10 years between USFS and CDF and another 5 in a Rural Vol. FD. No two fires have been the same, be it Wilderness Area, Wildland, Urban interface, or structure. California, Idaho, Nevada, Montana, and Oregon; Desert, Alpine, Timber, and variations/blends of terrain. Engine Crew and Hand Crew. I wouldn’t trade the experiences and places I’ve seen, but my body sure tells me about it.
200 foot flame front that is wind and terrain driven will make you a believer in a higher power.
Back to the topic at hand. Fuels Reduction, proper water delivery systems in place and MAINTAINED, building codes that address LOCAL conditions, and REAL leadership are all key. How many of these were checked off?
In my AO, Tribal Members and long term Families talked about lighting fires in the LATE Autum to clear out under story fuels and promote grasses and forbes growth for game and livestock graze. It also helped keep fuel loads down. This also didn’t account for the natural (lightning) fires that helped keep fuel loads down. Now we put every smoke out and do nothing about decadent and dead vegetation, then wonder why fires are so catastrophic.
We now have ”leadership” that wants to “save” the planet and has NO clue about the natural cycles, self interest (except their own), and how to get different groups to WORK TOGETHER! They have been goose stepping us into this for many years.