Remember, it's how they are raised.

Dogs that attack people need to get shot immediately, just like people who attack people. Dead is cured for life.

Are you willing to apply that same rule to "The King's Dogs"?
Or do the King's Dogs get a free pass to attack and maul people "just doing their job" and people should be happy to be mauled and "don't resist" getting attacked?

If you want to make special exceptions for the King's Dogs, well then you better either be willing to make the same exceptions for the dogs of the common man, or else just admit what you are...
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Looks like we might be taking in some kind of pitmix puppy. It showed up last weekend we said we'd keep if it was still at our house when got home. My wife just me a picture of it from the dog pound. It was annokder pitbull that looked like a very classic staphordshire terrier. Like our pit that died at 5 from cancer.

When I was a kid my friends junk yard had a black lab for a guard dog. That fucker would bight anyone exept his dad. Now they have cow dogs. Those fuckers will bite anyone. 🤣

My last lab hated kids. He growled at a kid once who ran up and tried pet him. I kept him on a leash around kids. He didn't like my wife's dad either.

I had a big red lab in my early twenties. He died at 3 of cancer we thiught. He was a monster and probably the smartest dog I ever seen. We boarded him once and after that he would try to attack the vet. I have always wondered what the vet did to him. I kind of wondered if that dame vet gave him something that caused his sickness and shortly thereafter death. He went from prime to skin and bones and dead in just couple months. Real hard to watch your prize puppy and pal waste away.

He was headed around behind some people my mom invited in to bite them once also. He had his down, I don't think he was even going to warn them. I think he was just going to get behind them and pounce.
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My black lab in my late teens was extremely close to me. He always stayed close to monitor the situation whenever strangers came out and if they got too close in my space he would bite them, usually from the back and on a hand. Not hard but just a warning bite with a growl.

If someone seriously went hands on it would have been two against one.

Some asshole from work came out to deliver a piece of equipment and my dog did a warning bite, not hard, no damage. He went back to work and told all the other redneck fags and the next morning they confronted me. He said "Your dog bit me." I said 'Yeah, so what?'
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You can't untrain tens of thousands of years of selective breeding and instinct out of them. Dogs bred to fight and kill. People should have to be licensed and bonded to own certain breeds. I don't think you see incidents with mals because they are not popular or really even known outside of working dog communities. Breeding and who can buy them is much more selective. Pits, Rocks, Cane Corsos, ect......not so much.

The animal loving lunatics who put pets before humans will be here shortly to cry like the unhinged bitches they are.
Most of these dogs are inbred to fuck in some ghetto back yard with zero papers and mistreated from birth, but “selective breeding”
Could be. I wasn't disputing. Seems like aggression is linked to inbreeding. Could be a problem.

I was always kind of suprised how young you could start to see temperaments in dogs. I could tell my red lab pup I kept was going to be ornery with some fire in his belly from before his eyes even opened. He was the only pup we ever kept from a litter. You could tell he was something special by like 3 weeks.
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Could be. I wasn't disputing. Seems like aggression is linked to inbreeding. Could be a problem.

I was always kind of suprised how young you could start to see temperaments in dogs. I could tell my red lab pup I kept was going to be ornery with some fire in his belly from before his eyes even opened. He was the only pup we ever kept from a litter. You could tell he was something special by like 3 weeks.
Chihuahuas cause an odd amount of ER trips and they were bred to hell to get how they are. Best dogs I’ve had are mutts, no health issues and big babies.

Hell my buddies huge rott and 3 German shepherds are all big babies too though. It’s almost like they are animals and all different just like people….(not directed toward you)
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Most of these dogs are inbred to fuck in some ghetto back yard with zero papers and mistreated from birth, but “selective breeding”
You aren't too bright.

Hundreds if not thousands of years of breeding out( kill the ones/ don't allow them to reproduce) the docile traits and breeding in aggression, prey drive, ignoring pain, lack of fear,ect.

The result is the gene pool bylarge posses the traits passed down to them. It doesn't matter how or where they are bred, the majority of the population has these traits.
Chihuahuas cause an odd amount of ER trips and they were bred to hell to get how they are. Best dogs I’ve had are mutts, no health issues and big babies.

Hell my buddies huge rott and 3 German shepherds are all big babies too though. It’s almost like they are animals and all different just like people….(not directed toward you)
I would imagine the temperment of a particular dog is a huge part of the equation. And plays way more of a part than the breed.
You aren't too bright.

