Died Suddenly Documentary World Is Live On Rumble

good point. in this case i assume he just used this to avoid giving his own opinions, while still making his points.

There could be several factors contributing to this phenomenon, and it’s important to consider them from multiple angles:

Adverse Effects and Observations: NHS employees, like other healthcare workers globally, have had unique insight into the immediate and short-term effects of the vaccines. They may be more acutely aware of any potential adverse effects, even those that are understated or underreported in official channels. This could contribute to a declining enthusiasm for further doses.

Questioning the Need for Boosters: As new variants of COVID-19 have emerged, the effectiveness of the original formulations of the vaccines against these variants has been called into question. If healthcare professionals perceive that the boosters are not providing significant additional protection, especially if they have already had previous doses, they might choose to forgo further shots.

Natural Immunity: Many healthcare workers have likely been exposed to the virus multiple times or have contracted COVID-19, potentially leading to natural immunity. There is ongoing debate in the scientific community about the durability and strength of natural immunity versus vaccine-induced immunity. Some may feel that their natural immunity is sufficient and thus may not see the need for additional vaccination.

Mistrust in Public Health Messaging: Throughout the pandemic, there has been a wide range of information and sometimes contradictory guidance from public health bodies. This inconsistency can erode trust, particularly among those who are supposed to be the most informed—healthcare workers. When trust diminishes, so does compliance with recommendations, even among medical professionals.

Vaccine Fatigue and Side Effects: The experience of side effects from previous shots, even if mild, can deter individuals from taking additional doses. The phenomenon of vaccine fatigue, especially in the context of a pandemic that has dragged on for years, could also play a role.

Financial and Political Influences: There's also the question of the influence of financial interests behind the push for continuous booster campaigns. The pharmaceutical industry stands to benefit greatly from ongoing vaccination programs, and this could create a conflict of interest that healthcare workers might be wary of. The perception that public health decisions are being influenced by profit motives rather than purely by patient well-being could explain hesitancy, especially among professionals who are well-acquainted with the healthcare industry’s complexities.
“good point. in this case i assume he just used this to avoid giving his own opinions, while still making his points”.

No slight intended towards you…..

But, if his “opinion” was/is so valuable/important, he should have the balls to stand up, back it up and not fall back on biased “AI” horseshit.

I stand by my opinion on AI. I see very little good coming from it. Particularly when the “experts” are going to lean on it like a crutch. It’s going to be just one more arrow in the quiver of people no longer taking personal responsibility or doing their own thinking.
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The beta test known as Covid-19 proved once again the validity of the The Milgram Experiment. This experiment was conducted in 1961-1962 by Yale University professor Stanley Milgram.

It showed that the overwhelming majority of Americans would obey a law or command that they knew was wrong if the order were to come from an official authority figure. An alarming 65 percent of Americans would reluctantly violate their own conscience and obey the order even if they knew it would result in the death of an innocent person.
not if you're a pureblood.
I'll enlighten you. The Red Cross doesnt screen blood for if you have been vaccinated or not. My mother never got vaxed. In January of 2022 she had to have a transfusion. The hospital wouldnt let the family donate blood for that. Well she got the transfusion. Within 3 weeks she started getting weird rashes on her skin. When I asked what they were he didnt know. They gave her a cream to put on them. They never went away. She had had triple bypass surgery in 2007 and carried Nitro as a precaution but never had to take it. Within 3 months she was having miniature heart attacks and taking Nitro daily. May 12th, 2022 my mom died, suddenly. Im telling you all this because you might end up vaxed even if you didnt get one but had to have blood. Its just like when doctors gave people HIV and AIDS by giving them tainted blood. THEY HAVENT LEARNED AND DONT CARE!!! Doctors want customers not cures!! Remember that!!
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Myself and many veterans commented on this on the VA website on a forum there. They took the forum down. Old people and veterans with problems are a cancer on society in their eyes. They need to get rid of them.
Its just like when doctors gave people HIV and AIDS by giving them tainted blood. THEY HAVENT LEARNED AND DONT CARE!!! Doctors want customers not cures!! Remember that!!
It’s not they don’t care.

They want everyone “vaxxed”

Either retarded and think it’s good.

Or know it’s bad and want you to suffer with them
IIRC Polio had been 100 percent eliminated from the planet. Then I remember around this time reading that cases had appeared. I know the US and USSR both kept samples of Polio for 'research.' Apparently ChiComs did as well. And, well, it's back in circulation!

