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Finding a wife

Here's another aspect about being married. IMHO, it started with the television sitcoms from the 1960s to today. The pattern for the typical family sitcom was to portray the husband as being an idiot, fat and bald. The wife was slim, smart and beautiful. The entire episode was for the wife and kids to poke fun at the father.

Little girls grew up with that. Exposure to shows like that along with the education system and courts that favored the harpies and wallet vampires brought disaster to traditional families and men to a synergistic level.

This is a Pearl double-feature. She exposes the "trad-wives" for what they really are. Even if you don't marry a woman that "jokes" about you on social media, there are ones that never miss a beat to put you down and make fun of you in front of your children, friends and family. Been there and experienced it.

The biggest casualty with that sort of "joking" are the children. When they are in the toddler stage, the only thing they learn is that Dad is an idiot and Mom is the genius. If not corrected, they are the ones that tell the judge they want to live with mommy during the custody battle.

Maybe the ragheads have something to the way they treat their women. The women that think they are oppressed in the western world ought to go live in a muslim country and see how much better they have it here.

I actually had some long conversations with a lady who, as part of her job, had to travel into muslim countries. She had to comply with their shitty sharia law and was beaten on the street for the most minor infractions. Simply put; we would never treat a dog the way the ragheads treat their women. One of this lady's most memorable things she told me was; "Western women do not know how great they have it here. They are so spoiled and entitled."

Raise your hands if you have ever had to endure a constant stream of petty insults, put-downs, disrespect and ridicules from your beautiful bride that was cloaked in the form of "friendly joking."

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Here's another aspect about being married. IMHO, it started with the television sitcoms from the 1960s to today. The pattern for the typical family sitcom was to portray the husband as being an idiot, fat and bald. The wife was slim, smart and beautiful. The entire episode was for the wife and kids to poke fun at the father.

Little girls grew up with that. Exposure to shows like that along with the education system and courts that favored the harpies and wallet vampires brought disaster to traditional families and men to a synergistic level.

This is a Pearl double-feature. She exposes the "trad-wives" for what they really are. Even if you don't marry a woman that "jokes" about you on social media, there are ones that never miss a beat to put you down and make fun of you in front of your children, friends and family. Been there and experienced it.

The biggest casualty with that sort of "joking" are the children. When they are in the toddler stage, the only thing they learn is that Dad is an idiot and Mom is the genius. If not corrected, they are the ones that tell the judge they want to live with mommy during the custody battle.

Maybe the ragheads have something to the way they treat their women. The women that think they are oppressed in the western world ought to go live in a muslim country and see how much better they have it here.

I actually had some long conversations with a lady who, as part of her job, had to travel into muslim countries. She had to comply with their shitty sharia law and was beaten on the street for the most minor infractions. Simply put; we would never treat a dog the way the ragheads treat their women. One of this lady's most memorable things she told me was; "Western women do not know how great they have it here. They are so spoiled and entitled."

Raise your hands if you have ever had to endure a constant stream of petty insults, put-downs, disrespect and ridicules from your beautiful bride that was cloaked in the form of "friendly joking."

She says it all in the lower video, and proves it. And she uses this ass kissing idiot of a guy as a perfect example. Men are far more to blame for today's fucked up women, than the women themselves are. Women are no different than young kids. They're ALWAYS testing to see just how much they can get away with.... And then push for even more. This dickless ass clown takes his dominate wife's side, and proves it.

He's like a trained monkey in a circus act. Now everyone can plainly see how well it all worked out for him. In spite of all of his ridiculous cuckold ass kissing, along with all the defending of this worthless, irritating, self centered bitch, she divorced him anyway to the tune of $30K a month.

When I was working, I saw much the same with most of my coworkers wives and girlfriends. At company sponsored events like the company picnic and Christmas party.

Many of these women were unsocial, irritating bitches. Who made their husbands go to the open bar for them, and get their drinks. Because they were both too lazy, and wanted to show everyone, just how tight of a leash they had them on.

And they obeyed like good little puppies. During dinner, most of them didn't initiate any conversation at the table. Because they were afraid they might say the wrong thing in front of their bitches, and get jumped on for it in front of everyone...... And many did get publicly scolded.

These guys were completely different at work. Their wives would tell them when SHE thought they had enough to drink.... And they obeyed. I could tell just by looking, at how miserable they were. If any of them smiled, their faces would crack and fall off. They were on pins and needles all night long.

