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Here we go again... Shots fired near Trump

fine by me, I thought you were orange man bad team for a second.
not that I really give two shits, just observing.

I think the reason that Donald is getting targeted by the Democrats/Russians/Chinese is that he wants to drain the degenerate NYC swamp...to be fair and clear.

The Chinese are dependent on that swamp and the Russians are just dick viking Mongols.
I think Vanguard and Blackrock and State Street own like 10-20% of Ukrainian AG assets and farmland.


  • Mematic_20240915_235025.jpg
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Fucking amateur!
Poor choice of weapon!
Poor execution, poor planning.
Thank God!

Goes along with lunatic fringe living with delusions of glory if he kills “literally Hitler” which is how the peaceful left is portraying Trump.

Betting that dozens of these crazies are lined up all over the place planning their moment of glory when they turn their pathetic lives around by stopping the boogeyman.

This guy is tier one candidate nutball with delusions of being a soldier, general, commanding legions in Ukraine. Stopping “Hitler.” He’s a loser construction worker!!! Nothing more. Who gets up in the morning thinking his legions will save the oppressed people of Ukraine. And he is a soldier saving our “democracy” which is another fallacy being endlessly parroted. He is nuts!

And he is exactly the kind of unhinged guided missile that the leftist are counting on and “winding up” 24x7.

If this guy who was recruiting Afghans was not known to “government entities”’then those entities are too stupid to have jobs as “entities.” If he was known… then once again, we have folks who are letting things “happen” because they fear the DC Drano.

Either way… the media is blaming this all on. Trump and saying it is his Rhetoric and January 6 causing these attempts. The media is complicit and trying to foment attempts.

If they succeed, I believe this country wii see civil unrest like it’s never seen!

If Kamala were to be taken out. But Trump? Probably not.

Goes along with lunatic fringe living with delusions of glory if he kills “literally Hitler” which is how the peaceful left is portraying Trump.

Betting that dozens of these crazies are lined up all over the place planning their moment of glory when they turn their pathetic lives around by stopping the boogeyman.

This guy is tier one candidate nutball with delusions of being a soldier, general, commanding legions in Ukraine. Stopping “Hitler.” He’s a loser construction worker!!! Nothing more. Who gets up in the morning thinking his legions will save the oppressed people of Ukraine. And he is a soldier saving our “democracy” which is another fallacy being endlessly parroted. He is nuts!

And he is exactly the kind of unhinged guided missile that the leftist are counting on and “winding up” 24x7.

If this guy who was recruiting Afghans was not known to “government entities”’then those entities are too stupid to have jobs as “entities.” If he was known… then once again, we have folks who are letting things “happen” because they fear the DC Drano.

Either way… the media is blaming this all on. Trump and saying it is his Rhetoric and January 6 causing these attempts. The media is complicit and trying to foment attempts.


You really really need to start calling them what they are. They are the Pravda. Including Facebook, Google and a few others
If Kamala were to be taken out. But Trump? Probably not.

You really really need to start calling them what they are. They are the Pravda. Including Facebook, Google and a few others

Worse, in fact. Goebbels was way more effective than Pravda and Isvestia. And remember… calling the “other” what you do is core to socialism… or national socialism. Which are both essentially police states. In one, the so-called workers own the means of productuin(total bullshit.). In the other, the means of production are owned by private entities, but which are inexorably linked to the political seat.

Now which one do we see happening in the USA? Because last I checked… the big tech and big media and F-500 CEO types were all cronied up to… the socialists. Or is that the National Socialists?

Worse, in fact. Goebbels was way more effective than Pravda and Isvestia. And remember… calling the “other” what you do is core to socialism… or national socialism. Which are both essentially police states. In one, the so-called workers own the means of productuin(total bullshit.). In the other, the means of production are owned by private entities, but which are inexorably linked to the political seat.

Now which one do we see happening in the USA? Because last I checked… the big tech and big media and F-500 CEO types were all cronied up to… the socialists. Or is that the National Socialists?

Kinda crazy that we are even having a discussion about this.
Kinda crazy that we are even having a discussion about this.

