists and waiving their rights would be nearly as tragic as what they did. If we deny them their rights for these attacks whats to stop any of us from being declared a terrorist and having our rights revoked? Now, i guess my true line of thinking is this, its not that i dont think these guys are terrorists and i certainly think they should burn for their crimes, i dont like the precedent that would set.

100% agreed. While he's guilty...due process is due process.
This whole patriot act is the worst legislation ever passed. Its only a skip and jump till u or i can easily be labelled "terrorists" or "enemy non combatant"
But>>>>Once he is found guilty, he should be taken directly to the nearest street corner and hung from a power pole! Same for all folks with a "LIFE Without" sentence, anyone guilty of murder, crimes against Children, elderly or otherwise helpless and especially so those we are paying tax dollar salaries to for committing Treason on a daily basis!!
Those protections mentioned are due to the US granting him citizenship. Question: Is it wise for the US to grant citizenship or even a VISA to muslims? Refusing to give VISA’s to muslims would have prevented 9/11, correct?

Punishing the good ones for the actions of a few bad eggs...sound familiar?
Maybe it's just me but I doubt it. I've had the ass all day. One 19 year old with little to no training, with hand held weapons and some low grade explosives has managed to shut down a major U.S. city. In my admittedly old guy opinion, that is flat unacceptable. Talk about a way to encourage bad behavior, this is it.
A good dose of Blackjack Pershing justice this evening would have made a lasting impression on future would be jihadists.
Blackjack justice you ask? You bet! When said miscreant was surrounded,a call should have been issued for a pig. Said pig upon delivery, killed in plain sight of above mentioned miscreant as well as any and all television cameras. Next several L&O marksmen should dip a few rounds of ammo in the pigs blood. There upon the several times aforementioned miscreant,would be given a couple of minutes to present himself for surrender. Failing to surrender would result in the designated shooters killing him right fucking then and there with the pigs blood washed bullets on world wide television. Furthermore, said former bad guy should be bundled with the patriotic pig and dumped in an anonymous hole, again forthwith and in plain view of the media cameras. No sad songs, no apologies, you fuck with my country, kill my people,this is your reward.
For those historically challenged, Pershing did this on a larger scale in the Phillipines, in response to muslim acts of terror. Brothers, that lesson lasted over a hundred years in the South Pacific.
Rant off,Steve

PS now you understand the first line in my sig.

Sounds good...and I agree...but it tain't so!!

Gen. Black Jack Pershing vs. Muslim Terrorists - Urban Legends
I'm sorry, not trying to be ignorant here, but I thought these "domestic" terrorists were here on school Visas, and not legitimately citizens. So, I apparently missed that they are in fact citizens?
Two bombs went off, two more were found and safely dismantled/detonated right? Where are the other two bags/bombs coming from? Maybe one from this (right-wing extremist, NRA loving, domestic terroist) looking man? lol

Or maybe it came from this guys bag...

Or maybe this guy

Don't forget these guys...

So many more questions, to the OP, I feel your frustrations.
America is the kid that gets bullied in school, he wants to say something to the kids bullying him but bites his tongue out of fear that more punishment will come if he fights back. So this little bitch kid goes home and abuses his pets which are the American people to get his frustrations out in some way or another. Over time the mindset of this kid becomes worse and he begins to hate everybody around him, doing things to show his "power", hurting the ones that have stood besides him all these years to show all others how lucky they are to be spared. All this talk about how much of a superpower we are is bullshit. If we have the tools to put people in their place and we don't use them then why have them? Bragging rights? Great.... We will continue to be a target as long as we keep turning the other cheek and trying to be the School Principal of the world.
Those protections mentioned are due to the US granting him citizenship. Question: Is it wise for the US to grant citizenship or even a VISA to muslims? Refusing to give VISA’s to muslims would have prevented 9/11, correct?

A no visa would have stopped Tim McVeigh, Richard Reid, John Walker Lindh .. right...
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Is it wise for the US to grant citizenship or even a VISA to muslims?

Most of the news reported is bad news. I doubt the media would write articles of citizens living normal, law abiding lives. Don't base your thoughts of a group based solely on news reports. It's not representative.

