2403-yard shot on a can of red bull, sounds like a load of bull.

Guys, let’s keep it real.

If this is a forum of guys playing the lottery, well, of course, there’s always some dude that shows up with the winning ticket.

And that’s just what it is. The guy who won the lottery will come and say look, I did it!

And until he comes to my range in Utah, and does it again, he was just a lucky winner on that draw

It doesn’t mean he didn’t win that lottery. It just means he ain’t gonna win it again, anytime soon
Remember the 1879 the government took the 45-70 to 3500 yds and declared combat engagement could begin at 1900 yds for the average trooper...with iron ladder sights.
Where can I find more information on this? I find it hilarious and very "old-timey" to think that at some point the government thought the average Joe could do that. "Well back in my day we could hit a Donkey from 3 miles away with our Trebuchets and simple math in the dirt with a stick. You Private's oughta be able to shoot the dick off a Dragonfly anywhere inside of 2000yds using these whiz-bang muskets and mechanical sights."
Guys, let’s keep it real.

If this is a forum of guys playing the lottery, well, of course, there’s always some dude that shows up with the winning ticket.

And that’s just what it is. The guy who won the lottery will come and say look, I did it!

And until he comes to my range in Utah, and does it again, he was just a lucky winner on that draw

It doesn’t mean he didn’t win that lottery. It just means he ain’t gonna win it again, anytime soon
Truthfully, the only one winning here is the dingus making the videos with followers. Dude's getting paid to get made fun of. I'd take that paycheck.
Where can I find more information on this? I find it hilarious and very "old-timey" to think that at some point the government thought the average Joe could do that. "Well back in my day we could hit a Donkey from 3 miles away with our Trebuchets and simple math in the dirt with a stick. You Private's oughta be able to shoot the dick off a Dragonfly anywhere inside of 2000yds using these whiz-bang muskets and mechanical sights."
It wasn't about precisely shooting at one soldier it was more intended for a group of soldiers to lob bullets at another group of soldiers and scare or disrupt them and maybe get lucky once in a while. Google volley sights
Dear gentleman….
Not to stir the proverbial pot once again…. But it seem ass fuck is at it again…. I do implore you all to go and fry the turd up one more time….

Doesn't know jump from jam...

...Teaches coriolis effect.

Well unlike you I actually shot thousands of match 308 at 1400 yds...it was a lucky shot...but it did happen. IT WAS on 2003 I believe. Put a pop can between the hand in the picture and you're pretty close to a hit. These are some old 1400 yd photos. See the bullet stuck in the rock at a steep angle, it's almost out of energy and below the speed of sound. But still accurate...they were 155 Lapua at 2980 fps with Varget, Lapua brass Fed Match, all 17,000 rds. Schilen select match barrels, my reamer.
Since you haven't done it, ...even if its a lucky shot,.. and it was, ..you, can never accept that because of your bloated egoes ...typical for this site. I don't care what you believe. But you ego driven never done it, clowns are fun to toy with.
Just like some guy shooting 69 rds to hit a large target at ELR is a great accomplishment...not really, keep shooting sooner or later you'll hit it.
Remember the 1879 the government took the 45-70 to 3500 yds and declared combat engagement could begin at 1900 yds for the average trooper...with iron ladder sights.
LR didn't start yesterday.
So go set up a pop can at what ever range you like, shoot at it, see of you can hit it...45-70 or PRC. You might get lucky...then you can brag all about it...start a new "hit the pop can" thread.
Might even be fun...
Your getting defensive doesn't help your case very much.

And I've shot PLENTY of 155grn scenars from suppressed 24" 12 twist 5R BBL, but I didn't get 3K FPS out of them, I was just under 2900 with varget, not sure exactly how many grains, somewhere close to 48.

Honestly, it was fast and I used the round in a precision multi-gun match when 6.5creedmoor had just come out and, at the distances we were shooting in that match, 790 yards max I believe, I saw no reason to run the 6.5.

But, physics just works against a .30cal cross-section bullet at that BC at extended distances.
Now if you are talking about Berger 230 hybrid tactical out of a .300 norma, or even .300wn with a big powder charge, that's a different animal.

