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Bye Bye Bi-pod, Hello Mega-Benchbag!!!


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
  • Jun 3, 2012

    First and foremost, by no means am I going to stop using my bipod. This is just another pc of kit in my arsenal when I want to use it. I can't even believe I'm about to share this info as I honestly thought long and hard about keeping this ace up my sleeve with the shootout forums & other BS from misc dick heads here and there talking shit.... I should just keep this info to myself but WTF! Especially for those that give me so much crap, so you can take my OCD and shove it up your A$$!!! LOL JK!! (LOL, I know most of you are just joking & it is funny)... I just wouldn't be myself unless I was to share good info with good people = YOU GUYS!!!... This $hit cost me money to test this stuff out & to share this info with you.... $50 for the new front sand bag, $30 for 101rounds of reloaded ammo, $5 in gas, and obviously my time. I'm obviously having fun doing all of this stuff anyway... All shot with my new rock river arm ATH rifle with an 18" SS heavy 1:8twist barrel @ 100yards.

    Anyway, I got a killer deal on some 250ct boxes of 55VMAX bullets for $42 bucks & I have never used them before. My typical go to round for my AR-15's is the 60VMAX so I figured I would run my M.E.O.C.W. GAUNTLET TEST developed for the shootout threads to see what works best with this new 55grn VMAX bullet I've never used before while developing 3 total entries. If I get such results with a 55grn bullet out of a 1:8twist, then just imagine what I'll get once I run my 60grn VMAX PET LOAD, or 68 / 75grn BTHP with this new front BAG..... Anyway...... I've been doing tons of research using an alternative to a bipod..... Bipod jump was driving me nuts and after much research I decided to order in this mega-benchbag... WOW! I'm SOOOOOO glad I did!! 100rounds, 20 total 5-shot groups, with different varget drop rates during a F#CKING test of all things, ALL SUB-MOA ALL DAY LONG! EVERY SINGLE BULLET! So for all of those that say I have OCD, then you can take my OCD and shove it up your A$$$ !!! (LOL, totally kidding).... You better be rocking a 20round PMAG and not 30rounds as it will hit the bench or ground if you're using a 30round mag = reason why I'm switching to all 20round pmags from here out..

    This is how I took my shots today with about 3mph wind & 87ish degree weather. New mega bag in the front, and canvas type owl ear bag in the rear. I actually had to use a jacket out of my trunk to elevate the front bag about 1"... NOTE that with SOPMOD type stocks I run ears front to back & with A2 type stocks I run the ears left to right. As for the new front bag, I obviously took the bipod off & used the synthetic side of the bag & not the leather side of the bag. The dead still accuracy out of this set up IS JUST F#CKING STUPID CRAZY!!... OCD is not a bad thing when it comes to reloading and rifles! LOL! JK...:

    The new front sand bag!! & the bullets used today:

    The different varget drops used today. 100 total, with 1fouler round:

    100 shots, 20 total groups @ 5shots each, every single bullet & group sub-moa all day long, at different varget drop rates during the test:




    The last 19th & 20th 5shot groups & other info:

    Best group of the day. Not the best out of this rifle, but still not too bad.. Can't wait to try my go to PET LOAD with this new bag set up:

    RRA ATH rifle used today with VORTEX PST 4-16 FFP & LARUE LT158 10MOA CANT MOUNT:
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    Bags are great, read the bag squeezer thread. I have a big Caldwell front bag but its a bit too heavy, I want to get a fill that is not so heavy for it or get a new light big front bag. I have picked up a few Triad rear bags and a triad pillow but they don't have a big one for the front. I notice you color in the red dots on your paper targets, I used similar red dot target and found my shots walking a bit. Today I used a few sticky florescent MOA dots over 4 of the red dots and left the other 4 dots red, my groups stopped walking in a linear fashion and shrunk by half. I think it has something to do with the black of the cross hairs blending with the red where there is a sharper contrast on the florescent color.
    S.O.B! LOL! I just realized there was a mistake on my target! One of the groups is actually not sub-moa as I thought one of the bullet holes was a decimal point!! oh well... Still 19 out of 20 groups is still not too bad for being all shot in a row. At least I found the mistake just to be fair to others on the shootout thread. Still, this front bag is amazing and I'm stoked to try it out with my other rifles & their pet loads.