The guy who used to live down at the end of my block worked for the state government for twenty years, and then took a job in retirement at a local convenience store as the coffee guy, until his illness got to be too difficult to deal with. Zeke, as we called him, was a real ball buster, a true piece of work. He was a neighbor, part of the local color, if you would, and he had a wife and two daughters. He died last year, in the middle of the fall. In respecting their customs, I took the family food to feed them for a few days, so that they could concentrate of prayers, mourning, and the dictates of their religion with respect to burial. Zeke, the bureaucrat, was also known as Zahir, and he was a Muslim, who raked up his grass clippings, shoveled snow off of his walks, put his girls through college, and in general lived in peace with others. No bombs, no dark looks, no aggressive proselytizing, no spontaneous ululation — none of the ridiculous activities associated with Muslims in the minds of people who have been bombarded with nearly thirty years' worth of propaganda. In the end, all he wanted, like any of us, was to see another day.
if your an american you have to understand a little how the op feels about all this dont ya,but as an american you also have to understand this fuckin douche of a human does deserve to go to trail for his crime.as a person who stands for the 2nd i will have to stand by them all or we are no better then the pricks who do this kind of thing.i do agree though that if found guilty of this crime death should come slowly and very painfully to him and his kind.no need to waste a good bullet i feel a slippin slide full of razors and acetone would be a good start.ill donate the stuff to get us started.
This guy is needed alive and well. As a former interragator (MOS 96C) we can get some good info from this guy before they take him down the hall to the weight room with a bunch of mad weight lifters that can show him what prison is really all about.

BTW the MOS (Military Occapational Speciality) 96C is now a 35M - human intelligence collector. Gee that just makes me want to puke.
This guy is needed alive and well. As a former interragator (MOS 96C) we can get some good info from this guy before they take him down the hall to the weight room with a bunch of mad weight lifters that can show him what prison is really all about.

BTW the MOS (Military Occapational Speciality) 96C is now a 35M - human intelligence collector. Gee that just makes me want to puke.

Agreed. I'm a former 97B and now I think they are 35L. WTF...nice to see another MI guy here. :)
There's some people in this thread that really need to read The US Constitution and its amendments again. All of them are the law of the land, not just the ones that suit you or anyone else.
Fate ? Luck ? God's will ? An inch left or right and this topic is not discussed. An inch left or right and the bullet severs an artery and he bleeds out or it takes his spinal cord. Either way here we are in a dilema. Show our ass to the world or show them that those rules we live by mean something. Even if they are over 200 years old. It is a shame that the liberal lawyers and judges have made a mockery of our system but it is still the best in the world. I believe this is the time we need to show the world that we will not dicard our rules because of hatred. Is the issue right now anger? That our system failed and these jack offs were not caught before hand? or that we know justice will not be swift? or that there is no level of punishment for a deviant like this punk fitting his crime?
" A no visa would have stopped Tim McVeigh, Richard Reid, John Walker Lindh .. right... "

No, nor would have it prevented most murders in the country, but denying citizenship or visa's to foreign muslims would have prevented 9/11 and the Boston bombing. Muslim citizens are on equal ground as the rest of us and there's nothing we can do about that, but IMO, any non-citizen muslim should be shown the door.
the issue with these started with a government failure. The parents come here seeking political assylum and never gave up their passport or citizenship. Our govt. says "no problem". A short while later they decide to go home but they leave their kids here. WTF? You brought them with you take them back with you. All that they had the opportunity to become in this great country was warped by some internet ass clown with no balls to go out and do what they did. They had more opportunity than most to become succesful contributing members of a society. I guess this is what has most people very angry. Instead of giving back for what was given they let some warped belief of religious superiority over ride common sense. I guess you apreciate things more when you earn them. They enjoyed the freedom given to them that was earned by many and their gratitude was to spit in the face of those that gave it to them.
Kingston, Jamaica:

Jamaica Psychologists - Find Psychologists in Jamaica Yellow Pages
Jamaica Psychiatrists - Find Psychiatrists in Jamaica White Pages

Want me to keep on looking for you?

"Believing whatever it is that keeps you warm at night is very therapeutic."

If you can't see the cheekiness of this comment Oh well! Kingston Well lets look at that place you can buy drugs in the market and quite a few folks who like to vacation there simply to smoke dope on the beach. Jamaica is a very large part of the drug trade; with a murder rate on par with Chicago. I'm sorry if these Turd world back a$$ countries is who you wish to emulate the U.S. after. If you don't like that let me know and we can play Hutu and Tutsi some time; it helps my therapeutically don't you know....

