Remember, it's how they are raised.


Two Star General
Full Member
Jul 20, 2020
Watching the dogs owner being perp walked, would you expect her to own any other breed?

Who would leave their kid in a home with a floor as filthy as seen in the pics?

In before the My peebull is a big baby and dindu' nuffin.' crowd.

Sad. People are idiots for owning dogs that are vicious if they won’t keep them tied or fenced. I don’t care the breed, if a dog is vicious it cannot be allowed unrestrained in public. In Idaho the state law and precedent allows for the shooting of any unrestrained dog. Now, I don’t just go shooting peoples dogs, but I won’t say I haven’t shot a dog that was on my property. I don’t care if you own a pit bull or Rottweiler, just keep it restrained.
Sad. People are idiots for owning dogs that are vicious if they won’t keep them tied or fenced. I don’t care the breed, if a dog is vicious it cannot be allowed unrestrained in public. In Idaho the state law and precedent allows for the shooting of any unrestrained dog. Now, I don’t just go shooting peoples dogs, but I won’t say I haven’t shot a dog that was on my property. I don’t care if you own a pit bull or Rottweiler, just keep it restrained.
Had a friend in TX shoot someone dog go after his kid.
Had a friend in TX shoot someone dog go after his kid.
I shot my neighbor’s Rottweiler. He was in our yard and was doing a pretty good job of eating my son’s miniature schnauzer. The rotty didn’t die, and I have to admit he’s a smart dog. He hasn’t been back in my yard since. The neighbor sued me for the vet bill to remove a 9mm bullet from the dogs neck. The judge didn’t like it, but he had to side with me. Funny thing is that me and the neighbor get along great now🤣
Don't leave small children alone with large dogs. Period. It's not a dog breed issue, it's a negligent dog owner issue.
I tend to agree with the first part of your statement, but I will say, when was the last time you heard of this happening with a lab or even a St. Bernard? Even a border collie which tends to be prone to bite people is not likely to play tug of war with a child.
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You can't untrain tens of thousands of years of selective breeding and instinct out of them. Dogs bred to fight and kill. People should have to be licensed and bonded to own certain breeds. I don't think you see incidents with mals because they are not popular or really even known outside of working dog communities. Breeding and who can buy them is much more selective. Pits, Rocks, Cane Corsos, ect......not so much.

The animal loving lunatics who put pets before humans will be here shortly to cry like the unhinged bitches they are.
I tend to agree with the first part of your statement, but I will say, when was the last time you heard of this happening with a lab or even a St. Bernard? Even a border collie which tends to be prone to bite people is not likely to play tug of war with a child.

I do find it funny that the experts on this say the most aggressive dog breed based on it's breed alone is not a pitbull, but rather a chihuahua. None the less, I believe any breed of dog and cat for that matter is capable of being aggressive. People going around blaming the breed and not the owner are the same morons who go around blaming guns for violence and not the people themselves who commit the violence. :rolleyes:
I do find it funny that the experts on this say the most aggressive dog breed based on its breed alone is not a pitbull, but rather a chihuahua. None the less, I believe any breed of dog and cat for that matter is capable of being aggressive.
😆chihuahuas are pretty vicious. I think they tend to be like diminutive men-very angry about their size. Little man/little dog syndrome.
I do find it funny that the experts on this say the most aggressive dog breed based on it's breed alone is not a pitbull, but rather a chihuahua. None the less, I believe any breed of dog and cat for that matter is capable of being aggressive. People going around blaming the breed and not the owner are the same morons who go around blaming guns for violence and not the people themselves who commit the violence. :rolleyes:
Only a fucking retard would compare an intimate object with a living breathing thinking animal that can act on its own.
fuck, my wife has a chihuahua. He would massacre you and all your families if he were able. I'm always so embarrassed when he gets out and runs at people and cars in the road.
he don't do nuffin, I have him trained well enough not to bite people, but these chihuahuas are stupid little creatures and I can't train the aggression out of this one.
my kids love him though.
Don't own pets you can't handle. We can't handle much more than a chihuahua, so we don't. I wanted a friendly golden retriever but whatever.
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We did a neuter today on a one year-old Pit Bull. The owner was recently bit by him when she tried to separate him from fighting with her other (uncut) male Pit (her fault). He was actually quite pleasant, and wanted to sit in my lap and give kisses etc... Frequently, those big bully types do quite well with me.

