jonthompsXFirst Sergeant
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2098 posts this site
300 Norma Mag Load Data
(1 vote)
Wanted to get this back up on the new site:
There is lots of scattered handloading info for the 300NM but I haven't found a dedicated thread so I started one. Loads are organized by bullet weight. Anyone have a different load they really like? Here's what I've found so far:
Trim to: 2.4902" min 2.502" max
208 AMAX
87gr H1000
28” 1-9 Pac-Nor
210gr Berger
89.5gr Ramshot magnum
27” 1-10 Rock Creek
210gr Berger
89 g. Retumbo
27" barrel
3130 fps
215gr Berger
92grs RL33
30” barrel
COAL 3.600”
3157 fps (90% case fill)
215gr Berger
89gr Retumbo
26” barrel
COAL 3.600”
220gr SMK
92gr H-1000
26” Broughton 1-9
Fed 215GM
COAL 3.463
220gr SMK
91gr N-570
30" Bartlein 1-10
Fed 215GM
Berger 230gr
H1000 85.5 gr
27” 1-10 Krieger 5R
Velocity ???
Berger 230gr
Retumbo 87gr
27” 1-10 Krieger 5R
Velocity ???
Berger 230gr
H1000 80.7gr
30" 1-10" Lilja
Fed 215M
COAL 3.526"
Velocity ???
230gr Berger
89grs RL33
30” barrel
COAL 3.600”
3050 fps (90% case fill)
230gr Berger
86gr Retumbo
26” barrel
COAL 3.600”
230gr Berger
88gr RL33
Barrel ???
COL 3.510
2907fps ES: 3.5
230gr Berger
86gr H50BMG
25.5” barrel
FED 215M
COAL 3.530”
2800fps ES: 3.6
230gr Berger
86gr N570
1-10 barrel
Fed 215M
230 Berger
85.3gr Retumbo
26" barrel 1:9.5
WLRM primers
240gr SMK
81.7gr H-1000
26” Broughton 1-9
Fed 215GM
COAL 3.436
240gr SMK
H1000 81.7gr
Fed 215M
COAL 3.436”
Velocity ???
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mkollman74XFirst Sergeant
Rating: 3.8/5 this site
1518 posts this site
Re: 300 Norma Mag Load Data
I am not in a position to contribute at this time, but I am a consumer of the info contained. With any luck I'll get my 300 Norma built, and be able to contribute in the coming months. The info RE: barrel length and twist is especially helpful. Bring on the additional data. Anyone running a relatively short barrel?
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192 posts this site
Re: 300 Norma Mag Load Data
I believe my 208 A-MAX load was the first one posted. But is a little off.
208 A-MAX
88.8 H-1000
Fed 215 Primer
OAL 3.490
3100 fps
ES 8
28" 1X9 Pac-Nor
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RedRangerRickXGunny Sergeant
Rating: 3.1/5 this site
739 posts this site
Re: 300 Norma Mag Load Data
Well I've scoured the section for 300RUM loads with 208s and had no luck. I wonder how close the NM loads would work?
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jonthompsXFirst Sergeant
Rating: 3.5/5 this site
2098 posts this site
Re: 300 Norma Mag Load Data
01/18/2015 Last edited 07/30/2015 by jonthomps
230gr Berger
H1000 82gr (*max load in my rifle*)
28" 1-10 barrel
Fed 215M
COAL 3.500"
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jonthompsXFirst Sergeant
Rating: 3.5/5 this site
2098 posts this site
Re: 300 Norma Mag Load Data
Reached out to Corey @ Berger Bullets. Here is the data he gave me for their 215gr pill:
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jonthompsXFirst Sergeant
Rating: 3.5/5 this site
2098 posts this site
Re: 300 Norma Mag Load Data
Here is Berger's data for either of their 230gr pills:
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11 posts this site
Re: 300 Norma Mag Load Data
Hi there guys
i loaded up 230 berg in my 300 NM with H1000 84.1 got av 2900 fps very tight group at 100m
though using NORMA brass using 215 Feds I noticed after 1 and 2 firings 2 of the relaoded brass the 215 where loose .
set my die FL sizing die to match as close as possible the gun chamber is it the brass pressures are good fr this load any ideas anyone ?