    One flyer out of 100 shots ain't bad at all though. Your RRA continues to kick my LaRue's ass. I really wish I wouldn't have my RRA Entry Operator 2. I think it would've been a sub moa rifle.

    Keep up the ocd. It works out well for the rest of us because you give a lot of good ideas and information.
    that looks like something I'd love to hike around a match with. You could just get a pillow case and fill it with the same content.

    I'll stick with my bipod.
    Nice shooting, Elf, and good tip on the bag. I have a set of the really cheap Caldwell bags and have never gotten very good results shooting off of them, it's almost like they're too full, the rifle can't settle in properly. Did you find it locally or have to have it shipped?
    Not really the point, but sure..... Anyway,,,,, not saying i'm going away with the bipod... Still going to use my bipod depending on the purpose. But if I'm getting results like this out a 55grn bullet with a 1:8 twist during a load development test, then it should be amazing with my heavier bullet pet load already developed and i'm looking forward to testing it out & with my other rifles also. The "H" shaped bag squeezes the rifle into the bag once the weight of the rifle comes down on the bag you cocky bastard.. LOL JK ;) . If this bag continues to perform as a recreational shooter, then i'll be using this bag while shooting from a bench or prone and not out in the field or during other occasions. 19 out of 20 5shot groups / 99 out of 100 rounds all submoa. That is something I haven't done before especially with a bullet that hasn't been developed yet.

    that looks like something I'd love to hike around a match with. You could just get a pillow case and fill it with the same content.

    I'll stick with my bipod.
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    I'm getting a bunch of questions and PM's from people on this bag. I picked mine up local for $50 before tax and it was already filled. I haven't opened it yet and will not open it, but it is NOT filled with sand I can tell you that much. The label on the bag said to fill with fish tank gravel or sand. My best guess is the bag is filled with fish tank gravel & that is how the media feels through the bag. The fish tank gravel medium gives the bag a really nice "texture feel" for bag adjustments while not making the bag ultra heavy... I would NOT use sand as it will leak with the smallest slit & will not give you such elevation adjustment & will be heavy as hell.... As a recreational shooter, this bag is really not that heavy for car trunk to bench / prone shooting. If you bitch about the weight of this bag as a recreational shooter, then you're just being a pussy ;) The bag is in the shape of an "H". One side of the "H" is lined with soft leather, the other side of the "H" bag is lined with a tactical type heavy duty poly nylon of some sort. The rifle weight when placed into the top of the "H" bag pinches the rifle in place while the bottom legs of the "H" bag flare out to the sides... That is how the bag works. It is not your typical sand bag that you just place your rifle on top of and it would be really helpful if you have a mid-length or rifle-length handguard. My rock river arms mid-length handguard just pokes out the other end of the bag about 1". Carbine length tubes might be an issue as your HOT AS HELL barrel might touch the bag. Also, you better be rocking 20round pmags with this bag... 30round would be too long... Regardless of bipod or sand bag, this is the main reason why I use 20round mags and not 30round mags. The only time I use 30round mags is when I'm doing other shots like standing, kneeling, sitting, or spray and pray type stuff.

    This is my first test with this rifle and I'm not saying this is the end all to all problems & will continue to use my bipods.... but if I'm getting this type of performance with a 55grn bullet out of a 1:8twist barrel when I shouldn't, then I'm thinking I should be blown away once I can actually test my pet loads with heavier bullets & known reloads that work well out of my rifle. Make note that this performance is with my reloads! Not some off the shelf 55grn full metal jacket fodder. Also, I'm not saying I'm the best shot in the world, but I've shot enough in my day to say I'm above average. Your performance with this bag could be better or worse. The rear bag is just as important!

