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Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

Ha ... sorry I edited my post after you quoted it but it's all the same.

I tend to believe the decline started earlier ... New Deal, Federal Reserve, 16th amendment ... the fed figured out how to give itself virtually unlimited access to cash and how to use it to fuck with people.
Agreed...sorta and not arguing here

IMHO, the decline started with A Lincoln. He ushered in the Fed over reach we are having (trying?) to undo now. Grant used his guv power to his political benefit. Then Wilson, FDR (holy fuck...), LBJ, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, Bush's, Bammy...neither side has actually tried to undo any of that over reach.Yes, I left out some and skipped some...I am highlighting the ones I find most disagreeable.
16th, 17th, 19th, a flawed 22nd not limiting all terms
Creation of Fed Reserve
I am pretty sure the banks are who had JFK and his bro murdered.

If you go WAAAY back, there were just a few families that ruled Earth. Cousins married cousins, the Kings and Queens and Emperors and whatever were all inbreds. There were skirmishes and "wars" but rarely was there any real turf taken. The wars were fake (blood was real, people died), designed to distract the peasants and foster great national pride, all while razing the countryside to pad the Kings coffers.
Sure, exceptions...Vikings (but they eventually anted up and played in), the Crusades, Genghis Khan but there was a long game plan to keep those families in power and ruling most of the rest of the peasants. Primary exception being China and some other parts of the Orient. (I think there is a parallel there, though)

Columbus (or was it Lief?) fucked it up some because the US came around. The peasants were in charge. It took the globalists 4 score and 7 years to figure out how to destroy the Republic and it took them about 3 more score to seal the deal, these folks were openly and publicly executing world rulers and "influencers" that were not sticking to the narrative. They are more covert now but the murders are ongoing.

And here we are.

I'll not be surprised if I witness our 3rd Revolution. I only wish I were younger for that experience.
Agreed...sorta and not arguing here

IMHO, the decline started with A Lincoln. He ushered in the Fed over reach we are having (trying?) to undo now. Grant used his guv power to his political benefit. Then Wilson, FDR (holy fuck...), LBJ, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, Bush's, Bammy...neither side has actually tried to undo any of that over reach.Yes, I left out some and skipped some...I am highlighting the ones I find most disagreeable.
16th, 17th, 19th, a flawed 22nd not limiting all terms
Creation of Fed Reserve
I am pretty sure the banks are who had JFK and his bro murdered.

If you go WAAAY back, there were just a few families that ruled Earth. Cousins married cousins, the Kings and Queens and Emperors and whatever were all inbreds. There were skirmishes and "wars" but rarely was there any real turf taken. The wars were fake (blood was real, people died), designed to distract the peasants and foster great national pride, all while razing the countryside to pad the Kings coffers.
Sure, exceptions...Vikings (but they eventually anted up and played in), the Crusades, Genghis Khan but there was a long game plan to keep those families in power and ruling most of the rest of the peasants. Primary exception being China and some other parts of the Orient. (I think there is a parallel there, though)

Columbus (or was it Lief?) fucked it up some because the US came around. The peasants were in charge. It took the globalists 4 score and 7 years to figure out how to destroy the Republic and it took them about 3 more score to seal the deal, these folks were openly and publicly executing world rulers and "influencers" that were not sticking to the narrative. They are more covert now but the murders are ongoing.

And here we are.

I'll not be surprised if I witness our 3rd Revolution. I only wish I were younger for that experience.
Ok here’s the deal: boomers got everything they wanted. For the most part. But there are those who raised their kids right. Then there are those who didn’t. And we suffer the consequences because of those narcissists and spoiled assed brats.

It’s up to every generation to live correctly and raise children with morals and character. The TV was the start. The internet is a cancer. It will kill us if we don’t regulate it in our families lives.

What are WE doing to correct it? I have no love for LbJ or FDR, but they are dead. The boomers are headed that way and will be gone soon enough. But Today is what matters. Blame them all you want, but at the end of the day how the next generation is raised is the parents responsibility. Don’t blame others. Harden the fuck up and move out. Kids will cry but will be grateful later. Especially the boys. If you can’t do that then it’s on you and you alone. You are the problem, and quite frankly you suck as a parent. It’s never been any different. And this is coming from someone who doesn’t particularly like boomers, but they don’t deserve all the blame, we all have free will, and as my mother used to say “use the brain that God gave you”. She was a boomer and put up with no tomfoolery.

Let the old folks wander in antique stores for the memories for their youth. We all will do it. But if that is done instead of investing in the next generation with skills, hard work, the occasional discipline and actual logic instead of Tik Tok we are all screwed. And someone with more intent will conquer everything that was built because soft men lead this country down that road. Because soft parents showed their children the way to being conquered.

The mirror. It tells us who is responsible. Regardless of the generation. The 50s, 60s, 70s, or 80s ain’t coming back, no matter how much we want it. But the children can be raised with those family centric values.
No, you misunderstand. The Boomers didn’t have the “everyone wins a prize” thing in THEIR younger lives.

The super competitive adult parent Boomers forced that into the school system of their KIDS, the Millennials.

Edit: I edited my post that you quoted to make it more clear.
I see what you’re saying , didn’t read it right. I was born in 1953 , my daughter in 1982.
She played on a softball team and I was one of 2 coaches. If you didn’t play EVERY kid it was an automatic forfeit. I didn’t agree with the rules , so I retired myself. Doesn’t teach kids that life isn’t always fair ,plus you can’t play and not try to win.😖
How so?

I didn’t start with the gen that preceded the Silent Gen as they weren’t on the chart. But IIRC the Greatest Gen parented the Boomers.
The greatest generation…

You mean the ones who raised boomers and were in charge and held every decision making position the allowed the disaster from 1965 to 1980 happen under their watch.

Every generation is the same.

The old one says the new one had it easy.

And the new one says the old one messed it up.
Was it them, or was it the subverted education system that poisoned them and every generation since?
So go ahead and blame,
Anything that you want.
'Cause it all ends up the same,
When everything that you've been claiming is wrong.

Oh and don't you know that blame,
Is always never enough.
It just keeps you in the game,
Till you've only got yourself left to bluff.