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3 posts this site
Re: 300 Norma Mag Load Data
Yahtzee. I'm glad I found this thread.
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jonthompsXFirst Sergeant
Rating: 3.5/5 this site
2098 posts this site
Re: 300 Norma Mag Load Data
Out shooting this AM. Great load that shot in the .3's, but it's pretty hot:
Norma brass
215gr Berger hybrid
90gr N570
FGMM 215 primer
3185fps average over 5 shots w/ slight ejector marks from a 28" Bartlein med palma.
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5 posts this site
Re: 300 Norma Mag Load Data
I've been looking for a cartridge to use in a long-range target (maybe hunting?) rig I aim to have built, and the 300NM has to be it; good compromise of power, and efficiency.
My hope is to run Nosler's new 210grain LR Accubond projectiles, slick little buggers, with an incredible G7 BC (.366) as an alternative to the Bergers.
Any suggestions for an action? I'm considering Defiance Machine, or the Mauserfield?
The load data you've listed corresponds damn closely with my calculations. Great resource blokes!!!
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jonthompsXFirst Sergeant
Rating: 3.5/5 this site
2098 posts this site
Re: 300 Norma Mag Load Data
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XGunny Sergeant
Rating: 3.4/5 this site
627 posts this site
Re: 300 Norma Mag Load Data
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72 posts this site
Re: 300 Norma Mag Load Data
230 Berger OTM .719
85.4 of H1000
Norma Brass
Fed nonmatch primers
22" barrel
last 100 yd string was 2867, 2867, 2867, 2853, 2862 and they were all in 1 hole
This rifle has been amazing. Consistent 1000yd groups between 5 and 6 inches. I finally found a spot to shoot the mile (1762) and when we finally went the wind was wildly inconsistent but I had 1 of 13 on target. There was zero splash visible so I'm certain it'll be better next time. I'll take one at a mile considering this rifle represents my first try at long range, first try at reloading, first try at cutting a chamber and building a rifle, first try at a bolt gun actually.
I have had a problem with the brass. About one of every 3 cases won't rechamber in the rifle. They will but I have to really fight to get the bolt closed. Any tips or logic that someone could provide would be extremely helpful.
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jonthompsXFirst Sergeant
Rating: 3.5/5 this site
2098 posts this site
Re: 300 Norma Mag Load Data
It seems like brass life is a common complaint of the 300NM. Speed costs. I'm pushing mine pretty hard and it looks like 3 reloads is all she's gonna give me. If Lapua came with brass (or if someone else like RWS made some tough brass) we'd all be in heaven.
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Rating: 3.1/5 this site
245 posts this site
Re: 300 Norma Mag Load Data
nnnn16, have you tried bumping the shoulder back just a tad? I run mine thru a redding body die and havent had any problems with it. Dont force it, you'll end up galling your lugs. You want them to chamber like butter.
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Rating: 3.1/5 this site
170 posts this site
Re: 300 Norma Mag Load Data
83.0 grains of Retumbo
Fed 215M
230 Berger
2897 FPS
Verified at 1287 yards
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jonthompsXFirst Sergeant
Rating: 3.5/5 this site
2098 posts this site
Re: 300 Norma Mag Load Data
88.0gr N570 & 215FGMM
3.600" OAL
215 Berger hybrid
1-10" twist
28" barrel
3150fps avg
What a hammer! No pressure signs and extremely accurate. Shot several sub 1" groups at 356y.