Wonder what kind of dinner table and bier hall and student gathering and hunting camp discussions were happening in 1933 Germany…

We’ll have jobs. But what about the brown shirts. They aren’t interested in us. The Jews sold us out at Versailles and we didn’t lose the war. They are a cancer. He is taking over all the organizations. We will get to on our own car. We’ll have Lebensraum…. We are superior and the ‘others are vermin…

Now today in America… a shining green future. We will have EV’s. There will be total equality. They are just ignorant flyover country people. We went to Harvard and became rich, of course we are superior. They have to give up their freedoms and their guns for safe democracy. The constitution was written by old men who owned slaves so it’s irrelevant. Diversity is our strength. Men can get pregnant…

Is it any different? Delusional worldviews fed by a need to be part of a giant movement? Create an enemy. Vilify the opposition, don’t try and beat their arguments with better arguments. Unleash thugs to put down opposition. Fake riots and strife to justify crackdowns on political opponents.

I always wondered what it was like to be in Germany in 1933 and how an advanced and cultured people with the best science and technology in Europe could just “let it all happen.” Well, now I am seeing!

The problem is that inertia is safer and the majority are rule-followers. Allowing the crazy and tiny majority (the national socialists in Germany and the core communist leadership in Russia were only a few thousands strong)… to subvert an entire nation. While the rule followers wake up one day and find that they are not just complicit but that any opposition is fatal. So they go with the flow hoping that they can work within the “new normal” and make the best of it.

So what if their neighbors are being hauled off or if there are breadlines. The central authority is promising great things just around the corner! Two weeks to flatten the curve. Diversity will make us strong. Once we get to Net Zero the world will be a paradise. If we give up hydrocarbons everything will be better…

This is what the crazy zealots of any religion or political system that advocated central control wants….

And why we were founded as a Republic. That we are having a hard time keeping, it seems. Because the siren song “democracy and utopian equality” under socialism is a great message for the masses that think they should be able to vote themselves the labor of others.

Well, it has worked a lot in history…. Not sure why we’d be any different.

He sounds vaxxed.
That will exolain his sudden unexplained death in custody.

Oh jeez... we were just getting ready to question him when myocarditis got him.

He is too unhinged to stick to a script. He'll have to be Epsteined or replaced with an actor for long enough for the story to blow over.

Wonder what kind of dinner table and bier hall and student gathering and hunting camp discussions were happening in 1933 Germany…

We’ll have jobs. But what about the brown shirts. They aren’t interested in us. The Jews sold us out at Versailles and we didn’t lose the war. They are a cancer. He is taking over all the organizations. We will get to on our own car. We’ll have Lebensraum…. We are superior and the ‘others are vermin…

Now today in America… a shining green future. We will have EV’s. There will be total equality. They are just ignorant flyover country people. We went to Harvard and became rich, of course we are superior. They have to give up their freedoms and their guns for safe democracy. The constitution was written by old men who owned slaves so it’s irrelevant. Diversity is our strength. Men can get pregnant…

Is it any different? Delusional worldviews fed by a need to be part of a giant movement? Create an enemy. Vilify the opposition, don’t try and beat their arguments with better arguments. Unleash thugs to put down opposition. Fake riots and strife to justify crackdowns on political opponents.

I always wondered what it was like to be in Germany in 1933 and how an advanced and cultured people with the best science and technology in Europe could just “let it all happen.” Well, now I am seeing!

The problem is that inertia is safer and the majority are rule-followers. Allowing the crazy and tiny majority (the national socialists in Germany and the core communist leadership in Russia were only a few thousands strong)… to subvert an entire nation. While the rule followers wake up one day and find that they are not just complicit but that any opposition is fatal. So they go with the flow hoping that they can work within the “new normal” and make the best of it.

So what if their neighbors are being hauled off or if there are breadlines. The central authority is promising great things just around the corner! Two weeks to flatten the curve. Diversity will make us strong. Once we get to Net Zero the world will be a paradise. If we give up hydrocarbons everything will be better…

This is what the crazy zealots of any religion or political system that advocated central control wants….

And why we were founded as a Republic. That we are having a hard time keeping, it seems. Because the siren song “democracy and utopian equality” under socialism is a great message for the masses that think they should be able to vote themselves the labor of others.

Well, it has worked a lot in history…. Not sure why we’d be any different.


Almost everyone knows the saying about history repeats itself. Very few know more than a few headlines and enough to pass a test.
That will exolain his sudden unexplained death in custody.

Oh jeez... we were just getting ready to question him when myocarditis got him.

He is too unhinged to stick to a script. He'll have to be Epsteined or replaced with an actor for long enough for the story to blow over.

I doubt that this story gets any traction and will be memory holed by Wednesday
So the 'swamp' is putting out trial balloons (via CNN and others) that this whole attempt was organized by 'foreign actors' and is an Iran/Putin thing....