The problem is that they also have a high prey drive. I'm 5'10" and 200 lbs. A 3 foot tall and 35lb child is a prey item. When you add more Pits to the equation, the chances for combined aggression increases exponentially. I've also had to separate male Pits in the office literally by holding them at arms' length from each other when their owner brought them in together to a new environment. They decided that the best thing to do was try to kill each other.

In my not-so-professional opinion; there are few breeds that can go from one end of the spectrum to the other in such a short amount of time. Either own accordingly, or suffer the consequences.
At least you can drop kick a chiuahua into the next county... :ROFLMAO:
It's just hard for me to look at the breed in a negative light. I grew up around many a pitbull and never was afraid of any of them. Most of these pits were used for catch dogs pig hunting. They were all fiercely loyal and protective of us kids.

We did have one that went coo coo and ate all her pups. She was never right after that. I had a pup out of her mother that was my second best dog ever. She absolutely loved kids.

For those wondering what dog took first place, that would the golden retriever I had as a child. My parents got her shortly after I was born and she lived to be 16 years old. For a mild mannered golden retriever she sure could fight.
You know who is not biased? Actuaries. People who determine risk and put a dollar amount on it.

Hence why many insurance policies either exclude ownership of certain breeds, or they must be declared as your premiums will increase.

People are so emotional about this shit. They take it personal. But its business. And the people who are paid to determine and price risk, say that certain breeds are much more dangerous to society.
Its a breed issue. Don't see many toddlers getting mauled by goldendoodles and Labs.
Whatever you do, don’t google “Labrador attacks child” or “Husky attacks child”, or “(insert breed here) attacks child”. You may find out how wrong you are.

I do agree that breeds bread to be aggressive are more likely to be.
Timely thread. Just got back from a walk with my wife and retriever...a Boykin Spaniel. Distant neighbor with young child in diaper and pit bull rolls by us in a golf cart and stops at my cow pasture for the child to admire my cows. Pit bull is jerking the woman out of the golf cart barking trying to get to us and my dog. She fights him back in the golf cart and drives off....which is good. He didn't want to come over for a scratch behind the ears. Would have been a bad scene to put down their dog in front of them coming after us or my retriever. Why does anybody keep an aggresive dog with a toddler or roll around with it unleashed around other folks' property? I'd have to say looked plainly like negligent owner and aggressive breed.
Timely thread. Just got back from a walk with my wife and retriever...a Boykin Spaniel. Distant neighbor with young child in diaper and pit bull rolls by us in a golf cart and stops at my cow pasture for the child to admire my cows. Pit bull is jerking the woman out of the golf cart barking trying to get to us and my dog. She fights him back in the golf cart and drives off....which is good. He didn't want to come over for a scratch behind the ears. Would have been a bad scene to put down their dog in front of them coming after us or my retriever. Why does anybody keep an aggresive dog with a toddler or roll around with it unleashed around other folks' property? I'd have to say looked plainly like negligent owner and aggressive breed.

I personally can't stand people who feel the need to take their dogs regardless of breed everywhere they go. And don't even get me started on "service animals". Nobody needs to bring a fucking peacock on an airplane!
One of the sweetest old dogs I ever knew was a pitbull / Rottweiler mix suffering from dibilitating, arthritic effects from lyme disease. He couldn't have been a more kindly old gentleman.
Always carry and don't be a fucktard and leave your kids with scumbags with dogs that need bullets.
Trash people own and breed trash fighting dogs because they were bred for fighting. You'll be hard pressed to find a beagle in the 'hood.

For the "It's how they are raised" mantra, I'm not sure what kind of special education you're supposed to give a pitbull to keep his attack/prey drive from kicking in. Sporting Men have bred them since the Victorian Era when dog fighting became a gentleman's sport for that drive to be the dominant trait.
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Trash people own and breed trash fighting dogs because they were bred for fighting. You'll be hard pressed to find a beagle in the 'hood.

For the "It's how they are raised" mantra, I'm not sure what kind of special education you're supposed to give a pitbull to keep his attack/prey drive from kicking in. Sporting Men have bred them since the Victorian Era when dog fighting became a gentleman's sport for that drive to be the dominant trait.
It's possible for dogs to overcome breeding for sure. We were walking our dogs last night and neither the GWP nor the WPG (unfortunately) even looked at the covey of valley quial that flushed as we came around a corner. When they're bred to kill and can kill kids/people is where I draw the line on gambling.
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Last dog to bite me was a pit. Earned me a trip to the doctors office!
So 75% of fatals are done by pits or rotties. Tell me again how goldens are killers like the other 2. Fuck off with that shit. Dogs that attack people need to get shot immediately, just like people who attack people. Dead is cured for life.
My aunt and uncle had a former General Dynamics guard dog, German Shepherd, that attacked me twice. The first time we thought I had surprised him in the garage as he slept, second time I was walking up to their house less than 2 weeks later, left arm still in a cast. My uncle took his 1911 and took the dog in the back yard and shot him immediately. Told me years later, he should have done it after the first time he attacked me.