    I'll keep you all updated with future info with my pet loads & other rifles.
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    Ok, I just realized how easy it was to open and fill this bag... It is a slick little operation they got going on with this bag FYI. Its filled with some type of plastic round beads and / or synthetic plastic gravel of some sort.

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    This is more pics of the bag & with my rifle pinched into bag as hard as I could get it... You don't need to have the rifle pinched into the bag this hard, but it requires a minimum mid-length to rifle-length handguard... CARBINE HANDGUARDS WILL NOT WORK as your barrel will touch the bag! I think i might even get a small hand towel to line the bag with so I don't damage the bag. Obviously heat is a factor here, so you can't be going hog wild with spray and pray type stuff, but obviously 100rounds for precision work as in my OP was not a problem and it was about 88 degrees outside! You don't need a sun-shade on the scope if you don't pinch the rifle really hard with the bag, but it would help to have a sun-shade on the scope as in the pics. When I took my shots in the above OP pictures, then I needed to raise my bag up about 1" and I just used a jacket I had in my car's trunk. Most likely you will not need to elevate the bag anymore than using the bag itself.. Really depends one what you're shooting from obviously and each scenario will be different. Once you get the front and rear bags tweaked, its a full day of shooting with only needing to touch the rear owl ear bag for elevation adjustments. If this doesn't answer your questions, then I don't know what will! ;)



    this pic shows how hard you can pinch the rifle into the bag if you want... during my shots above it wasn't pinched this hard.
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    Too beucoup, too beucoup. It's so beeeg! Mother of god that is a humongous bag. Not sure if I could lug it around with all the rest of it. I just bought a Triad Tactical angled rear bag "the wedgie" and it stabilizes the rifle very nicely. My shooting clearly improved with it. It is big, but nothing like that piece of real estate. But a bag beats those metal cradles everytime. Always use what works for you best. Nice shooting dude.
    it really doesn't weigh that much with the poly beads inside of it... yes, it's huge and I'm loving it and the reason wny I got it. It is about as rock solid as you're going to get! LOL! as for me being a recreational shooter, not a problem moving this bag around from trunk to 30 feet way to where I shoot. Not an issue at all.

    Too beucoup, too beucoup. It's so beeeg! Mother of god that is a humongous bag. Not sure if I could lug it around with all the rest of it. I just bought a Triad Tactical angled rear bag "the wedgie" and it stabilizes the rifle very nicely. My shooting clearly improved with it. It is big, but nothing like that piece of real estate. But a bag beats those metal cradles everytime. Always use what works for you best. Nice shooting dude.
    give it time.... give it time.. you're OCD will be in full force here soon once you start reloading... It's almost a requirement! ;)


    One flyer out of 100 shots ain't bad at all though. Your RRA continues to kick my LaRue's ass. I really wish I wouldn't have my RRA Entry Operator 2. I think it would've been a sub moa rifle.

    Keep up the ocd. It works out well for the rest of us because you give a lot of good ideas and information.
    I stack my Wilderness Tactical 4 bag set into what ever shape I prefer for what ever rifle I'm shooting and this works good for me. The rear bag is from Triad Tactical and all of them domestically made.

    Not really the point, but sure..... Anyway,,,,, not saying i'm going away with the bipod... Still going to use my bipod depending on the purpose. But if I'm getting results like this out a 55grn bullet with a 1:8 twist during a load development test, then it should be amazing with my heavier bullet pet load already developed and i'm looking forward to testing it out & with my other rifles also. The "H" shaped bag squeezes the rifle into the bag once the weight of the rifle comes down on the bag you cocky bastard.. LOL JK ;) . If this bag continues to perform as a recreational shooter, then i'll be using this bag while shooting from a bench or prone and not out in the field or during other occasions. 19 out of 20 5shot groups / 99 out of 100 rounds all submoa. That is something I haven't done before especially with a bullet that hasn't been developed yet.