Yup... let's deflect it.

Russia? They have the most to gain by Trump's win. He'll end a crippling war and it will give the Russians an 'out' maybe even retaining some territory.'

Iran... yeah, right. If they are going to stage a hit, they are not going to use that whack-job! They have very effective secret services. And proxy organizations that can handle it without relying on a Nucking Futz Gary Busey clone who is about as stable as a unicycle on a highwire.

But deflect... sow doubt and drop false flags. Don't look at the shooter we have on ice. Here's some fodder for your conspriacies... so you can go off the rails on your forums with the idea that it was aliens or "The Juden." It's always "The Juden."


“Everyone beware. They're not gonna stop before election day in November, and they're not gonna stop after election day ... They’re not gonna let up, and they should not.”
- Kamala Harris on 2020 Riots/Murders

But y'all keep making memes taunting those sick fucks, laughing at their failed attemps, tactics and choice of weapons.
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“Everyone beware. They're not gonna stop before election day in November, and they're not gonna stop after election day ... They’re not gonna let up, and they should not.”
- Kamala Harris on 2020 Riots/Murders

But y'all keep making memes taunting those sick fucks, laughing at their failed attemps, tactics and choice of weapons.

Only one has to get through….
This iscthe stupidest thing ive read on the internet....ever.

We are all dumber for readingvit.
Oh cmon now chikn! This is the BEAR PIT! Far stupider than this has thrived here for decades.

Just to clarify, I'm not suggesting the Trump campaign had anything to do with it, if that is what you thought I meant? I'm saying its possible a "crazy" might look at the boost in the polls Trump got after attempt 1, and think he can repeat that result by faking a second attempt. Especially if that crazy buys all the false hype that Trump is doomed post debate. After all, the guy never shot, which I admit is because SS never gave him the opportunity. But because he never pulled the trigger, we really don't know FOR SURE that he wanted Trump dead.

With Crooks, we knew that. It was also obvious that Crooks spent alot of time planning his attack, which makes sense for someone taking such a risky action. This doesn't have the same appearance of premeditation that attempt 1 had (shitty rifle, "ceramic tiles in a backpack", poking the barrel through the fence for everyone to see) , except for what I said earlier... How did he know Trump was golfing that day?

The early info suggests this guy was a pro-Ukraine nut job. Who is better for Ukraine, Kamala who will send un-ending money and weapons, or Trump who swears he'll end the war the next day? I don't know what this nut-job's answer would be. If it comes out this guy was anti-Trump then my speculation about one possibility was proven incorrect. But certainly you can appreciate me questioning all possibilities, given how often everyone is lied to by media, government, etc.
Wonder what kind of dinner table and bier hall and student gathering and hunting camp discussions were happening in 1933 Germany…

We’ll have jobs. But what about the brown shirts. They aren’t interested in us. The Jews sold us out at Versailles and we didn’t lose the war. They are a cancer. He is taking over all the organizations. We will get to on our own car. We’ll have Lebensraum…. We are superior and the ‘others are vermin…

Now today in America… a shining green future. We will have EV’s. There will be total equality. They are just ignorant flyover country people. We went to Harvard and became rich, of course we are superior. They have to give up their freedoms and their guns for safe democracy. The constitution was written by old men who owned slaves so it’s irrelevant. Diversity is our strength. Men can get pregnant…

Is it any different? Delusional worldviews fed by a need to be part of a giant movement? Create an enemy. Vilify the opposition, don’t try and beat their arguments with better arguments. Unleash thugs to put down opposition. Fake riots and strife to justify crackdowns on political opponents.

I always wondered what it was like to be in Germany in 1933 and how an advanced and cultured people with the best science and technology in Europe could just “let it all happen.” Well, now I am seeing!

The problem is that inertia is safer and the majority are rule-followers. Allowing the crazy and tiny majority (the national socialists in Germany and the core communist leadership in Russia were only a few thousands strong)… to subvert an entire nation. While the rule followers wake up one day and find that they are not just complicit but that any opposition is fatal. So they go with the flow hoping that they can work within the “new normal” and make the best of it.

So what if their neighbors are being hauled off or if there are breadlines. The central authority is promising great things just around the corner! Two weeks to flatten the curve. Diversity will make us strong. Once we get to Net Zero the world will be a paradise. If we give up hydrocarbons everything will be better…

This is what the crazy zealots of any religion or political system that advocated central control wants….

