New Jersey's Democratic governor Phil Murphy launches a full on assault against the 2nd Amendment with a fusillade of gun bans and extreme restrictions that forbid even homeowners from keeping loaded firearms ready for defensive use and gun stores from displaying their wares in glass cases. New Jersey is a state which already boasts some of the most extreme anti-2A laws in the country, where a schoolteacher and historical library curator found with an unloaded and nonfunctioning 18th century flintlock pistol in his car during a traffic stop several years ago faced a felony charge and a potential 10 year prison sentence until these were defeated in a lengthy and costly court battle. In New Jersey, even air rifles are regarded as firearms and are subject to the same draconian laws governing their purchase, ownership, storage, and sales.
Please Prepare to take Sustained Action |
December 2, 2021. Today, Governor Murphy announced that he is pressing forward with his anti-gun legislative onslaught first announced in April, with the goal of passing all of it in the current "lame duck" legislative session which concludes in January. The proposals target Second Amendment rights and do nothing to severely punish gun criminals. Murphy’s attacks include: - Banning all 50 caliber firearms. - Mandating electronic registration of all ammunition purchases. - Mandating unreliable, useless "microstamping" technology for all handguns (to stamp firearms serial numbers on spent ammunition). - Allowing gun manufacturers to be sued for misuse of their products by criminals. - Imposing gun registration on those moving into NJ with legal firearms previously acquired. - Banning gun ownership for all citizens under age 21. - Mandating training in order to simply own firearms. - Using $12 million in taxpayer funds for anti-gun grants to universities and cities. - Organizing anti-gun states to implement region-wide gun control. Although the official legislative schedule has yet to be announced, the proposals could begin to be heard in Assembly committees as soon as next week. Please prepare to take action in a sustained email campaign throughout December and early January -- we will provide updates and talking points as the schedule becomes clearer. In the meanwhile, please email every member of the Assembly (CLICK HERE) and tell them to oppose Governor Murphy's misguided attacks on Second Amendment rights of honest citizens, and demand that Governor Murphy instead severely punish those who commit violent gun crimes. ANJRPC Executive Director Scott Bach was quoted today in a News12 NJ story on these developments (click here to see the story). Please watch for further updates and alerts, and prepare to take sustained action going forward. ---------- ![]() NJ Gun Bill Includes Mandatory Re-Education & Forced Labor with Anti-Gun GroupsThe sentence for a 1st-time violator is mandatory re-education via so-called community service at an anti-gun organization of the Attorney General’s approval.
![]() ---------- Read more: Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Follow us: @Ammoland on Twitter | Ammoland on Facebook NJ Senate Bill 3757 is scheduled to be heard in the Senate Law and Public Safety Committee on Thursday, December 09, 2021, at 1:00 PM. This so-called gun “safe storage” bill eviscerates the Constitutional Right to self-defense inside the home as explicitly recognized as by the U.S. Supreme Court in the Heller case. The proposed law would require all legal owners of a firearm to:
All firearms “not in use” must be secured in a gun safe, securely locked box or container. The phrase “not in use” is not defined. Unless you are actually shooting a gun, it would arguably not be “in use.” It might potentially be of use at some time in the future, but until you are using it, it’s not “in use” so it has to stay locked up. All ammunition must be permanently stored in a separate securely locked box or container. There is no “use” exception for ammunition!So, in an emergency, you will need to:
Every gun and every round of ammunition at every dealer or range whether for sale or rent must be in a locked container. Law-abiding gun owners (and only law-abiding gun owners) must keep their unloaded guns and ammunition in separate locked containers. Not only are all honest gun owners prohibited from having an accessible self-defense gun readily available, but you cannot even have a loaded gun in a locked box or gun safe. It doesn’t matter if you live alone at home with no children or anyone else in your household. Loaded guns at one’s place of business, farm, ranch, or any other “premises” under the owner’s control are also strictly prohibited. There is no exception for law enforcement officers, military personnel, security guards, or even those with permits to carry. As soon as any lawful owner is on their “premises”, they are prohibited from having a loaded gun. Antique and black powder guns are “firearms” under NJ Gun Law. No more antique guns over the fireplace or otherwise displayed in your home or business. No display of modern or antique guns or ammunition by museums. No exhibits of guns or ammunition at sportsmen’s shows. The proposed law contains a very misleading exemption to make it appear that homes and businesses are not affected. It is a trick to fool those unfamiliar with NJ Gun Laws. Here is what it says:This exemption does NOT permit a person “to lawfully keep or carry” a LOADED firearm. Sure, you can have a gun in your “place of business, residence, premises, or other land owned or possessed” as long as it’s NOT LOADED AND IS LOCKED UP! Please note how the bill purposely does NOT include the COMPLETE “subsection e. of N.J.S. 2C:39-6” exemption (which applies to transport between allowed places, not carry in one’s home or business). Here is the complete “subsection e. of N.J.S. 2C:39-6” exemption with the underlined portion being what was omitted in the proposed ban: The proposed law fails to include this second half of the exemption, thereby forcing lawful gun owners to “carry” their gun pursuant to subsection g. It limits an honest gun owner to carry to “the manner specified in subsection g. of N.J.S. 2C:39-6.” Subsection g. mandates “carry” as follows: This misleading language conceals what is in fact a ban on having loaded firearms at one’s place of business, farms, ranches, or other premises under the owner’s control. As you can plainly see, the so-called home and business exemption is no exemption at all. The Democrat-only sponsored-bill also criminalizes the following:If the firearm of a legal owner who fails to store or secure the firearm properly in violation of this section is accessed by another person, and the access results in serious bodily injury or death, the legal owner shall be guilty of a crime of the fourth degree. (Emphasis added)For example, if your spouse were to access your gun and shoot a criminal trying to murder you or your family, you would be guilty of a 4th Degree Crime (“Felony-Level” Offense) for allowing your spouse to access your gun. Mandatory Re-Education & Forced Labor for Anti-Gun GroupsThe proposed law fails to state what type of offense will be charged for a first-time violator. A second-time violator is a disorderly person’s offense. However, the sentence for a first-time violator is mandatory re-education via so-called community service to be served at an anti-gun organization of the Attorney General’s approval. Here is the penalty section for the first-time violator:An “approved enity” is defined as follows: Note how it is not a gun safety entity, but a gun violence entity. That’s because none of the anti-gun groups actually teach safety, only the NRA does that. For a second violation, all your guns are seized and forfeited to the government, and your firearm ID card and gun permits are revoked. You are given only 5 days to make arrangements with a gun dealer to sell them, and the gun dealer has only 10 days to pick them up or the government permanently keeps them. The penalty for the proposed law can be summed up as follows: Law-abiding NJ gun owners need to vigorously oppose this extreme law and see the wolf in sheep’s clothing that the anti-Second Amendment extremists want to impose on New Jersey. ---------- |

New Jersey S3757 | 2020-2021 | Regular Session
Summary (2021-05-11) "New Jersey Safe Storage of Firearms Act"; establishes certain requirements and penalties regarding firearm storage; repeals law governing minor's access to firearm; requires AG to establish public awareness campaign regarding firearm storage; appropriates $500,000. [Introduced
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