    Why not just use a lead sled then since the objective is to simply get the best groups possible? Hell, maybe you can anchor it in some cement and use a robotic arm to pull the trigger at a perfect 90.
    Nick, someone really needs to go out of their way for me to say this as I pretty much get along with everyone I meet & I try my best to help others...... and after countless times of you posting BS on other people's threads with absolutely nothing constructive to say at the least & with nothing but trolling in mind....

    Can you seriously point out one single thread you have started & developed that produces any type of constructive & positive feedback?

    Anyway, this has nothing to do with your above comment & nothing to do with this thread, but it has more to do with the countless BS negative post of yours over the last year or so... with so many threads taken off topic due to your countless BS posts.... maybe you should re-fresh your forum rules as your little "bridge trolling" pic is getting old. I have no problems with a diversity of opinions with constructive criticism, but you are simply........ an ass

    & it's getting old reminding you of this very issue especially when you do not have the ability to drop an issue that you are totally being an a-hole about.

    Maybe you should do a little bit of forum rules re-fresh reading:

    Sniper's Hide Forum Rules, we consider this the first warning and enforcement may come with no second warning.

    1.Exercise common sense and be considerate toward your fellow users. Diversity of opinion and intelligent civil discourse is encouraged; by the same token, Personal attacks, rudeness, flaming, baiting, insults to others, or arguments will not be tolerated. Challenge others' points of view and opinions, but do so respectfully and thoughtfully.

    _Nick_, this link is just for you:

    Why not just use a lead sled then since the objective is to simply get the best groups possible? Hell, maybe you can anchor it in some cement and use a robotic arm to pull the trigger at a perfect 90.
    Not really the point, but sure..... Anyway,,,,, not saying i'm going away with the bipod... Still going to use my bipod depending on the purpose. But if I'm getting results like this out a 55grn bullet with a 1:8 twist during a load development test, then it should be amazing with my heavier bullet pet load already developed and i'm looking forward to testing it out & with my other rifles also. The "H" shaped bag squeezes the rifle into the bag once the weight of the rifle comes down on the bag you cocky bastard.. LOL JK ;) . If this bag continues to perform as a recreational shooter, then i'll be using this bag while shooting from a bench or prone and not out in the field or during other occasions. 19 out of 20 5shot groups / 99 out of 100 rounds all submoa. That is something I haven't done before especially with a bullet that hasn't been developed yet.

    Well, I guess I just looked at it from a match stand point. Everytime I finish one, and get home to unload all my crap, I almost feel like I've been camping for a week! Looking at that bag size actually made me shudder. From a simple, "let's go shoot some rounds," perspective, it might work pretty well. I think I might feel naked without my bipod, though.

    "Use whatever works for you."
    I hear ya falex. By no means am I getting rid of, nor am I going to stop using my bipod as stated in the OP's first sentence........ Not only do I love my AR's and improving my skill, but the other 1/2 of me is a serious reloader and that is kinda hard to do when all you own is AR's and no bolt action rifles. I just love AR's. Not saying I will never get a bolt action & I'm actually seriously looking into it... Regardless, if I have a load already developed, then I'll have absolutely no problems using my bipod as its based more around skill and not load development.... This bag is still new to me, but on the flip side of the coin when working more around my reload development and not my own personal skill..... then yes, I'm most likely going to try my best to eliminate all other possible factors such as bipod jump so I know 100% its my reloads and not me. I have no bolt actions, only AR's, pistols, and shotguns. Not saying I've never owned a bolt action either, but I don't see myself as a true benchrest shooter & the idea of using a lead sled (as _nick_ so nicely stated above) makes me shudder. I still like the idea that I'm in control. Maybe some day when I get a bolt action, then I'll get a lead sled... but the thought of slapping a LMT MWS in a lead sled goes against everything right in this world. I would have no problems doing such with at least a sand bag in the front and to be honest with you... this bag is filled with small nylon beads & actually doesn't weigh that much.