Hundreds if not thousands of years of breeding out( kill the ones/ don't allow them to reproduce) the docile traits and breeding in aggression, prey drive, ignoring pain, lack of fear,ect.

The result is the gene pool bylarge posses the traits passed down to them. It doesn't matter how or where they are bred, the majority of the population has these traits.
Says the guy who doesn’t realize dogs fuck in the street too.

Also pretty much none of these breeds were around “thousands of years ago” and every breed is linked backed to the same dogs “thousands of years ago”
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AKC does slow down the inbreeding but you can still breed two papered dogs with bad hips. "Selective breeding" is defnetiley only as good as the person doing the selecting. 🤣🤣🤣
the germans have had that down for decades. every breed has a warden who must approve the breeding. no approval,no pink papers and no chance to sell at least in europe.
and sorry,AKC has fucked up several breeds. the beauty show assholes breed for whatever "look" is popular at any given time. no regard for function,train ability orsoundness. GSD is a perfect example.
Says the guy who doesn’t realize dogs fuck in the street too.

Also pretty much none of these breeds were around “thousands of years ago” and every breed is linked backed to the same dogs “thousands of years ago”
images (2).jpeg
AKC does slow down the inbreeding but you can still breed two papered dogs with bad hips. "Selective breeding" is defnetiley only as good as the person doing the selecting. 🤣🤣🤣
Every pitbull or dog in general isn’t AKC is my point. Lots of dogs people pass as pure are bought from ghetto underground puppy mills with no paperwork. It’s no different than people buying fake jewelry and clothes to look cool. Lots of “pits” get found on the street and put up for adoption, they aren’t pure bred.
Yep, for the same reason you won't find a lab guarding a junkyard, pomeranian working as a bird dog etc... etc...

It is a nature thing, and most breeds were developed with certain characteristics in mind.

Add to that now, that frequently people are breeding for looks within a breed (especially bully breeds now), and you exacerbate the problem because you can throw confirmation and temperament out the window.

We get a lot of calls even out here in the country to do cesarean sections on bully breeds that are now incapable of naturally delivering puppies. Our clinic policy (my wife and I) are that we will do the C-section, but we're also doing a spay at the same time because you're promoting unhealthy and unnatural animals. It pisses some people off who go elsewhere, but we don't really want their business anyway. Think of it as our passive-aggressive way to weed out undesirable clients.

The owners of theses breeds are frequently just as stupid and unpredictable as their pets, and it just isn't enjoyable having them in the office in the first place. 95% of them just see their puppies as a chance at a paycheck anyway. Literally the bulk of their conversation is centered around how much they can sell each puppy for. I wish it wasn't like that, but it is.
I wish all vets would take that position. Of course I have a very large powerful dog, (twice the bite force of a pit) and I am a big believer in the dog is a reflection of the owner.

That said, I personally wouldn't ever have a pit because I can't see how the entire blood line hasn't been corrupted or at least potentially corrupted by those types of trash that have bred pits for the wrong reasons for so long now.

I go through quite a bit to know the bloodline and who I'm getting a dog from and there's a cost to that, but I wouldn't have a powerful dog that's capable of such instant damage without knowing he comes from a long line of good temperament and healthy dogs, and I don't think others should either.
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Trash people own and breed trash fighting dogs because they were bred for fighting. You'll be hard pressed to find a beagle in the 'hood.

For the "It's how they are raised" mantra, I'm not sure what kind of special education you're supposed to give a pitbull to keep his attack/prey drive from kicking in. Sporting Men have bred them since the Victorian Era when dog fighting became a gentleman's sport for that drive to be the dominant trait.



Not every animal exhibits those rare, miraculous, extra - friendly "qualities..."

If one was a gambling person, one would always place their money on the pet with the least potential for injury.
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It's not random. The strongest, fiercest one lives.
Yes and selective breeding is choosing that one yourself. You aren’t selecting it, chance is.

If you know the stronger one already then you’re retarded for taking all the extra steps
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It’s more accurate than you selecting it, the outcome of the fights selects.
YOU selecting is how selective breeding works lol…it’s in the fucking name. Survival of the fittest isn’t selective, no one is looking for certain traits and hand picking which one breeds.

It’s very obvious you don’t understand the definition of the word. It’s intentional not chance based.

Natural selection, and selective breeding aren’t the same.
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YOU selecting is how selective breeding works lol…it’s in the fucking name. Survival of the fittest isn’t selective, no one is looking for certain traits and hand picking which one breeds.