[IMG2=JSON]{"alt":" photo 1719CB23-5A76-422E-AB69-8F9C9656D329_zpsjbe6onib.jpg","data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"http:\/\/i1064.photobucket.com\/albums\/u373\/jonthomps\/1719CB23-5A76-422E-AB69-8F9C9656D329_zpsjbe6onib.jpg"}[/IMG2]
Rating: 3.5/5 this site
2098 posts this site
300 Norma Mag Load Data
(1 vote)
Wanted to get this back up on the new site:
There is lots of scattered handloading info for the 300NM but I haven't found a dedicated thread so I started one. Loads are organized by bullet weight. Anyone have a different load they really like? Here's what I've found so far:
Trim to: 2.4902" min 2.502" max
208 AMAX
87gr H1000
28” 1-9 Pac-Nor
210gr Berger
89.5gr Ramshot magnum
27” 1-10 Rock Creek
210gr Berger
89 g. Retumbo
27" barrel
3130 fps
215gr Berger
92grs RL33
30” barrel
COAL 3.600”
3157 fps (90% case fill)
215gr Berger
89gr Retumbo
26” barrel
COAL 3.600”
220gr SMK
92gr H-1000
26” Broughton 1-9
Fed 215GM
COAL 3.463
220gr SMK
91gr N-570
30" Bartlein 1-10
Fed 215GM
Berger 230gr
H1000 85.5 gr
27” 1-10 Krieger 5R
Velocity ???
Berger 230gr
Retumbo 87gr
27” 1-10 Krieger 5R
Velocity ???
Berger 230gr
H1000 80.7gr
30" 1-10" Lilja
Fed 215M
COAL 3.526"
Velocity ???
230gr Berger
89grs RL33
30” barrel
COAL 3.600”
3050 fps (90% case fill)
230gr Berger
86gr Retumbo
26” barrel
COAL 3.600”
230gr Berger
88gr RL33
Barrel ???
COL 3.510
2907fps ES: 3.5
230gr Berger
86gr H50BMG
25.5” barrel
FED 215M
COAL 3.530”
2800fps ES: 3.6
230gr Berger
86gr N570
1-10 barrel
Fed 215M
230 Berger
85.3gr Retumbo
26" barrel 1:9.5
WLRM primers
240gr SMK
81.7gr H-1000
26” Broughton 1-9
Fed 215GM
COAL 3.436
240gr SMK
H1000 81.7gr
Fed 215M
COAL 3.436”
Velocity ???
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mkollman74XFirst Sergeant
Rating: 3.8/5 this site
1518 posts this site
Re: 300 Norma Mag Load Data
I am not in a position to contribute at this time, but I am a consumer of the info contained. With any luck I'll get my 300 Norma built, and be able to contribute in the coming months. The info RE: barrel length and twist is especially helpful. Bring on the additional data. Anyone running a relatively short barrel?
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192 posts this site
Re: 300 Norma Mag Load Data
I believe my 208 A-MAX load was the first one posted. But is a little off.
208 A-MAX
88.8 H-1000
Fed 215 Primer
OAL 3.490
3100 fps
ES 8
28" 1X9 Pac-Nor
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RedRangerRickXGunny Sergeant
Rating: 3.1/5 this site
739 posts this site
Re: 300 Norma Mag Load Data
Well I've scoured the section for 300RUM loads with 208s and had no luck. I wonder how close the NM loads would work?