They had to dance when SHE wanted to. At the Picnic they had to watch the kids. They had to go get the food. They had to run to the car to get this or that. While their fucked up wives did nothing but sit on their mostly fat asses. Then, to top it off, they had to leave when SHE wanted to.

And I've been retired for the last 10 years. I can't even begin to imagine how bad it has gotten now. Especially with everything getting plastered all over social media these days.

Bottom line. Be a good provider for your wife and family, and treat them well. No one is saying otherwise. But don't be a dickless, ass kissing cuck. Show her at least some balls, before she ends up cutting yours off.
She says it all in the lower video, and proves it. And she uses this ass kissing idiot of a guy as a perfect example. Men are far more to blame for today's fucked up women, than the women themselves are. Women are no different than young kids. They're ALWAYS testing to see just how much they can get away with.... And then push for even more. This dickless ass clown takes his dominate wife's side, and proves it.

He's like a trained monkey in a circus act. Now everyone can plainly see how well it all worked out for him. In spite of all of his ridiculous cuckold ass kissing, along with all the defending of this worthless, irritating, self centered bitch, she divorced him anyway to the tune of $30K a month.

When I was working, I saw much the same with most of my coworkers wives and girlfriends. At company sponsored events like the company picnic and Christmas party.

Many of these women were unsocial, irritating bitches. Who made their husbands go to the open bar for them, and get their drinks. Because they were both too lazy, and wanted to show everyone, just how tight of a leash they had them on.

And they obeyed like good little puppies. During dinner, most of them didn't initiate any conversation at the table. Because they were afraid they might say the wrong thing in front of their bitches, and get jumped on for it in front of everyone...... And many did get publicly scolded.

These guys were completely different at work. Their wives would tell them when SHE thought they had enough to drink.... And they obeyed. I could tell just by looking, at how miserable they were. If any of them smiled, their faces would crack and fall off. They were on pins and needles all night long.

They had to dance when SHE wanted to. At the Picnic they had to watch the kids. They had to go get the food. They had to run to the car to get this or that. While their fucked up wives did nothing but sit on their mostly fat asses. Then, to top it off, they had to leave when SHE wanted to.

And I've been retired for the last 10 years. I can't even begin to imagine how bad it has gotten now. Especially with everything getting plastered all over social media these days.

Bottom line. Be a good provider for your wife and family, and treat them well. No one is saying otherwise. But don't be a dickless, ass kissing cuck. Show her at least some balls, before she ends up cutting yours off.
Nailed it!
This happens thousands of times each day, behind closed doors. However, I disagree with this gentleman on one point.

He maintains that nobody, not even Baldwin, deserves to be treated this way. I disagree. Baldwin, because he's such a turd, deserves everything he gets from this mouthy cunt.

Otherwise, this is an excellent example of what men contemplating matrimony can expect. To the young men thinking about marriage I say; even if she's respectful now, that will most likely change after she gets a ring on her finger.

You have been warned.

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If ANY woman EVER treated me in that manner in public, right or wrong, acceptable or not, I would have cracked that arrogant, condescending bitch right across the face.

To paraphrase John Wayne in the movie, "The Shootist"... "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them".

It is every bit as true and effective today, as it was 120 years ago. Be they male of female.
If ANY woman EVER treated me in that manner in public, right or wrong, acceptable or not, I would have cracked that arrogant, condescending bitch right across the face.

To paraphrase John Wayne in the movie, "The Shootist"... "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them".

It is every bit as true and effective today, as it was 120 years ago. Be they male of female.
I wouldn't blame anyone for giving Alice Kramden "a trip to the moon." However, if you do that, you will be playing right into their hands.

Women will bait their husbands into losing their temper and even smacking them across the mouth. Do that and you will be looking at jail time and a conviction for domestic violence.

I cannot emphasize this enough. The women will be looking for an opportunity to point a finger at you and say; "See! He always does this. He is constantly losing his temper. I'm in fear for my life and that of my children. He needs locked up"

Give the mouthy cunt a black eye and that's evidence against you. Get a domestic violence charge against you and you will be ruined. Also kiss you're guns goodbye.

And if you live in a red-flag state, she won't even need to show a black eye. It will be her word against yours. She will pour on the waterworks in front of a judge at an ex-parte hearing.

The next thing you know, the SWAT team will be knocking down your door at 3:00 AM and you will be handcuffed in the front yard while they are throwing your prized firearms on a tarp to be bundled up and taken away.