My point is that you guys claim to hit itty bitty objects that are only 2" wide at nearly a mile when it's hard to see that stuff at much closer distances.

I've shot .338LM at 1500 yards with a Schmidt & Bender 25x PMII and honestly, I don't think I could have even seen a soda can at that distance.

Here is that same optic at 1K yards on a different rifle maxed out on a clear day.
I honestly don't know if you could even see a can of soda at 1K with this optic, which at the time was about as good as it gets.

Not sure what you were running as far as glass goes in 2003 to hit a soda can at 1400 yards, but saying you did it with a .308 is very hard to believe. On the 1st shot. Sorry, I'm calling bullshit.

Sorry, I've shot too many thousands of rounds at long range to buy it.
Try someone else with less experience.

Truthfully, the only one winning here is the dingus making the videos with followers. Dude's getting paid to get made fun of. I'd take that paycheck.
Yeah, and that's what this is all about, and I know the type all too well from my parents having a gun store by BAFB when I was growing up where I would work on the weekends and during school breaks.

Guys like this content creator would come in from time to time. We saw it hillariously with the ".22 guy" on Garand Thumb's channel as well.

The real pros, like Jim Clark Jr who I knew from just down the road from us growing up were the total opposite.

Jimbo (as we called him) was the nicest and most humble guy you ever met, and wasn't boastful like this assclown who is just selling BS for the clicks. He didn't brag about what he could do, he let his resume talk for him.

Your getting defensive doesn't help your case very much.

And I've shot PLENTY of 155grn scenars from suppressed 24" 12 twist 5R BBL, but I didn't get 3K FPS out of them, I was just under 2900 with varget, not sure exactly how many grains, somewhere close to 48.

Honestly, it was fast and I used the round in a precision multi-gun match when 6.5creedmoor had just come out and, at the distances we were shooting in that match, 790 yards max I believe, I saw no reason to run the 6.5.

But, physics just works against a .30cal cross-section bullet at that BC at extended distances.
Now if you are talking about Berger 230 hybrid tactical out of a .300 norma, or even .300wn with a big powder charge, that's a different animal.

My point is that you guys claim to hit itty bitty objects that are only 2" wide at nearly a mile when it's hard to see that stuff at much closer distances.

I've shot .338LM at 1500 yards with a Schmidt & Bender 25x PMII and honestly, I don't think I could have even seen a soda can at that distance.

Here is that same optic at 1K yards on a different rifle maxed out on a clear day.
I honestly don't know if you could even see a can of soda at 1K with this optic, which at the time was about as good as it gets.

Not sure what you were running as far as glass goes in 2003 to hit a soda can at 1400 yards, but saying you did it with a .308 is very hard to believe. On the 1st shot. Sorry, I'm calling bullshit.

Sorry, I've shot too many thousands of rounds at long range to buy it.
Try someone else with less experience.

