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Our politics are a daytime drama


Four Star General
Full Member
  • Jan 15, 2005
    Gulf Coast, FL
    I see all of this silly shit happening that Steven King couldn’t make up, and I see our politicians and officials going back and forth in committees from both sides with finger pointing and emotion with no consequence or resolution on either side and instead just a continuation of the bullshit except it’s snowballing into a larger steamy pile.

    People are simps and the elite are just putting on a daytime show that only gets juicier and juicer for the peasants on both sides. The ending is a surprise.

    Change my mind.
    I see all of this silly shit happening that Steven King couldn’t make up, and I see our politicians and officials going back and forth in committees from both sides with finger pointing and emotion with no consequence or resolution on either side and instead just a continuation of the bullshit except it’s snowballing into a larger steamy pile.

    People are simps and the elite are just putting on a daytime show that only gets juicier and juicer for the peasants on both sides. The ending is a surprise.

    Change my mind.
    The question is, “what is the ending?”
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    10,000% true. The Uniparty was only slowed a bit from 2016-2020, or was it? Getting America back into its feet from the 8 year lull of Obama was indeed good for the world.

    Just like every economic boom/bust cycle.
    really most of the bigger stuff was accomplished before they stole the house on the russia hoax in 2018.
    the other stuff like moving the embassy, or peace between arabs and israel and enforcing the border didn't need congress,
    hell, they wouldn't even pay for the wall.
    Yeah. The first 2 years had some good policy implemented. Just imagine how much better it would have been if the cocksucking, turn-coat, piece of shit Republicans, like McCain, Ryan, Romney, et.al. actually cooperated?

    I'd like to think they would have enriched themselves even more on the success of America..... but clearly they were betting the other way......
    Both parties are the enemy of the average citizen . I never was, nor will be a Republican .
    I am a conservative .
    The democrats are and always will be my enemy .
    Best thing that could happen is the population turns on both parties and the political class elites .
    Bread and circus is what we have been watching for 40 years now .
    Fuck Joe Biden and the rest of the political class !
    With few exceptions, there really is no two party system anymore. The Party is where it is all happening and all of the rest is just the dog and pony show that we see everyday. The current budget "battle" is the latest example of the clown show.

    Very few political conservatives in congress or the country and I'm not sure I could name one. Example would be abbott in Texas. He talks the talk, but I didn't see him do a thing about the haitians boarding the buses. This in violation of a supreme court decision by bitme.

    One party rule of the elites and a president who is a puppet of obama. Pelosi let it slip when she spoke of the obama administration. He is the hand behind all that goes on behind the curtain.
    With few exceptions, there really is no two party system anymore. The Party is where it is all happening and all of the rest is just the dog and pony show that we see everyday. The current budget "battle" is the latest example of the clown show.

    Very few political conservatives in congress or the country and I'm not sure I could name one. Example would be abbott in Texas. He talks the talk, but I didn't see him do a thing about the haitians boarding the buses. This in violation of a supreme court decision by bitme.

    One party rule of the elites and a president who is a puppet of obama. Pelosi let it slip when she spoke of the obama administration. He is the hand behind all that goes on behind the curtain.
    And who does Obama work for?

    When you look around for the mark and can't find one, it's probably you.
    And who does Obama work for?

    When you look around for the mark and can't find one, it's probably you.
    The same ones as GHW Bush, his son, Clinton, and all the rest. Those trying to create the NWO. Mostly the ones behind the the creation of the shill state of Israel, created by them. Why? To give them a base to create world unrest so they can manipulate through chaos and fear.

    Its working.

    Here's an interesting, if a bit long, read on the creation or Israel, and also the origin of the 'Petro Dollar'.

    www.brookings.edu › wp-content › uploadsFDR AND IBN SAUD, 1744 TO 1953 - Brookings Institution

    In case that doesnt fill in the whole picture,

    Lord Rothschild: My Family Created Israel - News Punch


    www.nwo-news.com › the-rothschilds-and-the-federal-reserveThe Rothschilds and the Federal Reserve – NWO News

    Oct 27, 2016 · It would not be until 1913 that the Rothschilds would be able to set up their third central bank in America, the Federal Reserve, and to ensure no mistakes are made, this time they
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    And who does Obama work for?