You won't be able to tell the cops that you've been wronged. They will respond, "tell it to the judge."

I have learned the hard way that to respond to women like that is to simply walk away. If you must speak, be very respectful, polite, sweet and kind. Try to talk like Mr. Rogers. I'm not joking about the Mr. Rogers part!

Does that sound like giving in. Yes it does but NEVER give them an excuse to point a finger at you and level false allegations against you.

I guarantee you, the sweet approach will set them off and they will resort to acting like a squealing pig. They may even resort to throwing the first punch or using sharp objects against you.

Try to get out before that happens. Remember that her most powerful weapon are the courts and your chance of survival is as good as swimming naked in the Bering Sea.

Always assume that you will be recorded. The audio or video evidence will start when you react. The part where she gets mouthy or yelling will NEVER be part of the evidence. Only the part where you shout will be heard by a cunt judge.

You must ALWAYS show that you are the responsible adult. You may even have to appear to be a pussy. That's a shame but it's better than a domestic violence charge.

Has anyone ever heard of a man getting a criminal charge against him for being a pussy? No.

If you call my approach acting like a pussy, I don't care. You won't be a pussy but what you will be doing is denying a mouthy aggressive cunt a victory. Let that sink in.

Sometimes battles are one by the army that feigns a retreat to suck the enemy into an ambush. Again, let that sink in.

You won't be able to change a cunt's mind about you but you won't be giving her ammunition to use against you.

I don't have to communicate with the ex-wife anymore but when I did, it was by court-ordered e-mail.

I started off each e-mail with "Dear _______." I let my words drip with honey but still used the facts to back up whatever I was trying to say.

I would end every message with "Have a great day!" Or "Have a fantastic week." Or I would end with, "I look forward to discussing this more with you." With the last e-mail that I ever had to send, I told her to "Have a great life."

Just like the southern women say, "Bless your heart," that's translated as "fuck you."

You can tell your beautiful bride to go fuck herself when you say "Have a great day." It will make them almost apoplectic with anger.

The ex-wife's responses were always angry ones after that, and entertaining.

My old man would give me advice with kids that would taunt me when I was younger. It didn't sink in till I got older. He would tell me to never let them see me get angry. "If they see you get angry, it encourages them and they will act even worse toward you."

I was still told that I could defend myself if I was physically attacked. Yet as a grew older, I could see his advice about not showing anger would just enrage the assholes. These mouthy cunts are the same way.

It's better to get out of the relationship while at the same time, acting like you are the nicest person in the world.

Mr. Rogers was not a pussy.
I wouldn't blame anyone for giving Alice Kramden "a trip to the moon." However, if you do that, you will be playing right into their hands.

Women will bait their husbands into losing their temper and even smacking them across the mouth. Do that and you will be looking at jail time and a conviction for domestic violence.

I cannot emphasize this enough. The women will be looking for an opportunity to point a finger at you and say; "See! He always does this. He is constantly losing his temper. I'm in fear for my life and that of my children. He needs locked up"

Give the mouthy cunt a black eye and that's evidence against you. Get a domestic violence charge against you and you will be ruined. Also kiss you're guns goodbye.

And if you live in a red-flag state, she won't even need to show a black eye. It will be her word against yours. She will pour on the waterworks in front of a judge at an ex-parte hearing.

The next thing you know, the SWAT team will be knocking down your door at 3:00 AM and you will be handcuffed in the front yard while they are throwing your prized firearms on a tarp to be bundled up and taken away.

You won't be able to tell the cops that you've been wronged. They will respond, "tell it to the judge."

I have learned the hard way that to respond to women like that is to simply walk away. If you must speak, be very respectful, polite, sweet and kind. Try to talk like Mr. Rogers. I'm not joking about the Mr. Rogers part!

Does that sound like giving in. Yes it does but NEVER give them an excuse to point a finger at you and level false allegations against you.

I guarantee you, the sweet approach will set them off and they will resort to acting like a squealing pig. They may even resort to throwing the first punch or using sharp objects against you.

Try to get out before that happens. Remember that her most powerful weapon are the courts and your chance of survival is as good as swimming naked in the Bering Sea.

Always assume that you will be recorded. The audio or video evidence will start when you react. The part where she gets mouthy or yelling will NEVER be part of the evidence. Only the part where you shout will be heard by a cunt judge.

You must ALWAYS show that you are the responsible adult. You may even have to appear to be a pussy. That's a shame but it's better than a domestic violence charge.