View attachment 8335904

You obviously haven't tried to shoot a pop can at 1000yds, or more.
But know it all ...typical of this site.
Shot a few rounds of 308...and expert in the ways of the 308, and ballistics, & the 6.5 CM ...all the way out to 790 yds! Wow! Totally unimpressive.
Even fired a 338 Lapua, all the way out to 1500yds? Can't see a pop can with a nice scope? Because you haven't looked and have no experience in the pop can endevor.
But you are the final judge?
Thousands of rds,? At a max of 790 yds, mostly? A real LR shooter.
Obviously you haven't learned much in your LR endeavors at 790 yds.
So why not begin at 790 yds with a pop can and your favorite caliber, 338 Lapua, 308, 6.5 CM , they will all work, guaranteed...
Hint spray paint the pop can white, and you can see it at 1400 yds, and beyond.
Long before steel shooting, other shooting endeavors were popular, like live varmints.
I was only the middle of the road shooter in the Varmint Hunters club where the 308 Win longest kill was 2200 yds on PD. A thousand yards was fairly easy on varmints.
Dynamite shoots at pop cans filled with explosive gel, some way past your 790 yds. One shot any caliber, no range finders.
Black powder rifles used in war were engaging enemy at 1.5 miles in 1877 as noticed by the US War department, which started the US War Dept to begin the Sandy Hook 45-70 trials engaging 6 ft bullseye at 3200 yds. Open sights front rest only, 7 lb trigger pulls.
At 2500 yds all three rifles used hit the bullseye, wit 15 second flight times. The War dept concluded the average trooper could engage the enemy at 1900 yds in 1879.
Our Varmint Hunters Club had guys team up with 50BMG for live PD with a forward observor and 16 sec bullet flight times. The reason I have a 50BMG, was for varmints.
One who is talented can engage targets at 3000 yds with just a 308 or 6 5 CM. It's done on video with several hits on 24" plate with 10 rd limit, the 308 was factory stock barreled action.
The old Win 73 came with ladder sights in 44-40 graduated to 900 yds. The 7 mm mauser in 1893 ladder sight to 2000 meters, standard issue. Buffalo hunters kept Indians at bey with their Sharps rifles, clear out to 1500yds, where a chief was dropped from his horse, first shot.
I have shot the 45-70 at LR many thousands of times, it my first LR rifle.
So graduating to the 308 was easy, other new calibers were added including the 50BMG.
I can tell by your post like many egotistical, self indulged clowns on this site, you are under educated about the past of rifle shooting. Nothing you have done is new or exceptional, that hasn't been already accomplished, with lesser equipment, better marksman, probably by a black powder shooter, long ago.
if you haven’t, it can not be done, even though you never even tried... how pathetic.
After all you read the ballistics charts and fired a few rds down range, reloaded some ammo, and have all the latest electronic gagets, with the best new calibers and high BC bullets ... I have those too they help the average shooter get on target...and make LR much easier, than in the past...
Nothing you ever accomplished in a lifetime is noteworthy... but for personal satisfaction...
Just the facts.
Where can I find more information on this? I find it hilarious and very "old-timey" to think that at some point the government thought the average Joe could do that. "Well back in my day we could hit a Donkey from 3 miles away with our Trebuchets and simple math in the dirt with a stick. You Private's oughta be able to shoot the dick off a Dragonfly anywhere inside of 2000yds using these whiz-bang muskets and mechanical sights."
Check it out ...clowns, search, 1879 Sandy Hook military trials 45-70 at 2 miles.
Ladder sight, no rear rest, front rest of the time (would be laughed at today), 7 lb trigger. A 6 ft bullseye at 3200 & 2500 yds. The 2500 yd target was hit with all 3 Springfield Armory rifles provided for the test. Shot by by RT Hare from Springfield, at the request of the US War Dept Sandy Hook 45-70 2 mile trials.
Because the War Dept learned of the 1877 Turko- Russian War the their blackpowder rifles were engaging enemy at 1.5 miles. We had to test the 45-70 at long range for accuracy and penetration. After the trials the government declared the 45-70 could engage the enemies at 1900 yds for the average trooper.
LR is nothing new, the 44-40 Win lever action came from the factory with a ladder sight graduated to 900 yds. The 7mm mauser in 1893 had 2000 meter ladder sight. Not to mention all the Sharps Buffalo guns.
Just saying there were better shooters in the past then most today, and they had a lot less to work with.
Lets go right to the top shooters, Wonder if Tubb, king of the 2 mile, is up to the task, 45-70 at 3200, and 2500 yds, open ladder sights, front rest only, (like cross sticks), with s 7 lb trigger, in a stock Springfield Trapdoor, 45-70 with 500 gr bullets loaded with blackpowder.
Anyone care to try to duplicate that, with hits from 3 different 45-70s at 2500 yds, to prove the accuracy of the Springfield 45-70, with the exact limitations, especially the ladder sights, leaves most out of even trying.
Lets go right to the top shooters, Wonder if Tubb, king of the 2 mile, is up to the task, 45-70 at 3200, and 2500 yds, open ladder sights, front rest only, (like cross sticks), with s 7 lb trigger, in a stock Springfield Trapdoor, 45-70 with 500 gr bullets loaded with blackpowder.
Anyone care to try to duplicate that, with hits from 3 different 45-70s at 2500 yds, to prove the accuracy of the Springfield 45-70, with the exact limitations, especially the ladder sights, leaves most out of even trying.

