Maggie’s Funny & awesome pics, vids and memes thread (work safe, no nudity)

It opens up a whole new perspective to be able to view some land formations from a higher elevation. Makes you wonder just how many lakes, inlets, and natural harbors today are the result of titanic asteroid and planetoid impacts that occurred while the Earth was still cooling down from it's formation...
If this is Oregon ( pretty sure it is) formation came from below. It’s ALL
volcanic. Volcanos and lava flows.

Yes we are the United States. Not you though Brandon. The blood of 13 US soldiers in Afghanistan are on your hands. The blood of Bryan Malinowski is on your hands as well.

I am sure I am not the only person who had NO interest in listening to anything the left yapped out since the Butler PA events. No "reconciliatory speeches", "calls for unison". Nothing. Just shut the fuck up. One of your escaped patients from the violent ward killed one of our fellows and injured OUR President. Anything and everything that came out of any cocksucker on that side generated a level of revulsion that I didn't know existed. Because of them, we are going to have to do decades of unfucking just to clean up all the damage they had done in the last 4 years alone if we can get an unbroken line of Patriot presidencies.