Has anyone ever heard of a man getting a criminal charge against him for being a pussy? No.

If you call my approach acting like a pussy, I don't care. You won't be a pussy but what you will be doing is denying a mouthy aggressive cunt a victory. Let that sink in.

Sometimes battles are one by the army that feigns a retreat to suck the enemy into an ambush. Again, let that sink in.

You won't be able to change a cunt's mind about you but you won't be giving her ammunition to use against you.

I don't have to communicate with the ex-wife anymore but when I did, it was by court-ordered e-mail.

I started off each e-mail with "Dear _______." I let my words drip with honey but still used the facts to back up whatever I was trying to say.

I would end every message with "Have a great day!" Or "Have a fantastic week." Or I would end with, "I look forward to discussing this more with you." With the last e-mail that I ever had to send, I told her to "Have a great life."

Just like the southern women say, "Bless your heart," that's translated as "fuck you."

You can tell your beautiful bride to go fuck herself when you say "Have a great day." It will make them almost apoplectic with anger.

The ex-wife's responses were always angry ones after that, and entertaining.

My old man would give me advice with kids that would taunt me when I was younger. It didn't sink in till I got older. He would tell me to never let them see me get angry. "If they see you get angry, it encourages them and they will act even worse toward you."

I was still told that I could defend myself if I was physically attacked. Yet as a grew older, I could see his advice about not showing anger would just enrage the assholes. These mouthy cunts are the same way.

It's better to get out of the relationship while at the same time, acting like you are the nicest person in the world.

Mr. Rogers was not a pussy.

Totally sage advice for the modern world right there.
I wouldn't blame anyone for giving Alice Kramden "a trip to the moon." However, if you do that, you will be playing right into their hands.

Women will bait their husbands into losing their temper and even smacking them across the mouth. Do that and you will be looking at jail time and a conviction for domestic violence.

I cannot emphasize this enough. The women will be looking for an opportunity to point a finger at you and say; "See! He always does this. He is constantly losing his temper. I'm in fear for my life and that of my children. He needs locked up"

Give the mouthy cunt a black eye and that's evidence against you. Get a domestic violence charge against you and you will be ruined. Also kiss you're guns goodbye.

And if you live in a red-flag state, she won't even need to show a black eye. It will be her word against yours. She will pour on the waterworks in front of a judge at an ex-parte hearing.

The next thing you know, the SWAT team will be knocking down your door at 3:00 AM and you will be handcuffed in the front yard while they are throwing your prized firearms on a tarp to be bundled up and taken away.

You won't be able to tell the cops that you've been wronged. They will respond, "tell it to the judge."

I have learned the hard way that to respond to women like that is to simply walk away. If you must speak, be very respectful, polite, sweet and kind. Try to talk like Mr. Rogers. I'm not joking about the Mr. Rogers part!

Does that sound like giving in. Yes it does but NEVER give them an excuse to point a finger at you and level false allegations against you.

I guarantee you, the sweet approach will set them off and they will resort to acting like a squealing pig. They may even resort to throwing the first punch or using sharp objects against you.

Try to get out before that happens. Remember that her most powerful weapon are the courts and your chance of survival is as good as swimming naked in the Bering Sea.

Always assume that you will be recorded. The audio or video evidence will start when you react. The part where she gets mouthy or yelling will NEVER be part of the evidence. Only the part where you shout will be heard by a cunt judge.

You must ALWAYS show that you are the responsible adult. You may even have to appear to be a pussy. That's a shame but it's better than a domestic violence charge.

Has anyone ever heard of a man getting a criminal charge against him for being a pussy? No.

If you call my approach acting like a pussy, I don't care. You won't be a pussy but what you will be doing is denying a mouthy aggressive cunt a victory. Let that sink in.

Sometimes battles are one by the army that feigns a retreat to suck the enemy into an ambush. Again, let that sink in.

You won't be able to change a cunt's mind about you but you won't be giving her ammunition to use against you.

I don't have to communicate with the ex-wife anymore but when I did, it was by court-ordered e-mail.

I started off each e-mail with "Dear _______." I let my words drip with honey but still used the facts to back up whatever I was trying to say.

I would end every message with "Have a great day!" Or "Have a fantastic week." Or I would end with, "I look forward to discussing this more with you." With the last e-mail that I ever had to send, I told her to "Have a great life."

Just like the southern women say, "Bless your heart," that's translated as "fuck you."