The problem is you had several folks lie on their immigration status! Please explain to me why this type of activity get's your illegally obtained citizenship revoked? They then have no rights to discuss. The next logical step is to wonder why they didn't interrogate them properly "emanate threat" so to speak. I'm all for Constitutional Rights but not when they were obtained under false pretenses. U.S. citizen found fighting on the opposite side is typically shot as a traitor on the battle field.

Where is the fine line between being "we don't want to mess with them because" and "We know their a civilized nation due to the level of empathy and caring they show even when"..... I think some folks on here are way to soft and I'm sure their are a few who are to extreme. Where that line is will probably not be decided by those of us here!
Hey guys, there's one key thing that I need to add to this thread: there is ZERO evidence Blackjack Pershing ever used pigs to defile the bodies of Moros. The reported incident happend at Bud Dajo, a traditional Moro stronghold on the island of Sulu. That was where Leornard Wood had fought a bloody battle a few years prior. If you check out scopes.com and urbanlegends.com, this whole story of Pershing using pig blood is apocryphal, and very much against his manner of conducting counterinsurgency. At best, he may have threatened it some time. The reference is likely a reference to a Gary Cooper movie. Give The Moro Warsa look for a good read on the subject. Incidentally, I know Sulu fairly well as I was deployed there in 2009.
The guy who used to live down at the end of my block worked for the state government for twenty years, and then took a job in retirement at a local convenience store as the coffee guy, until his illness got to be too difficult to deal with. Zeke, as we called him, was a real ball buster, a true piece of work. He was a neighbor, part of the local color, if you would, and he had a wife and two daughters. He died last year, in the middle of the fall. In respecting their customs, I took the family food to feed them for a few days, so that they could concentrate of prayers, mourning, and the dictates of their religion with respect to burial. Zeke, the bureaucrat, was also known as Zahir, and he was a Muslim, who raked up his grass clippings, shoveled snow off of his walks, put his girls through college, and in general lived in peace with others. No bombs, no dark looks, no aggressive proselytizing, no spontaneous ululation — none of the ridiculous activities associated with Muslims in the minds of people who have been bombarded with nearly thirty years' worth of propaganda. In the end, all he wanted, like any of us, was to see another day.


Islam in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 2.6-4,700,000 followers of Islam in the US.

Sikh militants:
Air India Flight 182 was an Air India flight operating on the Montreal–London–Delhi route. On 23 June 1985, the aircraft operating on the route – a Boeing 747-237B (c/n 21473/330, reg VT-EFO) – was blown up by a bomb at an altitude of 31,000 feet (9,400 m). It crashed into the Atlantic Ocean while in Irish airspace.

A total of 329 people were killed, including 268 Canadians, 27 British citizens and 24 Indians.[1] The incident was the largest mass murder in Canadian history,[2][3][4] and the deadliest aviation disaster to occur over a body of water. It is also the worst aviation disaster in Irish territory. Air India Flight 182 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Then we have the political based terrorism:
"Modern left-wing terrorism developed in the context of the political unrest of 1968. In Western Europe, notable groups included the West German Red Army Faction (RAF), the Italian Red Brigades, the French Action Directe (AD), and the Belgian Communist Combatant Cells (CCC). Asian groups included the Japanese Red Army and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, although the latter organization later transformed into nationalist terrorist. In Latin America, groups that became actively involved in terrorism in the 1970s and 1980s included the Nicaraguan Sandinistas, the Peruvian Shining Path, and the Colombian 19th of April Movement.[1]

Modern left-wing terrorist groups in the United States developed from remnants of the Weather Underground, the Black Panthers and extremist elements of the Students for a Democratic Society. During the 1980s both the May 19th Communist Organization (M19CO) and the smaller United Freedom Front were active. After 1985, following the dismantling of both groups, there were no confirmed acts of left-wing terrorism by similar groups.[5]"
Left-wing terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and of course US domestic:
" Oklahoma City bombing
Main article: Oklahoma City bombing
This truck bomb attack by Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols killed 168 people on April 19, 1995 – the deadliest domestic-based terrorist attack in US history and, before the September 11, 2001 attacks, the deadliest act of terrorism in US history. It inspired improvements to United States federal building security.

Centennial Olympic Park bombing
Main article: Centennial Olympic Park bombing
The Centennial Olympic Park bombing was a terrorist bombing on July 27, 1996 in Atlanta, Georgia, United States during the 1996 Summer Olympics, the first of four committed by Eric Robert Rudolph, former explosives expert for the United States Army. Two people died, and 111 were injured."
Domestic terrorism in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Religious, political, foreign, domestic. Pick your poison.