    You're absolutely right, "use whatever works for you"! Totally spot on.

    Thanks for your input!

    Well, I guess I just looked at it from a match stand point. Everytime I finish one, and get home to unload all my crap, I almost feel like I've been camping for a week! Looking at that bag size actually made me shudder. From a simple, "let's go shoot some rounds," perspective, it might work pretty well. I think I might feel naked without my bipod, though.

    "Use whatever works for you."
    you can totally use it for the 100yard and 300yard as it is still considered a sandbag..... it's just a sandbag on steroids... I got it more for load development more than anything.... and yes, maybe a few rounds of shoot out entries also :)

    Just joshin' with ya, dude. I suppose I can't use these bags for the 25/50/75/100 yard & 100 yard & 300 yards shootouts.
    I had one of my ar's mounted crosswise in the forms when they poured the foundation on my house, very solid. I then rigged an electric servo to the trigger and wired it to my garage door opener, now anytime the garage door opens a round gets launched from the ar encased in concrete out the backyard into a target, it holds .0013" groups depending on the ammo.

    I'm not knocking you, I understand the idea in these things and its awsome it works for you. I personally could care less what size groups my rifle can do on its own, locked down, in a massive carriage type apparatus being metal or bag or whatever. What matters to me is how tight the rifle shoots with a specific load, from any type of position, on any given day, by me. This is true for load development in my eyes as well, i want the load that shoots best under everyday normal shooting conditions that I may encounter while out shooting. Just my thoughts on these style bags, again no attack on you. Good shooting and use what works for your intended purpose.

    Oh and..........buttplug
    LOL,,,, good stuff... Leave it to VJJ to come up with some sick and twisted shit.

    Maybe TheGerman could use your buttplug VJJPunisher, or is he already using it and / or it's double sided for a little team action between the two of you???? That's if you're not too busy talking about your fleshlight like usual..... ;) JK I'm amazed you haven't tried to mount the fleshlight in your scope rings with your coriolis compensator.

    I had one of my ar's mounted crosswise in the forms when they poured the foundation on my house, very solid. I then rigged an electric servo to the trigger and wired it to my garage door opener, now anytime the garage door opens a round gets launched from the ar encased in concrete out the backyard into a target, it holds .0013" groups depending on the ammo.

    I'm not knocking you, I understand the idea in these things and its awsome it works for you. I personally could care less what size groups my rifle can do on its own, locked down, in a massive carriage type apparatus being metal or bag or whatever. What matters to me is how tight the rifle shoots with a specific load, from any type of position, on any given day, by me. This is true for load development in my eyes as well, i want the load that shoots best under everyday normal shooting conditions that I may encounter while out shooting. Just my thoughts on these style bags, again no attack on you. Good shooting and use what works for your intended purpose.

    Oh and..........buttplug
    Nick, someone really needs to go out of their way for me to say this as I pretty much get along with everyone I meet & I try my best to help others...... and after countless times of you posting BS on other people's threads with absolutely nothing constructive to say at the least & with nothing but trolling in mind....

    Can you seriously point out one single thread you have started & developed that produces any type of constructive & positive feedback?

    Anyway, this has nothing to do with your above comment & nothing to do with this thread, but it has more to do with the countless BS negative post of yours over the last year or so... with so many threads taken off topic due to your countless BS posts.... maybe you should re-fresh your forum rules as your little "bridge trolling" pic is getting old. I have no problems with a diversity of opinions with constructive criticism, but you are simply........ an ass

    & it's getting old reminding you of this very issue especially when you do not have the ability to drop an issue that you are totally being an a-hole about.

    Maybe you should do a little bit of forum rules re-fresh reading:

    Sniper's Hide Forum Rules, we consider this the first warning and enforcement may come with no second warning.

