300 PRC update

I have a load with berger 215's that is ridiculously consistent, anybody call Berger and get their load data? Damn, talk about warm. I started a full grain under their starting suggestion.

Berger load data for the 300NM is also very hot. I dont trust the last few things they have put out. The Hornady load data is much more in line.
They are accurate to a point. Every barrel with different internal dimensions as well different land and groove widths and number of lands will change the BC slightly . You have to establish the best number for your rifle.

I have to do that with with my Berger’s and ELDm’s.
I was more wondering if the A tip needed less adjustments in BC at mile plus than say the eldm’s do.
I suppose the BC for both is calculated in a similar manner at a similar range.
I have to do that with with my Berger’s and ELDm’s.
I was more wondering if the A tip needed less adjustments in BC at mile plus than say the eldm’s do.
I suppose the BC for both is calculated in a similar manner at a similar range.
Hornady measures everything with Doppler radar. Most of the time out of more than one rifle/barrel combo. and I forgot twist rate affects BC also. Radar is very very accurate. I have data for other bullets from other sources and the data is enlightening.
I got a free kestrel 4dof with a scope I just bought, I'm in the process of cross checking it with my 5700 AB kestrel. Have a match coming up with targets out past a mile. We shall see.....
I’ve been following this thread and you guys talked me out of a 30 nos and into the prc. I have a 1-8 26’ proof carbon blank coming. It will be a long range hunter target rifle. Plans to shoot the 215 hybrids 225’a and the 230 Atips. I need this shouldered for a bighorn SR3 and will be fed from a Wyatt extended box... any suggestions on reamer setup or is everyone using a sammi spec freebore? I thought I would have time to get everything together to build some dummy rounds but my barrel shipped yesterday so I would like to send it out pretty quick. I’m planning on calling LRI andstraightjacket Monday, any others I should think about? Thanks!!
I’ve been following this thread and you guys talked me out of a 30 nos and into the prc. I have a 1-8 26’ proof carbon blank coming. It will be a long range hunter target rifle. Plans to shoot the 215 hybrids 225’a and the 230 Atips. I need this shouldered for a bighorn SR3 and will be fed from a Wyatt extended box... any suggestions on reamer setup or is everyone using a sammi spec freebore? I thought I would have time to get everything together to build some dummy rounds but my barrel shipped yesterday so I would like to send it out pretty quick. I’m planning on calling LRI andstraightjacket Monday, any others I should think about? Thanks!!
Send it to Dave, he’s been awesome at replying and helping on this thread and has been involved in this cartridge for a decade
Anyone shoot enough of the factory 225 ELD 300 PRC to get as sense of what SD/ES is expected?

Really debating if ADG brass is worth it over the Hornady..... Need at least 300 pieces as the gun is for the NF ELR Match which is a pretty penny...
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I shot 20 rounds of Factory I believe....nope...40 rounds....and my gunsmith shot like 5 of those I think. I didn't have a 'real' chronograph when I shot them. I had an old optical and it is about as accurate as....well I'll leave the political crap out of this thread....but you get my drift.

I just remember the first time I pulled the trigger....and I giggled...and everyone around me giggled...and I've been giggling ever since. I believe the factory ammo is about as good as you can get for factory....and that is damn good. I thought I could play with seating depths and different powders. Seating depth is almost exactly where factory is....and powders....well Hornady is running the same powders that most of us are having a hard time finding. No need to add more horsepower either....factory rounds seem hot and on the upper edge.
I shot 20 rounds of Factory I believe....nope...40 rounds....and my gunsmith shot like 5 of those I think. I didn't have a 'real' chronograph when I shot them. I had an old optical and it is about as accurate as....well I'll leave the political crap out of this thread....but you get my drift.

I just remember the first time I pulled the trigger....and I giggled...and everyone around me giggled...and I've been giggling ever since. I believe the factory ammo is about as good as you can get for factory....and that is damn good. I thought I could play with seating depths and different powders. Seating depth is almost exactly where factory is....and powders....well Hornady is running the same powders that most of us are having a hard time finding. No need to add more horsepower either....factory rounds seem hot and on the upper edge.

Good to know picked up 100 rounds to break in the barrel and start to play with. I am tempted to run the match just with factory ammo...would save me a lot of time and hassle... but loading up some 230 atips seem like fun
Good to know picked up 100 rounds to break in the barrel and start to play with. I am tempted to run the match just with factory ammo...would save me a lot of time and hassle... but loading up some 230 atips seem like fun

I found the 225 hornady ammo to shoot really well, however the extreme spread was a little too much. Most of the rounds have very tight Es, then I’ll have one round that’s was 40 FPS off the average. There are a number of people here that have been doing well with it though.
I should have my 22" 300prc hunting rifle done in a few weeks. 22 seems to be the compromise length between weight / length / being handy / speed. RL26 gets these pills moving quiet a bit faster then H1k without the pressure. I am going for 2850-2900 with the 215 berger. With the speeds I'm seeing in my 26 and 27 inch tubes I have very little doubt that it will get there. I will run the TB Ultra 7 or maybe the 5 on there also. So muzzle blast is something I'm not worried about.