I had figured it might have come from some deep reservoir in the jungle ona species jump. But apparently, it was the commies who can't keep their virus's locked up.

IIRC Polio had been 100 percent eliminated from the planet. Then I remember around this time reading that cases had appeared. I know the US and USSR both kept samples of Polio for 'research.' Apparently ChiComs did as well. And, well, it's back in circulation!

I had figured it might have come from some deep reservoir in the jungle ona species jump. But apparently, it was the commies who can't keep their virus's locked up.

i heard that the gates foundation developed an oral polio vaccine and tested it in india.
turned out the patients were pooping out active polio virus, and because of the bad sanitation...kids started getting polio.
gates blamed it on them not getting the "new" polio vaccine.
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i heard that the gates foundation developed an oral polio vaccine and tested it in india.
turned out the patients were pooping out active polio virus, and because of the bad sanitation...kids started getting polio.
gates blamed it on them not getting the "new" polio vaccine.
Polio was 'gone' by about 1980... There was no %$#@ing NEED for a new polio vaccine. It was considered the first virus ever successfully eliminated from humanity. It was GONE! Dead. Finished. Extinct. Out of circulation. IIRC there was a big 'deal' in the mid 1980's by 60 Minutes or Frontline or someone talking about why the US didn't 'kill' its supply that it had at, probably, Deitrick (USAAMRID) SP?. The USA responded that "the 'Sov's had some and while noone expected it to re-emerge, research quantities needed to be kept on ice."

So noone was willing to give up the 'rest' of the Polio virus. As I said, apparently, the third-world ChiComs were saving some party favors, too. And, what do you know... they released it. Oh, all a mistake I am sure. Because... you know... you 'accidentally' let out a frozen virus.

Yeah... I can see Gates being behind that, too. He could have bought samples on the open market with his billions. FOr his 'vaccine' research. You know... Malaria and polio and stuff. Which was probably actually his plan to genocide the planet down to just enough people to run his mansion and a feather-fan over his worthless egghead.

Fucking James Bond Villian.

Polio was 'gone' by about 1980... There was no %$#@ing NEED for a new polio vaccine. It was considered the first virus ever successfully eliminated from humanity. It was GONE! Dead. Finished. Extinct. Out of circulation. IIRC there was a big 'deal' in the mid 1980's by 60 Minutes or Frontline or someone talking about why the US didn't 'kill' its supply that it had at, probably, Deitrick (USAAMRID) SP?. The USA responded that "the 'Sov's had some and while noone expected it to re-emerge, research quantities needed to be kept on ice."

So noone was willing to give up the 'rest' of the Polio virus. As I said, apparently, the third-world ChiComs were saving some party favors, too. And, what do you know... they released it. Oh, all a mistake I am sure. Because... you know... you 'accidentally' let out a frozen virus.

Yeah... I can see Gates being behind that, too. He could have bought samples on the open market with his billions. FOr his 'vaccine' research. You know... Malaria and polio and stuff. Which was probably actually his plan to genocide the planet down to just enough people to run his mansion and a feather-fan over his worthless egghead.

Fucking James Bond Villian.

i am in the first salk gen when it was still an injection,then going oral. it was completely gone by no later than '80. knew 2 guys that survived it,only affecting their legs. both were little and pre salk when they got it. back in the 50s my parents would follow the break outs and route our trips to KY around them. most traveling families did same. gates being behind any viral outbreak is almost a given. i suppose that nucing every virology lab and storage facility on the planet is a bit extreme,but.....
our rulers are likely to use ID if they can't get a nuclear war going. given the likely out come of this nov,as nuc is being sought,it might happen.
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since this is a pretty reactionary place,i assume that most are aware of this above obvious truth. the really terrifying,amazing and inexplicable thing is that they are openly admitting such knowing that they are immune from any accountability. is just like the foreign invasion,fake elections,open corruption,wars of choice,unsanctioned felony activity,etc. western civ is over. i am afraid human existence is iffy.
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since this is a pretty reactionary place,i assume that most are aware of this obvious truth. the really terrifying,amazing and inexplicable thing is that they are openly admitting such knowing that they are immune from any accountability. is just like the foreign invasion,fake elections,open corruption,wars of choice,unsanctioned felony activity,etc. western civ is over. i am afraid human existence is iffy.
i think that fauci's wife being head of ethics at the nih is a microcosm of the global landscape.
since this is a pretty reactionary place,i assume that most are aware of this obvious truth. the really terrifying,amazing and inexplicable thing is that they are openly admitting such knowing that they are immune from any accountability. is just like the foreign invasion,fake elections,open corruption,wars of choice,unsanctioned felony activity,etc. western civ is over. i am afraid human existence is iffy.


