I think I saw a similar Vector review in a C_DOES video but it maybe had a different reticle? It looked like a good scope and I think he liked it but maybe not the reticle. I'd have to go back and find the video. It may have been in one of his long comparison videos.
But yeah, this looks like a really good option as well with the FC-DMX type reticle. Looks like the center dot is a little more precise on the Vector, which is a good thing in my view.
I'll have to do some more research on this scope. The price isn't bad either. Just a little bit more than the Athlon and a little bit heavier but that's ok.
I have such brand bias when it comes to these types of scopes though. I always feel like they're inferior to the Nightforces of the world on the durability side of things. Someone please convince me that these Athlon and Vector type scopes are ok.

Maybe not Nightforce durable but durable enough. I mean, it's only the tactical games.