It’s very obvious you don’t understand the definition of the word. It’s intentional not chance based.
No, you're being the dumbfuck here and Im trying to unfuck you.

If you're looking for a dog to improve a lineage of fighting dogs you look for a sire thats a winner in the pit. You're not deciding it wins, he, through fighting spirit and prowess, does.

By the fact he survives the fights is the selection process. If YOU select the dog to sire your litter and it loses, you chose poorly and should have waited and let the outcome of the fight decide or select the sire.
No, you're being the dumbfuck here and Im trying to unfuck you.

If you're looking for a dog to improve a lineage of fighting dogs you look for a sire thats a winner in the pit. You're not deciding it wins, he, through fighting spirit and prowess, does.

By the fact he survives the fights is the selection process. If YOU select the dog to sire your litter and it loses, you chose poorly and should have waited and let the outcome of the fight decide or select the sire.
That’s not selective breeding, that’s half ass natural selection with extra steps of human intervention you “dumbfuck”.

Selective breeding is you choose the exact male dog you want to breed with the exact female you want to get a certain trait there’s no chance involved it’s exact selections, not seeing which one of two or more win a fight. Choosing a dog to fight is making a selection, but it’s not selective breeding there’s chance involved.

I can hear your dumbass over there “this moron, I’m natural and the dogs are natural, and I selected two to fight”

Similar doesn’t equal the exact same
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That’s not selective breeding, that’s half ass natural selection with extra steps of human intervention you “dumbfuck”.

Selective breeding is you choose the exact male dog you want to breed with the exact female you want to get a certain trait there’s no chance involved it’s exact selections, not seeing which one of two or more win a fight. Choosing a dog to fight is making a selection, but it’s not selective breeding there’s chance involved.

I can hear your dumbass over there “this moron, I’m natural and the dogs are natural, and I selected two to fight”
You seem to be denying there are people that choose the exact dog (the one that won the fight) to breed with the exact female(the most vicious one they could find) to selectively breed the most vicious fighting dogs they can. Why? It's mucho macho that's why. You guys are arguing the same thing from different viewpoints.
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That’s not selective breeding, that’s half ass natural selection with extra steps of human intervention you “dumbfuck”.

Selective breeding is you choose the exact male dog you want to breed with the exact female you want to get a certain trait there’s no chance involved it’s exact selections, not seeing which one of two or more win a fight. Choosing a dog to fight is making a selection, but it’s not selective breeding there’s chance involved.

I can hear your dumbass over there “this moron, I’m natural and the dogs are natural, and I selected two to fight”

Similar doesn’t equal the exact same
Youre the dumfuck. If YOU do the selecting youre not going to get the most viscious dogs.
People have been breeding these dogs for over a hundred years based on the outcome of their fights. It's also known as the 'Survival of the fittest'.

If you think thats 'half-ass natural process' and you're the better judge to select the best fighting dog than you just proved you are the dumbfuck.
I wish all vets would take that position. Of course I have a very large powerful dog, (twice the bite force of a pit) and I am a big believer in the dog is a reflection of the owner.

That said, I personally wouldn't ever have a pit because I can't see how the entire blood line hasn't been corrupted or at least potentially corrupted by those types of trash that have bred pits for the wrong reasons for so long now.

I go through quite a bit to know the bloodline and who I'm getting a dog from and there's a cost to that, but I wouldn't have a powerful dog that's capable of such instant damage without knowing he comes from a long line of good temperament and healthy dogs, and I don't think others should either.

I own one of the finest examples (temperament) of Johnson American Bulldogs ever, not even a question about her. So I don't hate bully breeds. However I've come to understand the poor hip genetics within the breed, so I'm one and done.

I probably should have noted in my original post that all cesarean sections we do will also get spayed, regardless of breed. The likelihood of the dog needing it again is extremely high, and promotes poor genetics. I'm very happy to provide the numbers to other clinics if an owner does not agree with our position. That is quite alright.
Youre the dumfuck. If YOU do the selecting youre not going to get the most viscious dogs.
People have been breeding these dogs for over a hundred years based on the outcome of their fights. It's also known as the 'Survival of the fittest'.

If you think thats 'half-ass natural process' and you're the better judge to select the best fighting dog than you just proved you are the dumbfuck.
You’re the one who decided it was about being vicious I’m talking traits in general.

