Agreed...sorta and not arguing here
IMHO, the decline started with A Lincoln. He ushered in the Fed over reach we are having (trying?) to undo now. Grant used his guv power to his political benefit. Then Wilson, FDR (holy fuck...), LBJ, Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, Bush's, Bammy...neither side has actually tried to undo any of that over reach.Yes, I left out some and skipped some...I am highlighting the ones I find most disagreeable.
16th, 17th, 19th, a flawed 22nd not limiting all terms
Creation of Fed Reserve
I am pretty sure the banks are who had JFK and his bro murdered.
If you go WAAAY back, there were just a few families that ruled Earth. Cousins married cousins, the Kings and Queens and Emperors and whatever were all inbreds. There were skirmishes and "wars" but rarely was there any real turf taken. The wars were fake (blood was real, people died), designed to distract the peasants and foster great national pride, all while razing the countryside to pad the Kings coffers.
Sure, exceptions...Vikings (but they eventually anted up and played in), the Crusades, Genghis Khan but there was a long game plan to keep those families in power and ruling most of the rest of the peasants. Primary exception being China and some other parts of the Orient. (I think there is a parallel there, though)
Columbus (or was it Lief?) fucked it up some because the US came around. The peasants were in charge. It took the globalists 4 score and 7 years to figure out how to destroy the Republic and it took them about 3 more score to seal the deal, these folks were openly and publicly executing world rulers and "influencers" that were not sticking to the narrative. They are more covert now but the murders are ongoing.
And here we are.
I'll not be surprised if I witness our 3rd Revolution. I only wish I were younger for that experience.