You can tell your beautiful bride to go fuck herself when you say "Have a great day." It will make them almost apoplectic with anger.

The ex-wife's responses were always angry ones after that, and entertaining.

My old man would give me advice with kids that would taunt me when I was younger. It didn't sink in till I got older. He would tell me to never let them see me get angry. "If they see you get angry, it encourages them and they will act even worse toward you."

I was still told that I could defend myself if I was physically attacked. Yet as a grew older, I could see his advice about not showing anger would just enrage the assholes. These mouthy cunts are the same way.

It's better to get out of the relationship while at the same time, acting like you are the nicest person in the world.

Mr. Rogers was not a pussy.
While I cannot argue with a thing you have said, I still would have cracked her.
While I cannot argue with a thing you have said, I still would have cracked her.
I understand. Whenever a man is mistreated by a mouthy cunt he has every right to get angry. The anger is completely justified.

Heck, I'm still angry about how I was treated by my ex-wives.

The important thing to remember is to never show your anger. That will always be used against you and it will never end well.

The anger is ok but showing it isn't. Let them show their anger while you turn the tables on them.
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I'll add from personal experience that "she" is wanting a reaction from you, actually baiting you for it. By walking away you not only save yourself more possible trouble later, but also you actually "win" that interaction. Its mostly about control, and if you can control your emotions and not react, you will see her lose her control that she so desperately craves. So in reality, its not being a pussy at all. Its being smarter than your opponent.
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This happens thousands of times each day, behind closed doors. However, I disagree with this gentleman on one point.

He maintains that nobody, not even Baldwin, deserves to be treated this way. I disagree. Baldwin, because he's such a turd, deserves everything he gets from this mouthy cunt.

Otherwise, this is an excellent example of what men contemplating matrimony can expect. To the young men thinking about marriage I say; even if she's respectful now, that will most likely change after she gets a ring on her finger.

You have been warned.

I've always believed him to be a simp, but now I have proof. What an embarrassment.
I'll add from personal experience that "she" is wanting a reaction from you, actually baiting you for it. By walking away you not only save yourself more possible trouble later, but also you actually "win" that interaction. Its mostly about control, and if you can control your emotions and not react, you will see her lose her control that she so desperately craves. So in reality, its not being a pussy at all. Its being smarter than your opponent.

Because women have so successful turned most of the men into pandering beta male simps, that they will herd attack anyone who actually acts like a proper alpha male.

Kind of like back when I was growing up if your kid was being a brat at the supermarket, everybody expected you to beat their ass right then and there and gave you approving looks and nods when you did. Today you'd have the whole lot of modern fools calling the police on you.

But you know, men kind of deserve it, they raise their daughters to be spoiled narcissistic types that think they deserve better treatment and better respect and better everything because of their gender. They raise these little princesses to think they can do anything and say anything and everybody better suck it up otherwise daddy will be there to beat up anyone that doesn't act like they are special.

Then they wonder a couple decades later why women are so evil and such to the men they marry?...
Because women have so successful turned most of the men into pandering beta male simps, that they will herd attack anyone who actually acts like a proper alpha male.

Kind of like back when I was growing up if your kid was being a brat at the supermarket, everybody expected you to beat their ass right then and there and gave you approving looks and nods when you did. Today you'd have the whole lot of modern fools calling the police on you.

But you know, men kind of deserve it, they raise their daughters to be spoiled narcissistic types that think they deserve better treatment and better respect and better everything because of their gender. They raise these little princesses to think they can do anything and say anything and everybody better suck it up otherwise daddy will be there to beat up anyone that doesn't act like they are special.

Then they wonder a couple decades later why women are so evil and such to the men they marry?...
The greatest threat to this country are single mothers.

Note: that doesn’t mean a man should marry a single mother and put up with someone else’s kids.

Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.
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Here's another take on the "trad-wife" Tomi Lahren.

She's discovered a video from four years ago in which the "trad-wife" says that all men are trash. A lot of Erin's video goes over what most of you have already seen but she points out a few other things from a different perspective.

The internet is forever and Lahren gets busted from something she posted four years ago. I say this because the so-called "trad-wives" are nothing but another way to enslave men.

I don't think any woman can truthfully answer Andrew Wilson's question; "What do men get in return?"

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Here's another take on the "trad-wife" Tomi Lahren.

She's discovered a video from four years ago in which the "trad-wife" says that all men are trash. A lot of Erin's video goes over what most of you have already seen but she points out a few other things from a different perspective.