Survival of the fittest is natural selection, its nature deciding not human

Dumbfuck lol
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You’re the one who decided it was about being vicious I’m talking traits in general.

Survival of the fittest is natural selection, it nature not human

Dumbfuck lol
No you weren't, lying dumbfuck. The thread is about pitbulls killing a child in Converse, TX. and how unpredictably dangerous pits are, not about their traits in general.

I said the the breed is honed to become more viscious based on the results in the fighting pit. You seem to think otherwise, dumbfuck.
Akmike47 hasn't gotten to the evolution section yet in his GED class. In a few months he will come back and appologize.
There’s a difference between nature choosing characteristics and people choosing characteristics. Both make the animals evolve into something different eventually.

He’s stuck on this fighting thing he brought up. You’re not really making the choice you’re settling on the winner and the choice is being made for you. So it’s more natural selection.
There’s a difference between nature choosing characteristics and people choosing characteristics. Both make the animals evolve into something different eventually.

He’s stuck on this fighting thing he brought up. You’re not really making the choice you’re settling on the winner and the choice is being made for you. So it’s more natural selection.
Thats what I said in post #56, dumbfuck, when I said "Selective breeding means they survived their fights." You're not making a selection. The dogs do it for you.
Thats what I said in post #56, dumbfuck, when I said "Selective breeding means they survived their fights." You're not making a selection. The dogs do it for you.
Yes that’s natural selection dummy that’s what I’ve been telling you. Natural….nature, nature is making the selection.

Another name for selective breeding is artificial selection…artificial, not natural.

It’s not two terms with the same meaning.
Yes that’s natural selection dummy that’s what I’ve been telling you. Natural….nature, nature is making the selection.

Another name for selective breeding is artificial selection…artificial, not natural.

It’s not two terms with the same meaning.
No it's not 'natural'. Unneutered, unspayed dogs running loose having litters is 'natural selection' dumbass.
Two dogs put in a pit to fight to the death to decide which one's genes will continue the breed is selective breeding.
No it's not 'natural'. Unneutered, unspayed dogs running loose having litters is 'natural selection' dumbass.
Two dogs put in a pit to fight to the death to decide which one's genes will continue the breed is selective breeding.
Nope that’s the weak being killed…natural. You just put it in a different environment and forced it. You aren’t making the selection, you’re settling on natures selection.
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You seem to be denying there are people that choose the exact dog (the one that won the fight) to breed with the exact female(the most vicious one they could find) to selectively breed the most vicious fighting dogs they can. Why? It's mucho macho that's why. You guys are arguing the same thing from different viewpoints.
I am not sure how prevalent dog fighting is back east. It's not very common out here. I know it happens because one of my friends older brothers that lived in Denver and lived the gangster life had pitbull that had been a fighting dog that somehow ended up with his mom and my friend. The entire family was a mess. His dad died of cancer prior to their move to my town. That was about the sweetest most mild mannered dog I ever saw with humans. They had to keep it away from other dogs though. It eventually ended killing his chihuahua after they moved away.

Most people out here are breeding dogs for looks or quick cash or by accident. Mostly by accident though. 🤣🤣 a well proportioned athletic staphordshire terrier is a beautiful dog. They make a good hunting or retrieving dog. Not great cold weather dogs with their super short coat. Very clean inside dogs though.
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I am not sure how prevalent dog fighting is back east. It's not very common out here. I know it happens because one of my friends older brothers that lived in Denver and lived the gangster life had pitbull that had been a fighting dog that somehow ended up with his mom and my friend. The entire family was a mess. His dad died of cancer prior to their move to my town. That was about the sweetest most mild mannered dog I ever saw with humans. They had to keep it away from other dogs though. It eventually ended killing his chihuahua after they moved away.

Most people out here are breeding dogs for looks or quick cash or by accident. Mostly by accident though. 🤣🤣 a well proportioned athletic staphordshire terrier is a beautiful dog. They make a good hunting or retrieving dog. Not great cold weather dogs with their super short coat. Very clean inside dogs though.
I hate people who put clothes on dogs, but a pitty in a hoody always looks funny

The short hair thing, made me think of this by the way
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I can do this as long as you want.

that’s not how it works lol

Survival of the fittest is at the core of natural selection. A doggy death match is survival of the fittest.
I got nothing but time, especially when I'm right. Youre the one that corrected me when I didn't need correcting. I'll say it again, "Selective breeding means they survived their fights."

Thats all, not any more complicated than that.