    When you look around for the mark and can't find one, it's probably you.
    Obama works for the same people that put an unknown Jimmy Carter in the WH (still can't figure that one out). Same people that put the former head of the CIA, GHW Bush in the WH. Same people that put Clinton, the one that oversaw the CIA drug smuggling operation out of Mena, Ark.. The same people that put W., the one that started the US down the road to a police state and a 20 year war.
    Obama works for the same people that put an unknown Jimmy Carter in the WH (still can't figure that one out). Same people that put the former head of the CIA, GHW Bush in the WH. Same people that put Clinton, the one that oversaw the CIA drug smuggling operation out of Mena, Ark.. The same people that put W., the one that started the US down the road to a police state and a 20 year war.
    For a more in depth explanation, see my post #11 above.
    Probably George Soros............Sold out his own jewish bros. in WWII. In back of him, you'll find pure and unadulterated evil.

    Any other questions?
    If people had said this stuff about One Party State from 1945 through 1989 I'd have nodded my head in agreement. JFK cut taxes on the Rich and Nixon created the EPA, there was bipartisan consensus on most things that got done. Things were Governed. As usual there are a few here stuck in a time warp and the events post coldwar through today and their ramifications have yet to sink in.

    This Country is Ungovernable as it stands now. The fault line appeared when Clinton was elected and grew with the Contract for America, the wedge seated and driven home with the Supreme Court intervention into the election of 2000 followed by 9/11 and all that flowed out from that. We are more partisan and polarized than anytime since the election of Ol' Honest Abe, absolutely evenly divided electorally, and I think it stands to reason that the Red States and Blue states need to make an amicable separation now instead of doing a messy Divorce latter.
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    If people had said this stuff about One Party State from 1945 through 1989 I'd have nodded my head in agreement. JFK cut taxes on the Rich and Nixon created the EPA, there was bipartisan consensus on most things that got done. Things were Governed. As usual there are a few here stuck in a time warp and the events post coldwar through today and their ramifications have yet to sink in.

    This Country is Ungovernable as it stands now. The fault line appeared when Clinton was elected and grew with the Contract for America, the wedge seated and driven home with the Supreme Court intervention into the election of 2000 followed by 9/11 and all that flowed out from that. We are more partisan and polarized than anytime since the election of Ol' Honest Abe, absolutely evenly divided electorally, and I think it stands to reason that the Red States and Blue states need to make an amicable separation now instead of doing a messy Divorce latter.
    I’m sure many would be down with that. At this point in time, separation would be the best thing. I’m not sure how you’d redraw lines of red states tho that are controlled by blue powerhouse puppet cities? There are a number of states that would be read except for city centers.
    If people had said this stuff about One Party State from 1945 through 1989 I'd have nodded my head in agreement. JFK cut taxes on the Rich and Nixon created the EPA, there was bipartisan consensus on most things that got done. Things were Governed. As usual there are a few here stuck in a time warp and the events post coldwar through today and their ramifications have yet to sink in.

    This Country is Ungovernable as it stands now. The fault line appeared when Clinton was elected and grew with the Contract for America, the wedge seated and driven home with the Supreme Court intervention into the election of 2000 followed by 9/11 and all that flowed out from that. We are more partisan and polarized than anytime since the election of Ol' Honest Abe, absolutely evenly divided electorally, and I think it stands to reason that the Red States and Blue states need to make an amicable separation now instead of doing a messy Divorce latter.
    Lots of truth here.
    I’m sure many would be down with that. At this point in time, separation would be the best thing. I’m not sure how you’d redraw lines of red states tho that are controlled by blue powerhouse puppet cities? There are a number of states that would be read except for city centers.

    They are powerhouses as long as the food delivery trucks roll in and electricity works.

    They are islands. Islands can be blockaded. Use your imagination.

    That is the big question. 70% of the Country's economic power lies within the counties that Biden won in 2020. I don't know that you could break it down by State or attack that without shooting yourself in the foot.

    I've toyed with a few scenarios, of course they'd never happen, but, how about two "Districts?" We have Court Circuits already. Stay one Country and within that have Districts where there are clear divides on Governing Principles. Another Idea would be "Governemnt A La Carte," you sign up for the plan you want when you reach voting age. Do you want to stay on the Medicare for all, Social Security, High Tax plan, or move to the Low Tax no obligation Liberty Plan?

    Just ideas. I wish I had solutions.
    Maybe not on topic, but I'll just leave this here. Biden boo'd at 2021 Congressional Baseball Game:



    And why aren't Biden and Pelosi wearing masks?
    70% of the Country's economic power lies within the counties that Biden won in 2020

    I always laugh when I hear this. My reply is always, I hope your money tastes good to eat.

    Don't confuse wealth with power. NYC's wealth is irrelevant if they have no electricity and food. NYC and other big city enclaves have zero productive power in terms of real goods and the commodities that are essential to sustain life.

    Mao Zedong understood where real power came from.
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