And why we were founded as a Republic. That we are having a hard time keeping, it seems. Because the siren song “democracy and utopian equality” under socialism is a great message for the masses that think they should be able to vote themselves the labor of others.

Well, it has worked a lot in history…. Not sure why we’d be any different.

Very well said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also absent from the line at Camp Perry. FALs. I’d bet there are very few Garands outside of the vintage and Garand specific matches as well. Any AKs there? Nope. Saying a gun is incapable, because it is not represented in arguably the most contorted and least practice shooting discipline outside of BR is asinine. Nobody shooting ARs in bench test. They must be shit too.
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I imagine that closing the course for the day, and the SS presence would be easy to figure out.
Shooter was set up by the 6th fairway, Trump had made it to the 5th.
Would have been a chip shot (even for a SKS) in about 30 minutes if the shooter had kept his cool.
Google maps fence line and 6th hole.
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I thought the same thing. We all have super high resolution cameras on our cell phones and every goddamn picture we ever get is the grainiest piece of shit you can imagine. The pic of the guy in PA's gun was just as shitty.

You have never sent or received a picture or video from IOS or Android to the other, I was finally browbeat into abandoning my Samsung for an IPhone.

Now I cuss people who send me pictures and they are not using an iPhone, so small or pixelated I can't make out what I am looking at, unless they email me.
Oh cmon now chikn! This is the BEAR PIT! Far stupider than this has thrived here for decades.

Just to clarify, I'm not suggesting the Trump campaign had anything to do with it, if that is what you thought I meant? I'm saying its possible a "crazy" might look at the boost in the polls Trump got after attempt 1, and think he can repeat that result by faking a second attempt. Especially if that crazy buys all the false hype that Trump is doomed post debate. After all, the guy never shot, which I admit is because SS never gave him the opportunity. But because he never pulled the trigger, we really don't know FOR SURE that he wanted Trump dead.

With Crooks, we knew that. It was also obvious that Crooks spent alot of time planning his attack, which makes sense for someone taking such a risky action. This doesn't have the same appearance of premeditation that attempt 1 had (shitty rifle, "ceramic tiles in a backpack", poking the barrel through the fence for everyone to see) , except for what I said earlier... How did he know Trump was golfing that day?

The early info suggests this guy was a pro-Ukraine nut job. Who is better for Ukraine, Kamala who will send un-ending money and weapons, or Trump who swears he'll end the war the next day? I don't know what this nut-job's answer would be. If it comes out this guy was anti-Trump then my speculation about one possibility was proven incorrect. But certainly you can appreciate me questioning all possibilities, given how often everyone is lied to by media, government, etc.

I get it.
It sounds like the "Q"debacle.
Its an incredible stretch to imagine anyone that would support Trump, being that retarded.
Besides, no one of any stripe actually believes Kumulla won the debate.
The stupid and politically retarded exist on the left....and then theres the ultimete retards to the left of them....libertarians.
My samsung takes great pics. Problem is when someone texts pics or video it gets compressed. My cousin sent me this video of our kids. I can barely even tell what kid is mine. This almost made me go iphone. I'm not there yet
Apple degrades the the media on purpose when sent through their messaging app. They can fix it, but they won't. You can use third party apps like whatsapp or signal to send media between apple and android devices with little quality loss.
AK ?? . must be that fucking Putin with Russia doin it's part in election interference.

edit add:
Unless ??? it was a Draco.. then it was definitively those pissed-off Black Muslims .

It is believed he brought it back from Ukraine, where he recently spent several months. Yeah I'm gonna repeat that part. Spent several months recently in Ukraine just like Yearick, the deceased body on the roof.
The media is the real perpetrator of treason in the past 6 years. They have been putting out a relentless tide of divisive brainrot with the very intent of radicalizing random nutjobs here and there to cook off like firecrackers. How many times have the various MSM outlets repeatedly made "jokes" about harming Trump, and put out other super-edgy shit and despite the public backlash each time, continued doing it?

Three attempts so far. The first perp was a leftist incel lonewacko soyboy. The second was a convicted child rapist and violent assault offender. And now we got another leftist nut with a long criminal record.
AK's & SKS's aint worth a shit, 20 rds at a 55 gallon drum @ 100 yrds lucky to hit it twice!. Seen those POS in Nam. Junk.
I had an SKS found it in a 55 gallon drum (trash can) at the range, some body threw it away!
I found the hammer was so soft it had the imprint of the firing pin in the face, short pin protrusion would not strike the primer.
Welded the hammer face, machined it then gave it away. :ROFLMAO:
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