For all the calls of "Hang-em-high". Remember, its the same logic, same thinking, that the anti-gun movement uses to rally the miss-informed.

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The public believes that it is more important about peoples civil liberties than thier criminal intent.
crap on that!
Why dont they pass harsher laws on criminal sentencing, rather than law abiding citizens.(Greedy bastards wanting more revenue off allready stressed taxpayers)

That is what they say they are concerned about, but they trample on our civil liberties while trying to preserve their own. Hypocritical Double Dealing.

If a visa or citizenship is granted under false pretenses, then it should be revoked, in which case the one who got it under false pretenses, and then committed acts of terrorism (bombing a Marathon would certainly qualify) should be treated as a terrorist. He should be interrogated for information, and then executed very publicly to make a statement---terrorists who obtain citizenship illegally don't get the full benefits of citizenship.
If one is born a citizen, and then commits such acts, they must be afforded all the benefits of citizenship---when they are subsequently found guilty, the penalty should be death, very publicly executed.

I'm all for the OP's solution.
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There's some people in this thread that really need to read The US Constitution and its amendments again. All of them are the law of the land, not just the ones that suit you or anyone else.

It's scary reading some of the replies in this thread.

Just remember, everything you people are saying about muslims & visas, etc. has very similar parallels to what liberals/democrats are saying about gun owners and guns....
It's scary reading some of the replies in this thread.

Just remember, everything you people are saying about muslims & visas, etc. has very similar parallels to what liberals/democrats are saying about gun owners and guns....

Well said! Holy crap folks. Remember that all rights are extended to all. Yes it makes it tough to push an agenda(that's the point). Get vocal, local, and awake! The people that only see sides are in trouble. The only side I see, is the side of making the world a better place where rights are respected for all, as long as they don't need to infringe, blow up, suppress and so on.

Lol I'm far from a twig eating hippy but I sure sound like one huh?.

Good day gents.


Flame away!
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Well said! Holy crap folks. Remember that all rights are extended to all. Yes it makes it tough to push an agenda(that's the point). Get vocal, local, and awake! The people that only see sides are in trouble. The only side I see, is the side of making the world a better place where rights are respected for all, as long as they don't need to infringe, blow up, suppress and so on.

Lol I'm far from a twig eating hippy but I sure sound like one huh?.

Good day gents.


Flame away!
Bill, your from Bellingham, the capital of hippiedom. ;)
A US citizen is a US citizen, period. There are no special categories of US citizen, and each one is entitled to our government respecting and recognizing every right in the Constitution for each one.

Now that we have that out of the way, it does NOT follow that we as a nation are obligated to gift US citizenship to everyone in the entire world that asks us to. There is absolutely no "right" to be a US citizen, and common sense dictates that we should be VERY careful about who we grant citizenship and entry Visas to, especially if the individual is from an area KNOWN to have high levels of Islamic fundamentalists/potential or actual terrorists, such as Chechnya or Yemen or Saudi Arabia, etc. Are there other kinds of terrorists? Of course, and when the Peruvian Shining Path begins killing thousands of Americans and attempts multiple attacks on us then we can, and should, apply the same discriminatory policies to their entry here as well.

Countries have borders, and those countries that wish to continue their existence as a sovereign state must defend those borders. We decide who we invite in, just like we do for our own homes. Not only are we allowed to make judgments about who we let in based on the origin and ideology, it is idiotic not to do so. If someone shows up at your door asking to come in for some legitimate reason but they display every characteristic that you are familiar with of a violent local gang, including style of dress, manner, race, age, accent/language, etc then you are a complete idiot not to consider your experience and observations and deny them entry on the basis it may be a ruse to do you harm. Have you violated their civil rights? NO, nobody has a fundamental right to enter your property. Could a local gang member go to great lengths to look like someone else or recruit someone who doesn't have any of the identifying gang characteristics to complete the ruse? Yes, but that is difficult for them. Forcing islamic terrorists to find converts in other countries not typically associated with islamic fundamentalism greatly increases the level of difficulty in recruitment and training for them, especially if those countries also apply the same scrutiny to their entry processes.

You want to know why London and Paris are becoming hotbeds of Islamic extremism? Because they have the same moronic political correctness in their Visa programs that we do. You will see the same kind of neighborhoods grow up here if we don't get smart about our immigration policy. Having an open border is NOT an immigration policy, it is an invitation to invasion, just like if you lived in gangland and didn't install doors on your house. Even if you had doors, if you let in anyone who asks without making judgments about them that is almost as bad as having no doors. Either way, you shouldn't be surprised to find yourself beat to a pulp in a corner and robbed blind. You could at least pat yourself on the back that you didn't "discriminate."
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Okay, let's frame this slightly differently.