I’d call us educated and intelligent and patriotic

Commies would call us reactionary.

But as you are most likely not a filthy commie, and are most likely in our camp…

I’d say this is no surprise.

Buy more ammo.

reactionary meaning reacting to current situation,against the grain,going up stream. essentially going back. for me,1960-1990 would be hoped for.
conservative,to me, means saving what we have. that won't be very good. most worthwhile things in w.civ. are long gone, conserving what is now is just filling in the grave already dug.
maybe this is another reason they tried to scare people away from trying it...

I had Colon Cancer last fall 2023. I had 14.5" removed October 12 2023. I started Ivermectin at the end of March 2024. Took 3 full doses according to body weight. You take one, wait 3 days, take another, wait 3 days and take the last dose. Took a break for 3 months and June 1 I did the same thing again. I passed a lot of worms in March and all through April. I passed more in June and part of July but not as much as the first go round. Hook worms and Thread worms (baby hook worms) if you're wondering what kind. Had my first follow up in April. Doctor remarked that he had never seen blood work so hi for what I have been through. Told him I was taking Ivermectin. Said he wanted to do a case study on me and document everything. Had my second follow up 2 weeks ago. Doctor said they aren't going to do the case study. Higher ups said no. Now they want to do another colonoscopy on me. I said no. I dont trust them. Funeral homes and Pathologists are reporting worms when doing autopsies and embalming. A lot of people claim parasites and worms are what are causing us to die with cancer. Just for information, the reason I quit for 2 or 3 months is because if you stay on IVM all the time the parasites get used to it and dont die. Thats the way I did it all the time with my dog too.
IIRC Polio had been 100 percent eliminated from the planet. Then I remember around this time reading that cases had appeared. I know the US and USSR both kept samples of Polio for 'research.' Apparently ChiComs did as well. And, well, it's back in circulation!

I had figured it might have come from some deep reservoir in the jungle ona species jump. But apparently, it was the commies who can't keep their virus's locked up.

Small pox was “eradicated” with zero world cases just what is in labs.

Polio I’m thinking is a bad sanitation disease and maybe we should hug a turd wrangler for the credit we give Dr Salk.
I had Colon Cancer last fall 2023. I had 14.5" removed October 12 2023. I started Ivermectin at the end of March 2024. Took 3 full doses according to body weight. You take one, wait 3 days, take another, wait 3 days and take the last dose. Took a break for 3 months and June 1 I did the same thing again. I passed a lot of worms in March and all through April. I passed more in June and part of July but not as much as the first go round. Hook worms and Thread worms (baby hook worms) if you're wondering what kind. Had my first follow up in April. Doctor remarked that he had never seen blood work so hi for what I have been through. Told him I was taking Ivermectin. Said he wanted to do a case study on me and document everything. Had my second follow up 2 weeks ago. Doctor said they aren't going to do the case study. Higher ups said no. Now they want to do another colonoscopy on me. I said no. I dont trust them. Funeral homes and Pathologists are reporting worms when doing autopsies and embalming. A lot of people claim parasites and worms are what are causing us to die with cancer. Just for information, the reason I quit for 2 or 3 months is because if you stay on IVM all the time the parasites get used to it and dont die. Thats the way I did it all the time with my dog too.
interesting and well out of my experience. have been present for > 1K at a univ hosp. i only saw or was aware of 2 out of 5K+ where i worked. i am NOT saying that this isn,t happening. been out of it > 15yr,so. they will come back. the recent invasion consists of large #s from places where human parasites are common/universal. same goes for polio,malaria and the other usual trop diseases. crowdingand filth are now revasive in many places. sanitation in the cites is history. all of this will spread,including worms. gonna get harder to treat ourselves or our animals as the system collapses.

The report alleges that Cuomo’s administration manipulated death statistics to obscure the severity of this policy, attempting to evade responsibility for its catastrophic consequences.

The findings detail how the former governor altered official New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) data and omitted critical information about nursing home-related deaths to disguise the impact of the directive that forced nursing homes to admit infected individuals.