I would like to see you duplicate it.
You obviously haven't tried to shoot a pop can at 1000yds, or more.
But know it all ...typical of this site.
Shot a few rounds of 308...and expert in the ways of the 308, and ballistics, & the 6.5 CM ...all the way out to 790 yds! Wow! Totally unimpressive.
Even fired a 338 Lapua, all the way out to 1500yds? Can't see a pop can with a nice scope? Because you haven't looked and have no experience in the pop can endevor.
But you are the final judge?
Thousands of rds,? At a max of 790 yds, mostly? A real LR shooter.
Obviously you haven't learned much in your LR endeavors at 790 yds.
So why not begin at 790 yds with a pop can and your favorite caliber, 338 Lapua, 308, 6.5 CM , they will all work, guaranteed...
Hint spray paint the pop can white, and you can see it at 1400 yds, and beyond.
Long before steel shooting, other shooting endeavors were popular, like live varmints.
I was only the middle of the road shooter in the Varmint Hunters club where the 308 Win longest kill was 2200 yds on PD. A thousand yards was fairly easy on varmints.
Dynamite shoots at pop cans filled with explosive gel, some way past your 790 yds. One shot any caliber, no range finders.
Black powder rifles used in war were engaging enemy at 1.5 miles in 1877 as noticed by the US War department, which started the US War Dept to begin the Sandy Hook 45-70 trials engaging 6 ft bullseye at 3200 yds. Open sights front rest only, 7 lb trigger pulls.
At 2500 yds all three rifles used hit the bullseye, wit 15 second flight times. The War dept concluded the average trooper could engage the enemy at 1900 yds in 1879.
Our Varmint Hunters Club had guys team up with 50BMG for live PD with a forward observor and 16 sec bullet flight times. The reason I have a 50BMG, was for varmints.
One who is talented can engage targets at 3000 yds with just a 308 or 6 5 CM. It's done on video with several hits on 24" plate with 10 rd limit, the 308 was factory stock barreled action.
The old Win 73 came with ladder sights in 44-40 graduated to 900 yds. The 7 mm mauser in 1893 ladder sight to 2000 meters, standard issue. Buffalo hunters kept Indians at bey with their Sharps rifles, clear out to 1500yds, where a chief was dropped from his horse, first shot.
I have shot the 45-70 at LR many thousands of times, it my first LR rifle.
So graduating to the 308 was easy, other new calibers were added including the 50BMG.
I can tell by your post like many egotistical, self indulged clowns on this site, you are under educated about the past of rifle shooting. Nothing you have done is new or exceptional, that hasn't been already accomplished, with lesser equipment, better marksman, probably by a black powder shooter, long ago.
if you haven’t, it can not be done, even though you never even tried... how pathetic.
After all you read the ballistics charts and fired a few rds down range, reloaded some ammo, and have all the latest electronic gagets, with the best new calibers and high BC bullets ... I have those too they help the average shooter get on target...and make LR much easier, than in the past...
Nothing you ever accomplished in a lifetime is noteworthy... but for personal satisfaction...
Just the facts.
I don't feed trolls.

But, I knight the... arise sir phaggot!!! 😅😂🤣

Well I wouldn’t be claiming this elr masterpiece of a shot. I mean I can shoot a can that far away with my red Ryder and iron sights. If y’all can’t hit a can at 2400 yds with a high powered rifle and a scope then y’all might need a new hobby. 🤣 must be MOA reticle scope users.
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I love your Youtube channel btw...

Thanks. It's been a while since I put up a video... BUT... I'm working on one this weekend. I just got my 300 PRC and 6 BRA rebarreled at Spartan Precision. I have this thing about shipping my precision rifles, so I drove up to Boise and was able to watch Marc at Spartan go through the entire process. This was very educational for me, and I also learned about the extra things he does when he cuts a barrel. I took video of much of the process (missed a couple semi-important parts, but I'll talk through them), and I'm hopefully going to post this weekend.