If someone were to lie on their NICS form, and be given a gun they "shouldn't" have, then the Feds can take it away from them-----at least as the system is now.
If someone were to lie on their citizenship application, and be found to be a terrorist---as in bombing the Boston Marathon---why can't we take that away from them too, as it would appear they don't want to be a citizen, they want to be a terrorist. How we define terrorism is another matter, for another discussion.

I don't advocate removal of citizenship from a natural born citizen, but actually in a sense they can be stripped of certain citizenship rights also---A convicted felon in jail cannot vote, they cannot ever own guns again, the list goes on.

School me here, What is the Difference???
Maybe it's just me but I doubt it. I've had the ass all day. One 19 year old with little to no training, with hand held weapons and some low grade explosives has managed to shut down a major U.S. city. In my admittedly old guy opinion, that is flat unacceptable. Talk about a way to encourage bad behavior, this is it.
A good dose of Blackjack Pershing justice this evening would have made a lasting impression on future would be jihadists.
Blackjack justice you ask? You bet! When said miscreant was surrounded,a call should have been issued for a pig. Said pig upon delivery, killed in plain sight of above mentioned miscreant as well as any and all television cameras. Next several L&O marksmen should dip a few rounds of ammo in the pigs blood. There upon the several times aforementioned miscreant,would be given a couple of minutes to present himself for surrender. Failing to surrender would result in the designated shooters killing him right fucking then and there with the pigs blood washed bullets on world wide television. Furthermore, said former bad guy should be bundled with the patriotic pig and dumped in an anonymous hole, again forthwith and in plain view of the media cameras. No sad songs, no apologies, you fuck with my country, kill my people,this is your reward.
For those historically challenged, Pershing did this on a larger scale in the Phillipines, in response to muslim acts of terror. Brothers, that lesson lasted over a hundred years in the South Pacific.
Rant off,Steve

PS now you understand the first line in my sig.

Understand completely-one correction though and its a BIG one;
The 19 year old didnt shut down the city-The BOSTON PD/AUTHORITIES did that one.
You can argue all day about public safety, whatever.
The bottom line is when we have the sitrep we did, and MILLIONS of public $ and resources were spent, including turning Boston into a martial law scenario-you either feel the Police acted with force on force equal to the crime-or you dont.
imho-since this happened in a socialist state, not Texas or Idaho-FREE states, it worked out.
Try this even where I live in the gun-toting behind enemy lines of inland empire ca- and this may have turned out different.
Seeing military type troops, not POLICE headed down my block would have caused a different response from me.
But again-its BOSTON..... same as NYC in my opinion. Filled with the common Sheeple-not Patroits.
thats my .02riots
Although it's rare, naturalized citizenship can be revoked, and has in the past including one that was found to have lied on the application and employed one of the 9/11 terrorists along with having other ties to terrorism. I'm sure the US Attorney's office will pursue such action in this case if it's remotely possible but the US Supreme Court has smacked down several cases in the past so it wouldn't be easy to prove. As this grunt understands it, basically they would have to prove the ties and intent existed prior to him being granted citizenship. Now that would certainly make for an interesting legal situation, especially if they pursued this action prior to the terrorism trial, but until then he's still a US Citizen.


I would link to the article about a former US Attorney who is calling for the revocation of the Tsarnaev's citizenship, but the one I was reading has political connotations to it so I'm staying away from that one. Google it up and you can see where it's already being called for in the political arena.

I'm not stepping into the rest of the immigration debate and scrutiny other than to say the First Amendment exists for a reason. Investigate the person and the facts, not the stereotype. I'm sure those of Italian, Irish, Chinese, Japanese, Hispanic, Germanic, and many other heritages would agree.
The public believes that it is more important about peoples civil liberties than thier criminal intent.
crap on that!

I don't understand how somebody can say this. Many who say things like this bill themselves as a "constitutionalists" or "conservatives." They are fine to strip others of their rights, but in the event they are accused of a crime, they will be the first to need those pesky "civil liberties" they have disparaged.

Would you rather that the police behaved even more overtly aggressively? Is the level of aggression from the state not enough? What one really says by disparaging "civil liberties" is that "might makes right." That's incorrect.

The last thing you want is the police to become even more lawless.