Maggie’s Funny & awesome pics, vids and memes thread (work safe, no nudity)

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Had exactly the same high cholesterol since I was 18 years old and in the Air Force… which is probably why I ended up with the three stents in my heart.

i had a good conversation with my uncle yesterday. called him to check to see how hes doing (and other close relatives) in florida with the storm about to hit. he was out getting meds when i called and i spoke with my aunt until my uncle came home. he was out getting his cholesterol meds, i forgot he had stents years back. i asked if he was taking statins, exactly what he went out for. i sent him links of Dr Mason talking about statins and cholesterol. told him to change his diet, more organic animal and diary fat and much less with the carbs. whether he watches and does more research is to be determined. either he will fix his issue with a change of diet, or he will keep making his drug dealer aka doctor, richer. he also told me he was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, same as my late father, his brother. i tried with my father to change his diet to reverse his conditions, stubborn is hard to shake, my father lost to his shitty diet and drug dealers, hope my uncle isnt as stubborn, but he did sound like a 5yr old when i told him not to take any more of the fake poison jabs being touted as "safe and effective". problem today is that people dont have time to read the ingredients on what they buy, and blindly keep buying the same shitty food, bit like the stupid woman who told me that tim tam coffee was great while i was reading the ingredients. i thanked her for her input and mentioned to her that at least the coffee didnt have bugs in the ingredients. eyes wide open in disbelief, she proceeded to walk off, with me raising my voice to tell her, and hope others heard me, "no one knows how to read the ingredients today".