The internet is forever and Lahren gets busted from something she posted four years ago. I say this because the so-called "trad-wives" are nothing but another way to enslave men.

I don't think any woman can truthfully answer Andrew Wilson's question; "What do men get in return?"

The problem I have with both Pearl and this broad's videos, is they are constantly stopping the video every other sentence, in order to interject their opinions, and / or keep trying to tell us what they are saying. We've all got fucking ears.

And this one talks at a snail's pace, (because she likes listening to herself), which makes the whole thing that much more difficult to get through.

It's irritating as hell. Just let the damn video play out, THEN start in with your opinions and analysis. Don't try to hold our hands, and pause the video every 15 seconds, and try to walk us through it sentence by sentence. It's not like we're trying to put together a fucking bedroom set from IKEA for Christ's sake.

Bottom line. Her content is spot on..... As is Pearl's. Their delivery of said information isn't worth a shit.
I wouldn't blame anyone for giving Alice Kramden "a trip to the moon." However, if you do that, you will be playing right into their hands.

Women will bait their husbands into losing their temper and even smacking them across the mouth. Do that and you will be looking at jail time and a conviction for domestic violence.

I cannot emphasize this enough. The women will be looking for an opportunity to point a finger at you and say; "See! He always does this. He is constantly losing his temper. I'm in fear for my life and that of my children. He needs locked up"

Give the mouthy cunt a black eye and that's evidence against you. Get a domestic violence charge against you and you will be ruined. Also kiss you're guns goodbye.

And if you live in a red-flag state, she won't even need to show a black eye. It will be her word against yours. She will pour on the waterworks in front of a judge at an ex-parte hearing.

The next thing you know, the SWAT team will be knocking down your door at 3:00 AM and you will be handcuffed in the front yard while they are throwing your prized firearms on a tarp to be bundled up and taken away.

You won't be able to tell the cops that you've been wronged. They will respond, "tell it to the judge."

I have learned the hard way that to respond to women like that is to simply walk away. If you must speak, be very respectful, polite, sweet and kind. Try to talk like Mr. Rogers. I'm not joking about the Mr. Rogers part!

Does that sound like giving in. Yes it does but NEVER give them an excuse to point a finger at you and level false allegations against you.

I guarantee you, the sweet approach will set them off and they will resort to acting like a squealing pig. They may even resort to throwing the first punch or using sharp objects against you.

Try to get out before that happens. Remember that her most powerful weapon are the courts and your chance of survival is as good as swimming naked in the Bering Sea.

Always assume that you will be recorded. The audio or video evidence will start when you react. The part where she gets mouthy or yelling will NEVER be part of the evidence. Only the part where you shout will be heard by a cunt judge.

You must ALWAYS show that you are the responsible adult. You may even have to appear to be a pussy. That's a shame but it's better than a domestic violence charge.

Has anyone ever heard of a man getting a criminal charge against him for being a pussy? No.

If you call my approach acting like a pussy, I don't care. You won't be a pussy but what you will be doing is denying a mouthy aggressive cunt a victory. Let that sink in.

Sometimes battles are one by the army that feigns a retreat to suck the enemy into an ambush. Again, let that sink in.

You won't be able to change a cunt's mind about you but you won't be giving her ammunition to use against you.

I don't have to communicate with the ex-wife anymore but when I did, it was by court-ordered e-mail.

I started off each e-mail with "Dear _______." I let my words drip with honey but still used the facts to back up whatever I was trying to say.

I would end every message with "Have a great day!" Or "Have a fantastic week." Or I would end with, "I look forward to discussing this more with you." With the last e-mail that I ever had to send, I told her to "Have a great life."

Just like the southern women say, "Bless your heart," that's translated as "fuck you."

You can tell your beautiful bride to go fuck herself when you say "Have a great day." It will make them almost apoplectic with anger.

The ex-wife's responses were always angry ones after that, and entertaining.

My old man would give me advice with kids that would taunt me when I was younger. It didn't sink in till I got older. He would tell me to never let them see me get angry. "If they see you get angry, it encourages them and they will act even worse toward you."

I was still told that I could defend myself if I was physically attacked. Yet as a grew older, I could see his advice about not showing anger would just enrage the assholes. These mouthy cunts are the same way.

It's better to get out of the relationship while at the same time, acting like you are the nicest person in the world.

Mr. Rogers was not a pussy.
Great words of advice to our young alpha males here. Thanks for your time of typing that out, bravo
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