One thing I know is that I'm not going to buy a commercial prefit again...
Thanks. It's been a while since I put up a video... BUT... I'm working on one this weekend. I just got my 300 PRC and 6 BRA rebarreled at Spartan Precision. I have this thing about shipping my precision rifles, so I drove up to Boise and was able to watch Marc at Spartan go through the entire process. This was very educational for me, and I also learned about the extra things he does when he cuts a barrel. I took video of much of the process (missed a couple semi-important parts, but I'll talk through them), and I'm hopefully going to post this weekend.

One thing I know is that I'm not going to buy a commercial prefit again...
Good to know, was it a Savage action by chance?

Almost all the barrels I see for them are pre-fit with a barrel nut and I'm thinking about upgrading my .300wm sav to .300 norma (or maybe prc) with a Proof pre-fit bbl. This thing is a hammer with the berger 230's and 70 grains of H100, but I've got throat erosion now.

Good to know, was it a Savage action by chance?

Almost all the barrels I see for them are pre-fit with a barrel nut and I'm thinking about upgrading my .300wm sav to .300 norma (or maybe prc) with a Proof pre-fit bbl. This thing is a hammer with the berger 230's and 70 grains of H100, but I've got throat erosion now.

View attachment 8337800
wait so you've been all high and mighty recently and you ask stupid questions like that about a savage?
I don't see how is a stupid question fuckwad, I'm asking HIM if the pre-fit bbls he was talking about were for a Savage, as I have one and looking at a proof pre-fit. What's your point, other than to be a cunt?
cause you can't read after dicking up the last two pages of this thread arguing dumb shit

"One thing I know is that I'm not going to buy a commercial prefit again..."

wtf does it matter if it's a savage or not. a proof is a commercial prefit which is what his comment is in reference to

and there's a reason 99.9% of savages are barrel nut prefits. cause the tolerances suck ass and it's the cheapest way to make a cheap action for the 98% of people will never even shoot out a barrel (the same people who don't even know you can shoot a barrel out)
cause you can't read after dicking up the last two pages of this thread arguing dumb shit

"One thing I know is that I'm not going to buy a commercial prefit again..."

wtf does it matter if it's a savage or not. a proof is a commercial prefit which is what his comment is in reference to

and there's a reason 99.9% of savages are barrel nut prefits. cause the tolerances suck ass and it's the cheapest way to make a cheap action for the 98% of people will never even shoot out a barrel (the same people who don't even know you can shoot a barrel out)
Ah, so it's the fact that one of my rifles is a savage that has you acting extra cunty. 🤣
IDGAF, honestly, I love this rifle, and it's served me well. I mean, you are dead wrong about Savage but that's not the point, I don't argue with retards or feed trolls.

I'm laughing right now because I know you were hoping this would get to me, but it's just simple mind over matter.

ahhh...so that's definitely why you didn't search for a thread I started in 2020 about the release of the Savage Impulse that's been dead for a year
It's because I saw you looking at my profile. But, I'm not cunty enough to share a pic of that and post it here for attention. 🤣

You are entirely in control of how these interactions go with me, if you are polite, I am polite in return, but you just want to act like a bitch.
Probably have short-man syndrome, don't know... and I don't care.

I've set you to ignore and won't be bothered with such creepy stalker passive-aggressive shit.

I'm about to eat dinner with my fam and make love to my beautiful wife - you won't even be a thought in my head 10 seconds after I hit this post reply button.

Get a life.
  • Haha
Reactions: b6graham
How is it even possible, that none of you, have even sent me an email? Not a single question. Do all of you just assume that someone looked into it? The smoothness of the brains here blow my mind.

Elect a representative, shoot me an email, shoot me a phone call. I can answer these questions, I'm not opposed to it. A YouTube short it's just not the place to do it. 6 million people are not interested in my ES. I would even fire up a live stream, and talk about it if someone wished. Pretty much anytime any day after 3:30 Mountain time. (Shift change) aka when the wife takes over watching the kids.
because we know bullshit when we see it... hoss.