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In Latin America in the past year, multiple pharmacists and MDs have been targeted by sicario hitmen attacks, often in their shops and offices. Not robberies. Nothing was taken and these docs were all found to have not been involved in any clandestine drug trafficking activity either. They were all "goody two shoes", and were targeted for gangland style hits for seemingly no reason. Wonder why... When children receive controversial injections, a lot of times while parents are distracted, in order for that MD to fill a quota to get govt cheese, and then the child gets sickened or dies and the parents finally find out the truth, they tend to be extremely unhappy. And some parts of the world are quite versed in the FAFO game.
I am completely surprised that this hasn’t begun happening here. Maybe even a little bit disappointed in our “over-civility”.
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Navy SEALs, Personnel Denied Religious Accommodation from COVID Vaccine Mandate Reach Settlement with Navy​

July 24, 2024
Press Releases
News Release
For Immediate Release: 7.24.24
Peyton Luke, [email protected]
Direct: 972-941-4453

Navy SEALs, Personnel Denied Religious Accommodation from COVID Vaccine Mandate Reach Settlement with Navy

Settlement says Navy class members’ careers will not be impacted by refusal to take vaccine, more training for commanders on religious liberty.
Ft. Worth, TX—First Liberty Institute and Hacker Stephens LLP announced a settlement with the U.S. Department of the Navy on behalf of thousands of Navy service members. The lawsuit was originally filed on behalf of dozens of Navy SEALs and Navy Special Operators and was later expanded to cover a class of all Navy servicemembers who had religious objections to the COVID-19 vaccine mandate.
The settlement ensures that Navy service members who refused the COVID vaccine for religious reasons will now have an opportunity to have their records corrected and their careers protected, considering the next three promotion “boards must not consider any adverse information related solely to COVID-19 vaccine refusal in cases in which a religious accommodation was requested.” Servicemembers who elected to leave service after being mistreated by the Navy will also get their records corrected. The Navy also agreed to post a statement affirming the Navy’s respect for religious service members, provide more training for commanders who review religious accommodation requests, revise a policy related to accommodation requests that was changed during the mandate, and pay $1.5 million in attorneys’ fees.
“This has been a long and difficult journey, but the Navy SEALs never gave up,” said Danielle Runyan, Chair of the Military Practice Group and Senior Counsel at First Liberty Institute. “We are thrilled that those members of the Navy who were guided by their conscience and steadfast in their faith will not be penalized in their Navy careers.”
“This was a hard-fought but significant victory for all members of the military and the principle of religious liberty,” added Heather Gebelin Hacker, lead counsel for the class along with Andrew Stephens and a partner at Hacker Stephens LLP.
Service members can get more information about the settlement at navyvaxsettlement.com.
In the settlement, the Navy agrees to “re-review the personnel records of all Class Members to ensure that the U.S. Navy has permanently removed records indicating administrative separation processing or proceedings, formal counseling, and non-judicial punishment actions taken against the Class Member solely on the basis of non-compliance with the COVID-19 Mandate and adverse information related to non-compliance with the COVID-19 Mandate.”
In January 2022, First Liberty Institute and the law firm Hacker Stephens LLP won the first major victory in the nation against the military’s vaccine mandate in Navy SEALs1-26, et al v. Biden in Fort Worth, Texas, and later expanded the case into a class action on behalf of all affected Navy members, securing injunctive relief that prevented the Navy from kicking out these service members with religious objections to the vaccine. Both the U.S. Supreme Court and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit upheld that injunction. And even though the Fifth Circuit last year ruled the Navy’s appeal of the injunction was moot because Congress rescinded the vaccine mandate, the court made clear that the case could continue in the district court to evaluate the Navy’s broader religious discrimination that came to light because of the mandate.
Attorneys asked the United States District Court Northern District of Texas Fort Worth Division to dismiss the lawsuit. But because harms from the mandate still linger, the Court denied that request and the parties reached a settlement on behalf of all class members that was approved by the Court today.
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About First Liberty Institute
First Liberty Institute is the largest legal organization in the nation dedicated exclusively to defending religious freedom for all Americans.
To arrange an interview, contact Peyton Luke at [email protected] or by calling 972-941-4453.
Actress Esta TerBlanche, star of the TV soap “All My Children,” has died suddenly, according to reports.

TerBlanche was just 51 years old when she was found dead in her home in Hollywood, Los Angeles.

Her unexpected death comes just weeks after hinting she was pondering a return to television.

