
  1. 4

    m2008 action

    dose any one know if the badger m2008 magnum action or long action will work on a aicsstock?
  2. barrysuperhawk

    Gunsmithing Adding detachable mag to a SAKO action

    I hope my google-fu is weak but I haven't found what I am looking for. I have a .308 rifle that is built off of a Sako action and I would like to add a detachable magazine to it. I haven't found any Sako kits, so plan B is to figure out what existing magazine conversion kits are closest to...
  3. 4

    aics an surgeon xl action

    has any one used the surgeon xl action and aisc stock?
  4. Outlaw45

    Mag capacity of Predator action

    How many 7mm WSM rounds can you stuff in the magazine of a Stiller Predator short action? Standard magazine, BDL style, in a McMillian A3.
  5. R

    Gunsmithing 6.5 X 284 in long action DBM

    Has anybody run a 6.5x284 in a long action remington set up with a DBM? Either HS precision or Badger? Let me know what works and what doesn't. AHA Rad
  6. nashlaw

    Gunsmithing Action Feed Rails

    What if any, is the difference in feed rails on a .308 vs. a .223 on a Remington?
  7. Nocalphoenix

    Surgeon Round action photos

    Well here they are. Action came disassembled but I did throw the firing pin and shroud onto the bolt. I went with the standard Surgeon bolt handle and no base yet. Scope base holes are set to the standard Remington short action spacing and have two small holes to pin the rail as well. The lug is...
  8. N

    Gunsmithing action truing

    just wondering i realise that truing a standard factory remmy action is the norm to squezze out the accuracy but, I was wondering if you took say a surgeon action and a shilen barrel, would there be any machining in this or would it just be a Q of mating barrel and action and headspacing?
  9. P

    Gunsmithing Converting Rem. 700 Long Action To .338 Lapua

    I have a Rem. 700 long action that was originaly a .270 Win. I have been looking into making it into a .338 LM but am having a little trouble in finding what exactly I need to Modify on the reciver. Is there any company that dose this type of work. Thanks
  10. C

    looking for 50 caliber bolt action

    I'm looking to build a 416 caliber bolt rifle and I need some names of highly precise,respectable and accurate actions.
  11. RollingThunder51

    AMP Bolt Action Bullpup precision rifle

    As you all might remember from the piece I wrote on the AWC G2A (, I really take the time to watch the progress of any precision bullpup platform. There are two more gas variants moving quickly through...
  12. B

    Gunsmithing Action wrench for badger M2008

    what action wrench are you guys using for your M2008? Marty told me to get one from Tac Pro. I called them and they want nearly $1000.00 for the kit that comes with the vise wrench and torque wrench. I don't need the vise and torque wrench.
  13. RWSGunsmithing

    Gunsmithing Brownells action magic 2?

    Any one use the stuff?
  14. tireys

    Best action to build from

    I have a Browning A-Bolt Comp. Stalker chambered in .30-06. I see a lot of members here building LR setups off of the Rem. 700 action is this the only actions recommended for builds? Is there anyone out there who has or knows of anyone that has rebarreled an accurized a Browning?
  15. N

    GAP .308 built with a Surgeon action in an MCS GAT

    It took just shy of a year, but I am very happy with the build. I was in Kansas City last year working on a project, and I stopped in to visit the shop, and met George and his crew. A good friend of mine, M.45 here on the 'Hide, has a sweet .308 GAP that I have shot on a few occasions, and...
  16. scubapro187

    Remington 700 Short Action

    Sorry if I posted this in the wrong section. What can I expect to pay for a factory new or used 700 action? Where is the best place to buy a new or used one with a 223 bolt face? There is one on Gunbroker for $380, is that a good price?
  17. P

    DD Ross rings and suregon short action + NXS fit ?

    I have just purchased a set of the massive DD Ross rings from a fellow hider, will they work with a NXS 5-22x50 on the Surgeon Short action or will the rings be to long for the piccatinny rail,...............I am also having a .338 built on an XL so they can go on that but I was thinking US...
  18. R

    Shooting 7 mm WSM in stock remington action

    Any of you guys shooting the WSMs in stock remington actions? What mags are you using? Badger, wyatt box or what? Anyone shooting 180 bergers from the magazine? Opinions appreciated Rad
  19. T

    what caliber do I choose for my action.

    I have a fn spr action (.308 bolt face) sitting in my closet and for the life of me I can't figure out what caliber I should chamber it in. here is my problem I can't find a niche to fill. I have a fast twist 22-250ai for the 75r amax,243 hunting rifle,260 rem., for 139gr lapuas, and a 300 saum...
  20. J

    Gunsmithing cracked weatherby action

    I have a weatherby vangaurd 3006 that I bought new in june of 2008. I only fired 100 factory rounds through it. I took the scope off it and noticed a crack from the muzzle end of the action to the center of the first scope mounting hole and then 3/8 of an inch past it. has anybody heard of this...