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i don't know. we have a bunch of goat fuckers over here but most seem to be tied up in europe. still doable. we haven't emptied ALL the prisons in chile,paraguya,uaraguay and argentina yet. venezuela has been pretty much tapped out.

seem to be saying that the hospital treatment protocols, not covid, killed most of the patients.

The investigators found nearly half of patients with COVID-19 develop a secondary ventilator-associated bacterial pneumonia.

“Those who were cured of their secondary pneumonia were likely to live, while those whose pneumonia did not resolve were more likely to die,” Singer said. “Our data suggested that the mortality related to the virus itself is relatively low, but other things that happen during the ICU stay, like secondary bacterial pneumonia, offset that.”
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A 30-year-old Australian YouTuber known as Pretty Pastel Please, and who mocked the unvaccinated, “died suddenly” of myocarditis, her family revealed this month.
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sad. is that a lot? some young ones...

4.3 million registered nurses working in USA.

33 in one week would be 1716 a year.

Thats about 0.04 percent

Not sure how far off that is from “normal” death rate in a population of 4.3 million.

The one that gets me is young athletes. We Never heard about young athletes do g in droves before the Vaxx stupidity. Now it’s almost daily….

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4.3 million registered nurses working in USA.

33 in one week would be 1716 a year.

Thats about 0.04 percent

Not sure how far off that is from “normal” death rate in a population of 4.3 million.

The one that gets me is young athletes. We Never heard about young athletes do g in droves before the Vaxx stupidity. Now it’s almost daily….

put in those terms,doesn't seem high. COD not known in many is the question. one can assume they were all vaxed if working over last 5 years.
put in those terms,doesn't seem high. COD not known in many is the question. one can assume they were all vaxed if working over last 5 years.
This is why I can't say if vaxx related or background noise.

I did run a bit of extended math... but the results are not definitive. A percent or two of difference between background noise and... more. But nothing definitive!!!

This is the challenge... and I'd ask.... what is published and not? Remember that the ones that make the news are celebrities at some level. Sports figures. Actors (including news media who are really Commie actors). Kids who should not be dying. Social Media Influencers (aka attention-seeking retards). Others?

There are, IMHO based just on hunch, thousands or tens of thousands more of folks who have Zero profile who are dying of clot shots every week. But because noone cares about Roger the Electrician... or JoAnne the elementary-school teacher who kicked off without warning to be missed only by her cats and red wine merchant and chocolate dealer...

I'd say we are in the middle of a genocide.

Then again, based on another thread or two here... I am nuts and a conspiracy-theorist. And I deny neither.

So just some things to think about this "Labor" Day weekend. I mean... can we get more commie than that?


agree,being another conspiracy believer,the point about the average joe/jane dying early would be underplayed by our complicit MSM. celebs just couldn't be ignored so just minimized exposure of their deaths. i am very certain that the vax is a death shot and 90% certain that that was known,planned,used and pushed with an agenda. i also believe that a select group (pols,elites) was given NS only.
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no reckoning gonna happen. anyway,not until 2-300K people are executed for the murders they committed or enabled. doctors,pols,corp execs,gov officials,academics world wide. now they are "discovering" and "admitting" their crimes. ie things that have been know for fact> 4 years and prevented from being exposed as lies. real sure a repeat is in the works-monkey pox,bird flu,ebola,new strains of polio,TB etc etc.
They are wrong again!


The shot isn’t causing the deaths…..

Their complicit cowardice is.

If you believe in the Second Ammendment you do not blame the vaccine for what is happening.

I have a hypodermic loaded on my counter it will stay there all day long harmless as can be.

When does it become deadly?

Exact same point when someone picks up a gun with intent.
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“I asked several AI models what this means”

Ohhhh, FFS. So what they are saying is that they are no longer capable (or interested) in thinking for themselves.

At the first moment I heard of AI, I knew this is what direction that “society” would head towards.

I have zero interest in AI and this is precisely why.
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“I asked several AI models what this means”

Ohhhh, FFS. So what they are saying is that they are no longer capable (or interested) in thinking for themselves.

At the first moment I heard of AI, I knew this is what direction that “society” would head towards.

I have zero interest in AI and this is precisely why.
good point. in this case i assume he just used this to avoid giving his own opinions, while still making his points.

There could be several factors contributing to this phenomenon, and it’s important to consider them from multiple angles:

Adverse Effects and Observations: NHS employees, like other healthcare workers globally, have had unique insight into the immediate and short-term effects of the vaccines. They may be more acutely aware of any potential adverse effects, even those that are understated or underreported in official channels. This could contribute to a declining enthusiasm for further doses.

Questioning the Need for Boosters: As new variants of COVID-19 have emerged, the effectiveness of the original formulations of the vaccines against these variants has been called into question. If healthcare professionals perceive that the boosters are not providing significant additional protection, especially if they have already had previous doses, they might choose to forgo further shots.

Natural Immunity: Many healthcare workers have likely been exposed to the virus multiple times or have contracted COVID-19, potentially leading to natural immunity. There is ongoing debate in the scientific community about the durability and strength of natural immunity versus vaccine-induced immunity. Some may feel that their natural immunity is sufficient and thus may not see the need for additional vaccination.

Mistrust in Public Health Messaging: Throughout the pandemic, there has been a wide range of information and sometimes contradictory guidance from public health bodies. This inconsistency can erode trust, particularly among those who are supposed to be the most informed—healthcare workers. When trust diminishes, so does compliance with recommendations, even among medical professionals.

Vaccine Fatigue and Side Effects: The experience of side effects from previous shots, even if mild, can deter individuals from taking additional doses. The phenomenon of vaccine fatigue, especially in the context of a pandemic that has dragged on for years, could also play a role.

Financial and Political Influences: There's also the question of the influence of financial interests behind the push for continuous booster campaigns. The pharmaceutical industry stands to benefit greatly from ongoing vaccination programs, and this could create a conflict of interest that healthcare workers might be wary of. The perception that public health decisions are being influenced by profit motives rather than purely by patient well-being could explain hesitancy, especially among professionals who are well-acquainted with the healthcare industry’s complexities.
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