    1.Exercise common sense and be considerate toward your fellow users. Diversity of opinion and intelligent civil discourse is encouraged; by the same token, Personal attacks, rudeness, flaming, baiting, insults to others, or arguments will not be tolerated. Challenge others' points of view and opinions, but do so respectfully and thoughtfully.

    _Nick_, this link is just for you:

    So much for sarcasm. Maybe you should realize it's an online forum and lighten up. If you want to know what I've started as threads... Here you go since you can't seem to find it on your own. One of those threads is 128 pages long and has been more than productive. I love the fact that you believe if someone disagrees and doesn't post 5 paragraphs with photos and detailed explanations why that somehow its neither constructive nor relevant. And try getting out and shooting from somewhere other than a bench or on prone at the local range under cover with a mat and who knows what else before you criticize anyone over an opinion. Now go actually read what VJJ said which is a more creative translation of what I said without the witty butt plug closure (No offense JJ :p)
    Oh lord, here we go... Off _Nick_ topic time.

    So much for sarcasm. Maybe you should realize it's an online forum and lighten up. If you want to know what I've started as threads... Here you go since you can't seem to find it on your own. One of those threads is 128 pages long and has been more than productive. I love the fact that you believe if someone disagrees and doesn't post 5 paragraphs with photos and detailed explanations why that somehow its neither constructive nor relevant. And try getting out and shooting from somewhere other than a bench or on prone at the local range under cover with a mat and who knows what else before you criticize anyone over an opinion. Now go actually read what VJJ said which is a more creative translation of what I said without the witty butt plug closure (No offense JJ :p)
    Like I said before as listed above. Nothing to do with this thread... You act like you don't troll every single thread on SH posting non stop negative BS. I honestly can not think of a constructive nick comment that I've ran into without "searching your posts"... You are the king of taking posts off topic and I'm sure I'm not the only one that thinks this.

    As for VJJ & for the fact he is on my friends list, I expect such comments from him... Hell, every post he does talks about a fleshlight for Christ sakes..... But for you.... _Nick_, with JD rifles as pure example (good or bad rifle that they might be and is not for me to decide).. you can be a real ass at times. Hell, its almost like your proud of it or something... your avatar pic literally has a picture of a troll for f#ck sake.

    Butt plug or not, no offense JJ ;)

    So much for sarcasm. Maybe you should realize it's an online forum and lighten up. If you want to know what I've started as threads... Here you go since you can't seem to find it on your own. One of those threads is 128 pages long and has been more than productive. I love the fact that you believe if someone disagrees and doesn't post 5 paragraphs with photos and detailed explanations why that somehow its neither constructive nor relevant. And try getting out and shooting from somewhere other than a bench or on prone at the local range under cover with a mat and who knows what else before you criticize anyone over an opinion. Now go actually read what VJJ said which is a more creative translation of what I said without the witty butt plug closure (No offense JJ :p)
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    Like I said before as listed above. Nothing to do with this thread... You act like you don't troll every single thread on SH posting non stop negative BS. I honestly can not think of a constructive comment that I've ran into without "searching your posts"... You are the king of taking posts off topic and I'm sure I'm not the only one that thinks this.

    As for VJJ & for the fact he is on my friends list, I expect such comments from him... Hell, every post he does talks about a fleshlight for Christ sakes..... But for you.... _Nick_, with JD rifles as pure example (good or bad rifle that they might be and is not for me to decide).. you can be a real ass at times.

    Butt plug or not, no offense JJ ;)

    I could give a shit less what you believe or others. Maybe that's your problem is you care too much about what other people think. I contribute where I feel like, not where you determine it's worthwhile. And it's F&D rifles so if you're going to keep bringing that shit up then at least get the name right.
    I know.... that's your problem _nick_........ you don't give a shit and neither do I. I'm just telling it like it is.