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jonthompsXFirst Sergeant
Rating: 3.5/5 this site
2098 posts this site
Re: 300 Norma Mag Load Data
01/18/2015 Last edited 07/30/2015 by jonthomps
230gr Berger
H1000 82gr (*max load in my rifle*)
28" 1-10 barrel
Fed 215M
COAL 3.500"
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jonthompsXFirst Sergeant
Rating: 3.5/5 this site
2098 posts this site
Re: 300 Norma Mag Load Data
Reached out to Corey @ Berger Bullets. Here is the data he gave me for their 215gr pill:
215 Grain, PN: 30423 Bullet, CIP 3.680" COAL, 26" Barrel. 11/5/2014 RB | ||||||
Bullet | Powder | Start Load In Grains | Approx. Start Velocity | Max. Load In Grains | Approx. Max. Velocity | Fill Ratio |
215 Grain | Accurate Magpro | 81.5 | 2795 | 86.0 | 2945 | 90% |
215 Grain | Alliant RE-33 | 92.5 | 2838 | 97.3 | 3007 | 98% |
215 Grain | Hodgdon H1000 | 83.5 | 2793 | 87.7 | 2932 | 98% |
215 Grain | Norma 217 | 87.0 | 2823 | 91.6 | 2971 | 103% |
215 Grain | Hodgdon Retumbo | 87.0 | 2828 | 91.7 | 2974 | 101% |
215 Grain | Viht. N570 | 88.0 | 2847 | 92.8 | 3018 | 98% |
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jonthompsXFirst Sergeant
Rating: 3.5/5 this site
2098 posts this site
Re: 300 Norma Mag Load Data
Here is Berger's data for either of their 230gr pills:
.300 Norma Magnum | ||||||
230 Grain, PN: 30428 Bullet, CIP 3.680" COAL, 26" Barrel. 1/6/2015 RB | ||||||
Bullet | Powder | Start Load In Grains | Approx. Start Velocity | Max. Load In Grains | Approx. Max. Velocity | Fill Ratio |
230 Grain | Alliant RE 25 | 78.0 | 2695 | 82.3 | 2821 | 93% |
230 Grain | Hodgdon Retumbo | 84.5 | 2735 | 89.1 | 2874 | 100% |
230 Grain | Hodgdon US 869 | 94.0 | 2669 | 99.2 | 2844 | 105% |
230 Grain | Hodgdon H50BMG | 90.0 | 2682 | 94.7 | 2848 | 105% |
230 Grain | Alliant RE 50 | 93.5 | 2736 | 98.6 | 2913 | 103% |
.300 Norma Magnum | ||||||
230 Grain, PN: 30110 Bullet, 3.680" COAL, 26" Barrel. 4/7/2014 RB | ||||||
Bullet | Powder | Start Load In Grains | Approx. Start Velocity | Max. Load In Grains | Approx. Max. Velocity | Fill Ratio |
230 Grain | Ramshot Magnum | 80.5 | 2626 | 84.5 | 2749 | 87% |
230 Grain | H-1000 | 80.0 | 2654 | 84.1 | 2786 | 95% |
230 Grain | VIHT N570 | 79.0 | 2533 | 88.1 | 2850 | 94% |
230 Grain | RE-33 | 88.5 | 2704 | 93.2 | 2865 | 96% |
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11 posts this site
Re: 300 Norma Mag Load Data
Hi there guys
i loaded up 230 berg in my 300 NM with H1000 84.1 got av 2900 fps very tight group at 100m
though using NORMA brass using 215 Feds I noticed after 1 and 2 firings 2 of the relaoded brass the 215 where loose .
set my die FL sizing die to match as close as possible the gun chamber is it the brass pressures are good fr this load any ideas anyone ?
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3 posts this site
Re: 300 Norma Mag Load Data
Yahtzee. I'm glad I found this thread.
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jonthompsXFirst Sergeant
Rating: 3.5/5 this site
2098 posts this site
Re: 300 Norma Mag Load Data
Out shooting this AM. Great load that shot in the .3's, but it's pretty hot:
Norma brass
215gr Berger hybrid
90gr N570
FGMM 215 primer
3185fps average over 5 shots w/ slight ejector marks from a 28" Bartlein med palma.
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5 posts this site
Re: 300 Norma Mag Load Data
I've been looking for a cartridge to use in a long-range target (maybe hunting?) rig I aim to have built, and the 300NM has to be it; good compromise of power, and efficiency.
My hope is to run Nosler's new 210grain LR Accubond projectiles, slick little buggers, with an incredible G7 BC (.366) as an alternative to the Bergers.
Any suggestions for an action? I'm considering Defiance Machine, or the Mauserfield?
The load data you've listed corresponds damn closely with my calculations. Great resource blokes!!!
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jonthompsXFirst Sergeant
Rating: 3.5/5 this site
2098 posts this site
Re: 300 Norma Mag Load Data
grunkl wrote:
I've been looking for a cartridge to use in a long-range target (maybe hunting?) rig I aim to have built, and the 300NM has to be it; good compromise of power, and efficiency.
My hope is to run Nosler's new 210grain LR Accubond projectiles, slick little buggers, with an incredible G7 BC (.366) as an alternative to the Bergers.
Any suggestions for an action? I'm considering Defiance Machine, or the Mauserfield?
