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300 PRC load with Sierra's 220 Gr suggestions


May 21, 2021
Czech republic
Hi guys,
any suggestions for Sierra 220 Gr HPBT 300 PRC load? I have Lapua brass, FED GM LRM primers, powder-wise ATM I have Ramshot Magnum, RL 25 and RS 76 - which is "similar" as H1000 on manufacturer's relative burn rate chart. But VV powders are quite easy to get here in Europe too, so no real limitation there I see. Should I start with 220 Gr bullet from Hornady's manual (ELD X) or mby Vihtavuori app as these two have plenty of 300 PRC loads covered? I have Bergara B14 HMR 26' barrel, 1:9 twist, intended use is target shooting up to 1 km. Thanks a lot for any suggestions and happy New Year!
P.S. I do know and rather be using Hybrids 215 + Grains, but these are totally non-real to get, maybe gone forever/long time. Also ELD M's are unavailable here, just ATips, but for like 3 times the price of Sierras or Lapuas. I'm running 200 Gr Hybrids with decent results, but wanna try some heavier load:)
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Hi guys,
It's been a while I put up this post, but as I finally had the time and components to finalize my load, I consider it finished and a good one basically. The thing is...yesterday I just re-checked the velocities, and was surprised / concerned with the measurements. I got 2932, 2938 and 2936 fps speeds. Higher velocities are, beside mby other factors, caused due to the fact it's very hot these days in central Europe (in comparison when beginning doing the load dev. in the winter). But I have no pressure signs at all as far as I'm able to recognize these. I mean, from what I've read and discussed so far, it seems little bit too much for the 220 Gr SMK bullet. I'm on 80 Grs of Reload Swiss 76 and that also seems too much. It's a powder I guess isn't available and / or well known in the States, but it's on the same level at powder relative burn rate tables as H1000 and just a little bit faster than Retumbo. What are your thought about that? Should I be worried it's too much and wearing of the barrel etc.? Thanks a lot for any ideas.


  • Snímek obrazovky 2022-07-20 v 16.05.34.png
    Snímek obrazovky 2022-07-20 v 16.05.34.png
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If you can get your hands on VVN570 go that route. I shoot 220 ELDX out of my 300 PRC with Retumbo. I can't remember off of the top of my head my exact grains. Using ADG brass. Winchester mag LR primers. I'm shooting those 220'S at 2940 without any pressure signs.
I’m wondering the same thing kinda I have just got a bregara in the 300prc and I was able to get some ramshot mag powder,lapua brass and I have a few thousand cci mag lrp. I have 500 rounds of 220gr matchking bthp but can’t find any load data for this stuff I have and can’t find any powder that I can find load data for any suggestions? Thanks I’m hoping that I post this ok here this my first time ever using this form or any internet sm ting at all but I have looked up googel searches alot any this sights always had good answers thanks again
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This actually make sense. These sierra 220's don't seat as deep into the chamber as some of the high BC 220gr projectiles out there (Lapua Scenar L, Berger LRHT). I loaded a dummy round to 3.8" and closed the bolt on it and found that it was hitting the lands at 3.570" (Bergara Premier LRP 2.0). I loaded up a few to test at 3.55" with 73 up to 75gr at .3 gr incrememnts to start. Haven't fired them yet, but we'll see how they do when I go out in a few weeks.