Figured they’d pick Tim Walz

Insecure? From maybe not passing her bar exams, and getting where she is by performing sex acts?
That will become very apparent in the coming weeks. Newsome is probably one of the people I dislike the most, but he's not stupid. He knows this is going to be a very difficult election for dems to win if not impossible, and he knows that Trump would damage him. It would be pretty stupid for Newsome to get in this at all right now even if it wasn't such a horrible ticket, which it is.
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That will become very apparent in the coming weeks. Newsome is probably one of the people I dislike the most, but he's not stupid. He knows this is going to be a very difficult election for dems to win if not impossible, and he knows that Trump would damage him. It would be pretty stupid for Newsome to get in this at all right now even if it wasn't such a horrible ticket, which it is.
Newsome doesn't want to be second fiddle to the Kamel, plus his record in cali is BAD.
Newsome doesn't want to be second fiddle to the Kamel, plus his record in cali is BAD.
That's true too but not the reason he ran the other way. He went around the country and world positioning himself to be the next heir apparent and then when vp became an option he bounced hard. There's a reason and it is because he knows this is a loser.

The economic numbers are going to get worse and worse up to election day, and once the commies sugar high is over from the media there is absolutely NOTHING good to say about her. She's a horrible candidate that excites no one. This is why she picked tampon Timmy. She made a play for her base, to excite her base. Not "independent voters ", not "moderates ". She got someone who's as much or more liberal lefty looney tune than she is, to play to her base. The excitement for commie didn't even get her a lead for a week, after that excitement fades, she's going to go down in the poles and stay there.
That's true too but not the reason he ran the other way. He went around the country and world positioning himself to be the next heir apparent and then when vp became an option he bounced hard. There's a reason and it is because he knows this is a loser.

The economic numbers are going to get worse and worse up to election day, and once the commies sugar high is over from the media there is absolutely NOTHING good to say about her. She's a horrible candidate that excites no one. This is why she picked tampon Timmy. She made a play for her base. Not "independent voters ", not "moderates ". She got someone who's as much or more liberal lefty looney tune than she is, to play to her base. The excitement for commie didn't even get her a lead for a week, after that excitement fades, she's going to go down in the poles and stay there.

Newsom is smart enough to know that its a one way ticket to loserville here in 2024.

He doesn't want to be VP. He didn't want to go around KH and risk political suicide from the backlash of going against the current VP. And he's smart enough to know that mounting a new campaign with only a few months to go is foolish, especially with the amount of infighting it would require to obtain the nomination.

He's waiting for 2028.
makes sense. if the steal works as it should,he will have to wait 8 years. likely no country by then unless there are some radical corrections.

He can probably mount a formidable challenge in 4 years.

I don't think Kamala, if she becomes president, will be particularly popular.

On top of that, there looks like there's about to be some very unpopular events that will unfold. From broader wars in the ME in which we will likely be involved, to a potential economic crash. Nothing is for certain, and a lot can happen in 4 years. But this would not be 4 years that I would want to be in charge of.
That will become very apparent in the coming weeks. Newsome is probably one of the people I dislike the most, but he's not stupid. He knows this is going to be a very difficult election for dems to win if not impossible, and he knows that Trump would damage him. It would be pretty stupid for Newsome to get in this at all right now even if it wasn't such a horrible ticket, which it is.

New Reuters poll shows Harris ahead 44 to Trump 42. Russian disinformation right there.
New Reuters poll shows Harris ahead 44 to Trump 42. Russian disinformation right there.
Nope, not disinformation. It’s called making it look like it’s race would be close for the ignorant masses ( a majority now in the USA) to consume so when they yet again rig the election to make communist party members victorious people will just lay down and roll over and show their belly.

I have very little faith that even though everybody knows Trump would win all 50 states in a truly fair election; he will be beaten in this election. Unless, unless that is the plan so that they can put a Newsome/Shapiro ticket next time and are playing the long game. I truly pray I’m not right about this; but history (not just recent US history, but world history) has shown my belief that they’ll rig it again to be correct.
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why him and not newsom? not that it matters but maybe newsom better known and publicized as a commie? maybe would scare a few very weak conserv voters? just wondering.
Newsom has the political sense to see a losing ticket when he sees it and begin to reposition for 2028, if at all.

Obama/Pelosi recognize the need to counter Vance in the Midwest/Rustbelt, where Hillary and the Deep State were blind-sided in 2016 by millions of voters who normally didn’t vote and showed up en masse because the DNC and Unions allowed their jobs to be shipped overseas. That cavitated the US industries in that region. They think Walz can bring a regional representation to that contest, which shows how bad they are at understanding the electorate (Tampon Tim is not a great way to win votes.)

For the older DNC leaders, they understand that this election is about SCOTUS nominees first and foremost, so its an existential threat to their plans. The next President will likely appoint 3-4 justices to replace the aging Baby Boomer justices on the bench right now, Clarence Thomas being the oldest.

Younger Dems like the Bookers and Newsoms are seeing that reality, but have to focus on their own political maneuvering. They know Kamala is not popular with anyone really. A Trump/Vance win helps catapult them in the future as they can make more names for themselves in opposition for the next 4 years.
It is now obvious the Dems feel the ultra left controls the party.The progressives and socialists now have the last say over the Dem party. The worrisome thing is there are enough people who follow them that can put these two into the WH.
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It is now obvious the Dems feel the ultra left controls the party.The progressives and socialists now have the last say over the Dem party. The worrisome thing is there are enough people who follow them that can put these two into the WH.

The Democrat party is getting quite scary and the average American is too dumb to notice.
That's true too but not the reason he ran the other way. He went around the country and world positioning himself to be the next heir apparent and then when vp became an option he bounced hard. There's a reason and it is because he knows this is a loser.

The economic numbers are going to get worse and worse up to election day, and once the commies sugar high is over from the media there is absolutely NOTHING good to say about her. She's a horrible candidate that excites no one. This is why she picked tampon Timmy. She made a play for her base, to excite her base. Not "independent voters ", not "moderates ". She got someone who's as much or more liberal lefty looney tune than she is, to play to her base. The excitement for commie didn't even get her a lead for a week, after that excitement fades, she's going to go down in the poles and stay there.
She is playing for the DONORS first then the base.They want that money that wasnt there when Joe was leading the ticket . Thats where all this enthusiasm is coming from the doors pockets which gets spread around to all the Dems.Its called being green with enthusiasm.
She is playing for the DONORS first then the base.They want that money that wasnt there when Joe was leading the ticket . Thats where all this enthusiasm is coming from the doors pockets which gets spread around to all the Dems.Its called being green with enthusiasm.
The money is coming from the same big money pots it always does. It's laughable to think they have all these people out there giving $30 ,per person. They've already been caught though nothing will be done about it. They take one person who did in fact give a small donation and then use their name to donate thousands of times, then use another iteration of their name to do it again.... and magically "we have 200 million in small donations". It's just another lie from the democrap machine.
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This sums him up very accurately.

This coward cuck couldn’t run a fucking bath much less a country.

What they don’t mention is how the taxpayers of Minnesota got stuck footing the bill for him to live in a mansion on Sunfish Lake because the governor’s mansion wasn’t good enough for him. At the tune of $17,000 a month.

Oh and don’t forget… that during Covid he wanted neighbors to rat out other neighbors to call the police about not wearing masks etc… again all covid related.

Commies in USSR and DDR demanded similar measures.

Rat out your neighbors and friends who didn’t follow the Communist Party rules

FYI DDR was the old East Germany and USSR was Soviet Union
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