I had been around that dog for years before the first attack. I have 4 puncture wound scars on both elbows from the separate attacks. He had never even growled at a person up to that point.
So 75% of fatals are done by pits or rotties. Tell me again how goldens are killers like the other 2. Fuck off with that shit. Dogs that attack people need to get shot immediately, just like people who attack people. Dead is cured for life.

I’m not following you on the Goldens comment, but I totally agree that dogs that attack people need to be put down just like people that kill people.

FYI I’m a Rottie guy, I’ve had 7-8 of them in my lifetime. They’re great dogs but I spend a lot of time socializing them and I’m very careful to watch them around other people. I don’t think they’re inherently viscous but they are incredibly powerful dogs.
In college, rented a 4 bedroom house with 2 other guys. Fenced yard. Pretty nice place. One of the roomies had a buddy get kicked out of his apartment because of his dog. 1/2 Pit, 1/2 Great Dane. Sinbad. He was as tall as a Dane and built like a pit. I'd guess that dog was 185 lbs. I was about 205 muscled up and lean then. Roomie took in the dog but I took care of him. He was a big pussy, real lovable dog but he looked absolutely ferocious. He hated squirrels with a passion because they would steal his food and then taunt him from a limb too high for him to reach.
I ran 3-10 miles almost every day then and had a long swingset type chain on a choke collar for Sinbad. I took him almost every run. I had to be paying attention because if he thought he might be able to nab a squirrel, he'd go for it.
When we first took him in, the mail lady stopped delivering. She was maybe 61" tall and 110 lbs. Sinbad would stand up on the fence with his front legs and tell her his name was Sinbad. I don't blame her. I caught her one day and introduced her to Sinbad and she gave him a treat. No problem after that.
He would jump that 4' fence without even touching it. I'd come home and see him going back into the back yard. Neighbor said Sinbad would jump the fence everyday as soon as my car was a block down the road and then he'd spend the rest of the day on the porch, going back over to get a drink or a snack. He'd also jump back when our postwoman would walk a few houses up and wait, barking, for his treat.
I never saw him be aggressive except after squirrels until one day I took a different route on my run. Yard had a real nice 8' chainlink fence and inside were some real specimens. A huge Rot, an almost completely black GSD and a nearly blond Doberman female. GSD was mauling the fence, Rot was standing up on the fence and bouncing it with his front feet. Lady dog was standing back and barking. Ol' Sinbad stops, looks, his hair stood up and walked to the fence real stiff legged even while I was pulling on him. He sniffs the GSD, took a half step and hiked his leg and pissed right on that dogs head. GSD shut right up and backed away. Sinbad threw some grass and went to the Rot, walked back and forth a couple of times and then jumped and hit that fence so hard that it knocked the Rot down. Rot jumps right back up and started to go for the fence and Sinbad let out a growl...I had never heard him growl before. Rot just stood there then barking. I was finally able to pull Sinbad away but he looked back for a block.
I told my buddy that we needed to get rid of this dog before he twisted off at the wrong time. Someone walking a dog by that wanted to act aggressive or something. If not for that nice fence, there is no way I would have been able to stop those 4 dogs from going at it and I don't think it would have been a pretty sight. He was sent to live the original owners dad.

I have had bird dogs all of my life and since I met my current wife, we have had mini Dachshunds. I've only had one bird dog that I would consider slightly aggressive, other than the prey drive. They've all been cat killers and a dead skunk or rabbit or something on the porch is not uncommon. I am sure to socialize them with other dogs and people because I hate a fucking aggressive bird dog attacking someone elses bird dog before or during a hunt. I've loaded back up and not hunted because of someone elses fucking dog.
These little weiner dogs, though, they are sure lovers of the family but these little dogs are aggressive. They have zero fear of anything and go right in. They don't know they only weigh less than 13 pounds or just don't care. I think weiner dogs are high on the list of most likely to bite.
Trash people own and breed trash fighting dogs because they were bred for fighting. You'll be hard pressed to find a beagle in the 'hood.

For the "It's how they are raised" mantra, I'm not sure what kind of special education you're supposed to give a pitbull to keep his attack/prey drive from kicking in. Sporting Men have bred them since the Victorian Era when dog fighting became a gentleman's sport for that drive to be the dominant trait.