    I could give a shit less what you believe or others. Maybe that's your problem is you care too much about what other people think. I contribute where I feel like, not where you determine it's worthwhile. And it's F&D rifles so if you're going to keep bringing that shit up then at least get the name right.
    Does anyone know how to change the name of the person that started this thread to _Nick_ ??? Because trust me when I say this.... that is where he intends to take this thread & he will not STFU until he gets the final word... LOL! I wonder how many times I could get him to respond to this thread.

    I'm so changing your name to can_not_drop-it Off-Topic-F&D_Nick_

    Did I spell it correct that time? sunshine..... Lord, please.

    And yet you like every other person that walked into didn't answer the question. Who took it off topic first? Let me help... That would be you sunshine.
    Does anyone know how to change the name of the person that started this thread to _Nick_ ??? Because trust me when I say this.... that is where he intends to take this thread & he will not STFU until he gets the final word... LOL! I wonder how many times I could get him to respond to this thread.

    I'm so changing your name to can_not_drop-it Off-Topic-F&D_Nick_

    Did I spell it correct that time? sunshine..... Lord, please.

    You really should go look in a mirror... Nothing like someone who wants to shout out calling someone an ass and lambasting them only to turn around and cry victim of the troll because the accused won't just take it and move on without a rebuttal. Don't worry princess. I'm sure the other usual suspects will be along shortly to join you in your tirade.
    Mighty Machines: Digging A Hole - Part 1 - YouTube

    You really should go look in a mirror... Nothing like someone who wants to shout out calling someone an ass and lambasting them only to turn around and cry victim of the troll because the accused won't just take it and move on without a rebuttal. Don't worry princess. I'm sure the other usual suspects will be along shortly to join you in your tirade.
    Not trying to get into the fight here but it seems like you just got a new bench "tool" and your just showing the new toy, but nick is just trying to start a fight and is in it till the end even though there is no winner, and all it's going to be is a pointless fight with no ending. Can't we just say cool bench bag, or say something nice not start a fight thats like calling people princess, sunshine, or any other smart name. (I'm on your side elfster) I've been in one of these fights before on the hide but I realized it was just ruining someones post, and the other person acted like because he was older and had more experience than me that he knew more than me, and acting like he was boss and that I need to learn to shut up and that he can talk all he wants,etc, but I'd just stop here elfster, and nick the rules are a good source you should read no offense but this is elfsters post.
    Thank you long range and trust me when I say this. I'm done talking about this as I'm not one to usually take it this far. I'm usually just one to go out of my way to post informational stuff and to help others learn from my own mistakes. Right or wrong.

    Thank you once again.

    Not trying to get into the fight here but it seems like you just got a new bench "tool" and your just showing the new toy, but nick is just trying to start a fight and is in it till the end even though there is no winner, and all it's going to be is a pointless fight with no ending. Can't we just say cool bench bag, or say something nice not start a fight thats like calling people princess, sunshine, or any other smart name. (I'm on your side elfster) I've been in one of these fights before on the hide but I realized it was just ruining someones post, and the other person acted like because he was older and had more experience than me that he knew more than me, and acting like he was boss and that I need to learn to shut up and that he can talk all he wants,etc, but I'd just stop here elfster, and nick the rules are a good source you should read no offense but this is elfsters post.
    Not trying to get into the fight here but it seems like you just got a new bench "tool" and your just showing the new toy, but nick is just trying to start a fight and is in it till the end even though there is no winner, and all it's going to be is a pointless fight with no ending. Can't we just say cool bench bag, or say something nice not start a fight thats like calling people princess, sunshine, or any other smart name. (I'm on your side elfster) I've been in one of these fights before on the hide but I realized it was just ruining someones post, and the other person acted like because he was older and had more experience than me that he knew more than me, and acting like he was boss and that I need to learn to shut up and that he can talk all he wants,etc, but I'd just stop here elfster, and nick the rules are a good source you should read no offense but this is elfsters post.

    lol... again go read what was posted and then tell me who started with the name calling and derailments. If you people are gonna cite rules you better make sure your not living in a glass house.