Trump VP

Someone I would like to see, and hasn't been mentioned, is Condolezza Rice. Tremendously smart, female, black, totally knows the inner workings of D.C., not beholden to anybody, no baggage I can think of. She's someone I would have loved to see run in 2016. She would have destroyed Hillary in a debate. I think she could take on all comers today in a debate. Totally qualified for the top job. But being as smart as she is probably wouldn't want the job........
I hope he puts one of the Sheriffs from Florida, or Arpyo from Arizona as the head of the fbi.

How about one of the three recent FBI whistleblowers that went without pay for a year, couldn't provide clothes in storage for their kids in wintertime, and had their security clearances revoked? Those 3.
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I would not be thrilled to see Doug Burgum as the VP pick. He has ties to Bill Gates that make me a little concerned and his approach to "green energy" in North Dakota hasn't been well received. Also, our state budget has exploded under his tenure. That being said, a good friend that I trust, has worked with Doug while he was governor said he is very intelligent and a good leader. ND will go for Trump and adding Doug to the ticket likely won't help secure any swing states. I could see Trump tapping Doug as Secretary of Energy but not VP.
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How about one of the three recent FBI whistleblowers that went without pay for a year, couldn't provide clothes in storage for their kids in wintertime, and had their security clearances revoked? Those 3.
Not knowing them, I would guess they may lack certain other skills and experience I would like to see in a VP or P.
No doubts about their character and willingness to back up their convictions though, which would be on my list of traits I want in office.

While not sure about them for VP, I would 110% be ecstatic if the entire command staff and admin of the FBI were fired and all 3 of the whistleblowers were appointed to the highest positions along with authority to vet everybody under them. We already know they are familiar with the FBI system including its flaws and we know they have good intent.
That would be sweet.
Not knowing them, I would guess they may lack certain other skills and experience I would like to see in a VP or P.
No doubts about their character and willingness to back up their convictions though, which would be on my list of traits I want in office.
My comment was in response to GTOJOSH's comment on head of FBI position.
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My pick is
1. JD Vance
2. Mike Pompeo He's Smart & seasoned, but never struck me as being swamp anointed. Probably not in the running for VP so I'll also list him for Sec Def.
3. Don Jr.

Mike Lee

Sec. Def.
Mike Pompeo

Turn Rand Paul loose to audit the FED.
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Berghum, JD., Rubio.
I know nothing about Berghum. I am suspicious of Vance. Rubio is a prototypical rino. I am hoping that these are not the "real" three finalists.
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If it weren't for their ages, Justice Clarence Thomas, or Dr. Thomas Sowell. (Frederick Douglass died in 1895, so he's out)
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i hope he runs from cruz and rubio. both are 2 faced snakes. now VP pick matters much more than in prev times. we can see how a backstabber like pence can help derail an admin. RFK jr shot himself in the foot with his woke bimbo pick. now i would have to have no desire to vote for him unless he was running against leon trotsky,pol pot or something. we still don't know what reps and dims are gonna end up doing.
Was just discussing this with some folks last night… I’d want Flynn as the AG; and for the same reason.
Trump's first mistake was letting Ryan and MicTurtle talk him into Jeff sessions as AG. He should have fired that POS the minute he recused himself from all things Russia. Comey already proved that he was a cunt POS when he gave Hildabeast a pass for the email and other bullshit. The first thing comey did was go after Flynn. That was less than a month after the election and a month before Trump took the actual office.
Garland has proven what a fucked up AG can do. So I agree that Flynn as the AG could be a house cleaner for the FBI, CIA, doj, homeland security and a few other alphabet shit holes. He knows all the trash. The issue will be the corrupted judicial branch and the Pravda spin.
i hope he runs from cruz and rubio. both are 2 faced snakes. now VP pick matters much more than in prev times. we can see how a backstabber like pence can help derail an admin. RFK jr shot himself in the foot with his woke bimbo pick. now i would have to have no desire to vote for him unless he was running against leon trotsky,pol pot or something. we still don't know what reps and dims are gonna end up doing.
you're being too kind... :mad:
Trump's first mistake was letting Ryan and MicTurtle talk him into Jeff sessions as AG. He should have fired that POS the minute he recused himself from all things Russia. Comey already proved that he was a cunt POS when he gave Hildabeast a pass for the email and other bullshit. The first thing comey did was go after Flynn. That was less than a month after the election and a month before Trump took the actual office.
Garland has proven what a fucked up AG can do. So I agree that Flynn as the AG could be a house cleaner for the FBI, CIA, doj, homeland security and a few other alphabet shit holes. He knows all the trash. The issue will be the corrupted judicial branch and the Pravda spin.

…until they do him in anyway; a la Antonin Scalia. If he pushes hard enough, we saw what they did to Kennedy, so we already know they have no limits to what they’ll do to maintain power and control of the MIC.

Hope I’m wrong, and yes, I probably need a new tinfoil hat. Just my opinion.
Gen Flynn
He could go scorched earth behind the scenes.

Not sure that it would matter considering how deep the swamp is
flynn would be good in any of several places. he was a soldier so i guess he would be OK with braving the attempts on his life that would be sure to follow any "draining" attempts. ie if he didn't commit suicide.