Yep, for the same reason you won't find a lab guarding a junkyard, pomeranian working as a bird dog etc... etc...

It is a nature thing, and most breeds were developed with certain characteristics in mind.

Add to that now, that frequently people are breeding for looks within a breed (especially bully breeds now), and you exacerbate the problem because you can throw confirmation and temperament out the window.

We get a lot of calls even out here in the country to do cesarean sections on bully breeds that are now incapable of naturally delivering puppies. Our clinic policy (my wife and I) are that we will do the C-section, but we're also doing a spay at the same time because you're promoting unhealthy and unnatural animals. It pisses some people off who go elsewhere, but we don't really want their business anyway. Think of it as our passive-aggressive way to weed out undesirable clients.

The owners of theses breeds are frequently just as stupid and unpredictable as their pets, and it just isn't enjoyable having them in the office in the first place. 95% of them just see their puppies as a chance at a paycheck anyway. Literally the bulk of their conversation is centered around how much they can sell each puppy for. I wish it wasn't like that, but it is.
In college, rented a 4 bedroom house with 2 other guys. Fenced yard. Pretty nice place. One of the roomies had a buddy get kicked out of his apartment because of his dog. 1/2 Pit, 1/2 Great Dane. Sinbad. He was as tall as a Dane and built like a pit. I'd guess that dog was 185 lbs. I was about 205 muscled up and lean then. Roomie took in the dog but I took care of him. He was a big pussy, real lovable dog but he looked absolutely ferocious. He hated squirrels with a passion because they would steal his food and then taunt him from a limb too high for him to reach.
I ran 3-10 miles almost every day then and had a long swingset type chain on a choke collar for Sinbad. I took him almost every run. I had to be paying attention because if he thought he might be able to nab a squirrel, he'd go for it.
When we first took him in, the mail lady stopped delivering. She was maybe 61" tall and 110 lbs. Sinbad would stand up on the fence with his front legs and tell her his name was Sinbad. I don't blame her. I caught her one day and introduced her to Sinbad and she gave him a treat. No problem after that.
He would jump that 4' fence without even touching it. I'd come home and see him going back into the back yard. Neighbor said Sinbad would jump the fence everyday as soon as my car was a block down the road and then he'd spend the rest of the day on the porch, going back over to get a drink or a snack. He'd also jump back when our postwoman would walk a few houses up and wait, barking, for his treat.
I never saw him be aggressive except after squirrels until one day I took a different route on my run. Yard had a real nice 8' chainlink fence and inside were some real specimens. A huge Rot, an almost completely black GSD and a nearly blond Doberman female. GSD was mauling the fence, Rot was standing up on the fence and bouncing it with his front feet. Lady dog was standing back and barking. Ol' Sinbad stops, looks, his hair stood up and walked to the fence real stiff legged even while I was pulling on him. He sniffs the GSD, took a half step and hiked his leg and pissed right on that dogs head. GSD shut right up and backed away. Sinbad threw some grass and went to the Rot, walked back and forth a couple of times and then jumped and hit that fence so hard that it knocked the Rot down. Rot jumps right back up and started to go for the fence and Sinbad let out a growl...I had never heard him growl before. Rot just stood there then barking. I was finally able to pull Sinbad away but he looked back for a block.
I told my buddy that we needed to get rid of this dog before he twisted off at the wrong time. Someone walking a dog by that wanted to act aggressive or something. If not for that nice fence, there is no way I would have been able to stop those 4 dogs from going at it and I don't think it would have been a pretty sight. He was sent to live the original owners dad.

I have had bird dogs all of my life and since I met my current wife, we have had mini Dachshunds. I've only had one bird dog that I would consider slightly aggressive, other than the prey drive. They've all been cat killers and a dead skunk or rabbit or something on the porch is not uncommon. I am sure to socialize them with other dogs and people because I hate a fucking aggressive bird dog attacking someone elses bird dog before or during a hunt. I've loaded back up and not hunted because of someone elses fucking dog.
These little weiner dogs, though, they are sure lovers of the family but these little dogs are aggressive. They have zero fear of anything and go right in. They don't know they only weigh less than 13 pounds or just don't care. I think weiner dogs are high on the list of most likely to bite.
People think pits are the badasses but the real badass is the Great Dane. They have such intelligence, class and royal dignity they don't advertize it like the thug breeds.
They and the mastiffs go back to the war dogs of Roman times.

The actions of pissing on the dogs head and knocking the other dog off the fence sounds like Sinbad showing the Great Dane in him.
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