The actress recently issued a statement saying she was anticipating a possible TV comeback, a move that was “definitely something I would like to get back into.”
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Israel did exactly what the political right often advocates for: they required immigrants living on taxpayer funding to be on birth control due to their economic status and inability to financially support children. This measure aimed to alleviate the potential burden on the country caused by high birth rates.

This wasn't a sterilization program; it involved the use of Depo-Provera, a reversible form of birth control. However, facts often get overshadowed by paranoia.

Is it right? Probably not, but over 40% of people in this country believe that welfare recipients should be on some form of birth control too.

Under Buck v. Bell, it remains constitutionally legal to force permanent sterilization on U.S. citizens deemed unfit. While Skinner v. Oklahoma ruled that you can't force prisoners to undergo sterilization, the practice is still considered legal.

You must fear your own shadow and the potential that George Soros is using it to watch you. Shadows are real, I promise; they aren't just big government trying to control you because of your importance to society.
the government doesn't consider anyone like me as important to society (beyond what they can take from my labor).
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This “ need to be fully vaxxed shit” is hitting close to home. My brother is 74 , was reasonably healthy until he took the first jab. He’s super smart someways , aced college and pharmacy school. Been in Mensa since High School.
That said he is a full blown sheep , drank the kool-aide by the gallon , let go of the rope since the Orange Man took office in 2016. Hell , he still has his mask close by 🤷🏽‍♂️
His health began to go South a few months after jab #1. Pancreas issues started , went through a zillion tests. Doesn’t have Pancreatic cancer …yet.
He continues to get sicker , still refuses to admit that the jab had anything to do with it. 🫣
He loathes Trump so much , it has poisoned his mind and if there’s another booster jab , he’ll be the first in line.
Goes to show one can be brilliant in some ways , but dumb as a MF’er in others. 🥴
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This “ need to be fully vaxxed shit” is hitting close to home. My brother is 74 , was reasonably healthy until he took the first jab. He’s super smart someways , aced college and pharmacy school. Been in Mensa since High School.
That said he is a full blown sheep , drank the kool-aide by the gallon , let go of the rope since the Orange Man took office in 2016. Hell , he still has his mask close by 🤷🏽‍♂️
His health began to go South a few months after jab #1. Pancreas issues started , went through a zillion tests. Doesn’t have Pancreatic cancer …yet.
He continues to get sicker , still refuses to admit that the jab had anything to do with it. 🫣
He loathes Trump so much , it has poisoned his mind and if there’s another booster jab , he’ll be the first in line.
Goes to show one can brilliant in some ways , but dumb as a MF’er in others. 🥴
No refunds.
i don't really know what she is saying, but it doesn't sound good. maybe she's making it up.

I mentioned in another reply that my multi-vaxxed brother was having all sorts of Pancreas issues that started AFTER jab # 1. He has all the booster jabs they have ..
Well , guess who now has Covid ?? Yep , talked to him yesterday and he said he had it.
STILL thinks the vaxxes work and didn’t cause his current health issues. 🤷🏽‍♂️
Baaaa Baaaa Bill ☠️
That’s a brutal way to go ….wife only lasted 10 weeks. The day after she was diagnosed , I should have put her in a Hospice with all the morphine she needed.
I fucked up and didn’t , causing her 10 weeks of Hell. She died in 2014 , way before the jab.😞 Just another reason to never get vaxxed.
"It doesn't seem fair that big pharma makes all the cash! I've got ta getz pay-ed" -Some Big Pharma Guy

That’s a brutal way to go ….wife only lasted 10 weeks. The day after she was diagnosed , I should have put her in a Hospice with all the morphine she needed.
I fucked up and didn’t , causing her 10 weeks of Hell. She died in 2014 , way before the jab.😞 Just another reason to never get vaxxed.

I have personally witnessed hem-oncology doctors ignore presenting harsh realistics and known statistics in lieu of an illusion of hope or a miracle which may be only 1 in 500 to 1 in 1,000 chances... guilting families into experimental treatments. I have also seen the 5 figure checks they get for merely enrolling a single patient in an experimental protocol and it's outright disgusting. I have seen patients go through iatrogenic complications without real benefits to survival that made me swear if I was ever diagnosed with those malignancies that I would just refuse treatment. And don't even get me started on lack of palliative care pain control - I did hospice care late 80's for a reputable cancer hospital before med school when patient's comfort were always a priority. No longer applicable these days because of political issues that should never havee been allowed to interfere in patient care.

Please, please do not beat yourself over this. I firmly believe that God chooses the time of our birth and the time of her death and that our free will is what we do in between. He chose the time of your wife's passing.

I'm glad you have been able to find love again.
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