Would you get into 6.5 Grendel in 2024?

Just curious if Alpha holds their unfired brass to the same base to shoulder measurement as Lapua and Starline at 1.179-1.180. That’s quite a bit of case stretch when most of my chambers run 1.1895-1.1905 ish. Hate having to burn 100 rounds in the fire form process, and don’t quite understand why otherwise quality brass is so short as new. I’d take another .005-.006 unless there’s a solid reasoning for it coming from factory as is.

My Grendel brass all grew .017" on the first firing. It's pretty absurd.
Just curious if Alpha holds their unfired brass to the same base to shoulder measurement as Lapua and Starline at 1.179-1.180. That’s quite a bit of case stretch when most of my chambers run 1.1895-1.1905 ish. Hate having to burn 100 rounds in the fire form process, and don’t quite understand why otherwise quality brass is so short as new. I’d take another .005-.006 unless there’s a solid reasoning for it coming from factory as is.
So I just measured a bunch of cases of unfired Lapua, unfired Alpha, vs fired Lapua cases.

(Hornady #350 shoulder datum headspace comparator bushing mounted in calipers, with calipers zeroed to closed position on the bushing so we get actual case head-to-shoulder datum)

SAAMI Spec Maximum cartridge shoulder datum: 1.220" -.007"

SAAMI chamber to shoulder datum: Max 1.2301” Min 1.2201"

Virgin Lapua: 1.205"

Virgin Alpha: 1.212"

Fired Lapua: 1.221"

The Alpha brass is visibly longer to shoulder datum, .007” longer. I’m pretty stoked about it.
Would be very interesting to see a comparison of an identical load using once fired (in same gun) Hornady, Starline, Lapua and Alpha brass. Should yield some interesting data, though would think you’d want to keep case weight variance as low as possible. I have Hornady that can weigh 115gr +/- 5ish unprimed, only two bags of Starline-one bag 107-108, other 109-110gr unprimed, all Lapua about 112-114 unprimed and Alpha unknown. Would like to see some consistency amongst the competition. Look forward to your further feedback.