The load data you've listed corresponds damn closely with my calculations. Great resource blokes!!!
Without running the thread off topic too much, I'd say go with Defiance Deviant action. Word to the wise: Nosler is a little overly enthusiastic about the Accubond LR bullet BC's. Do a Google search regarding the accuracy of their advertised BC's. Litz published some info on it.Rate now:

XGunny Sergeant
Rating: 3.4/5 this site
627 posts this site
Re: 300 Norma Mag Load Data
jonthomps wrote:
grunkl wrote:
I've been looking for a cartridge to use in a long-range target (maybe hunting?) rig I aim to have built, and the 300NM has to be it; good compromise of power, and efficiency.
My hope is to run Nosler's new 210grain LR Accubond projectiles, slick little buggers, with an incredible G7 BC (.366) as an alternative to the Bergers.
Any suggestions for an action? I'm considering Defiance Machine, or the Mauserfield?
The load data you've listed corresponds damn closely with my calculations. Great resource blokes!!!
Without running the thread off topic too much, I'd say go with Defiance Deviant action. Word to the wise: Nosler is a little overly enthusiastic about the Accubond LR bullet BC's. Do a Google search regarding the accuracy of their advertised BC's. Litz published some info on it.
Yesterday, I finished up developing the lo0ad for my BAT Machine actioned long range hunter 300 NM. Wicked accurate and easy to find a load.... Berger 230, Retumbo 86 gr., FGM magnum, 2973 fps out of a 24" suppressed Broughton.... hole in hole accurate at 100M. tomorrow I will stretch it out to a thousand. I am confident it will do well.
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72 posts this site
Re: 300 Norma Mag Load Data
230 Berger OTM .719
85.4 of H1000
Norma Brass
Fed nonmatch primers
22" barrel
last 100 yd string was 2867, 2867, 2867, 2853, 2862 and they were all in 1 hole
This rifle has been amazing. Consistent 1000yd groups between 5 and 6 inches. I finally found a spot to shoot the mile (1762) and when we finally went the wind was wildly inconsistent but I had 1 of 13 on target. There was zero splash visible so I'm certain it'll be better next time. I'll take one at a mile considering this rifle represents my first try at long range, first try at reloading, first try at cutting a chamber and building a rifle, first try at a bolt gun actually.
I have had a problem with the brass. About one of every 3 cases won't rechamber in the rifle. They will but I have to really fight to get the bolt closed. Any tips or logic that someone could provide would be extremely helpful.
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jonthompsXFirst Sergeant
Rating: 3.5/5 this site
2098 posts this site
Re: 300 Norma Mag Load Data
It seems like brass life is a common complaint of the 300NM. Speed costs. I'm pushing mine pretty hard and it looks like 3 reloads is all she's gonna give me. If Lapua came with brass (or if someone else like RWS made some tough brass) we'd all be in heaven.
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Rating: 3.1/5 this site
245 posts this site
Re: 300 Norma Mag Load Data
nnnn16, have you tried bumping the shoulder back just a tad? I run mine thru a redding body die and havent had any problems with it. Dont force it, you'll end up galling your lugs. You want them to chamber like butter.
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Rating: 3.1/5 this site
170 posts this site
Re: 300 Norma Mag Load Data
83.0 grains of Retumbo
Fed 215M
230 Berger
2897 FPS
Verified at 1287 yards
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jonthompsXFirst Sergeant
Rating: 3.5/5 this site
2098 posts this site
Re: 300 Norma Mag Load Data
88.0gr N570 & 215FGMM
3.600" OAL
215 Berger hybrid
1-10" twist
28" barrel
3150fps avg
What a hammer! No pressure signs and extremely accurate. Shot several sub 1" groups at 356y.
[IMG2=JSON]{"alt":" photo 1719CB23-5A76-422E-AB69-8F9C9656D329_zpsjbe6onib.jpg","data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"http:\/\/i1064.photobucket.com\/albums\/u373\/jonthomps\/1719CB23-5A76-422E-AB69-8F9C9656D329_zpsjbe6onib.jpg"}[/IMG2]
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