I'll update the thread in a few weeks after I get some rounds through it and record the velocities. The 22" 6.5 PRC that I have shoots the 156 bergers at 2900 without issue, so I hope to get the same 2900 in the 300prc with the 215s. It will hammer elk if that's the case.

@Jmcmath is also building a shorty hunter. Think he doing 21" but he can correct me/jwknutson17
I just traded my 300prc off for a 30nos in a more “hunter friendly” set up. I have the Gunwerks ClymR 30 nos in a 22” proof barrel. It came directly from gunwerks so it has the turret based on their loads.

Since I’m in Canada, we cant get their 215 berger loads yet so I had my rep mimick their load. With 82.3gr of retumbo, they were getting a velocity of 2813fps with the 215gr Berger’s (using gunwerks brass). The accuracy is good with this load sitting at 0.22” at 100yards.

I would say your 2850 - 2900 is achievable. I’ll be getting the rifle this wed so hope to do some load development myself. Maybe change the powder as some people are suggesting.
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Anyone shoot enough of the factory 225 ELD 300 PRC to get as sense of what SD/ES is expected?

Really debating if ADG brass is worth it over the Hornady..... Need at least 300 pieces as the gun is for the NF ELR Match which is a pretty penny...
Factory ES for me was pretty wide, 50+ if recall, but the barrel was new and my experience was they're pretty hot. As for ADG vs. H, the more/farther you shoot the more you'll want the ADG due to quality and consistency. Don't have my 300 in yet, but I do have ADG in 6.5 PRC and the difference from HBrass is material enough to warrant the additional cost.....for me.
Factory ES for me was pretty wide, 50+ if recall, but the barrel was new and my experience was they're pretty hot. As for ADG vs. H, the more/farther you shoot the more you'll want the ADG due to quality and consistency. Don't have my 300 in yet, but I do have ADG in 6.5 PRC and the difference from HBrass is material enough to warrant the additional cost.....for me.

Just for primer pockets/durability or what?
I found single digit sd and es pretty quickly with the "junky" hornady. For me the pockets will have to take 13 to 15 loadings to justify the cost of ADG.
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SOOO much good info here... to say ya'll get into the weeds on this stuff is a gross understatement. :) I love it.

I didn't read every post on all 52 pages... but the one thing I'm not seeing is anyone here buying a factory rifle and coming back with a range report.

I have a Bergara HMR in 6.5CM that shoots great... I really like the form factor and the stock fits me so well that I want another one... a big brother for it. The HMR Pro in 300 PRC looks like a great setup for the money ($1600). Is there a good reason not to do that? Reports have it shooting really well... and there aren't any available besides Buds... somebody is buyin them all up. If this caliber was out a few years ago I wouldn't have a 7mm Sendero... I have always liked the stock on the Sendero rifles... and the stock that comes on the HMR is dang near perfect for my use. I goof around shooting steel at long range in the state forest but then I carry the rifle during elk season... I have never really wanted a “chassis” as they are called... the HMR stock gives me all the adjustment needed and still feels/handles/carries like a traditional stock.

I have a Leupold Mark 5 sitting here all lonely... talk me out of an HMR Pro!!!
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Was shooting today with a guy who had the Bergara premier 300 prc in the xlr chassis, and that thing was nice. Not sure what brake he had on it but it knocked the recoil down so much it surprised me. Really a softer shooting 30 Cal.
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@benjio This thread has been going a while. The cartridge is still 'new'. So everyone that started on this thread had to get a custom built rifle due to the fact that there wasn't a factory option for something that just got SAAMI spec'd. So...a bunch of us early adopters threw a lot of money at gunsmiths to spin us up the latest and greatest hotness.

We've tested, development, and just had loads of fun. When you see a lot of guys building five to ten thousand dollar guns it may be a little discouraging to post up results for your 'affordable'...which is a relative word...since many many people see $1600.00 as out of their price range...but they are hesitant to post their findings because they are a year or more behind the load development and experience curve of the rest of us. So they may not be seeing the small groups of 100 yard paper due to many factors from load development, to first time with a big boy magnum and they haven't learned proper recoil management.....or they simply don't have a place to stretch the legs of the 300PRC out properly and see its full potential.

This site...in my opinion...has a base of people that generally have a higher means of purchasing power....and skill set...than your other sites that cater to the hunting or casual shooting crowd...or the couch ninjas. I think you will start to see more reviews and experiences of more moderately priced rifles in the 300PRC. I know it is a hit for hunting...and I think as more people purchase 300PRC rifles...you will see people excited, surprised, happy....you name it...with the accuracy.....the quality of factory ammo offerings...and soon to be a large selection of reloading components.

I don't think it is going to have the same delay to mainstream....the divisiveness....as the 6.5creedmoor when it first slapped us 308 shooters upside the head and announced it was here...and here to stay.
Thank you... that was a nice way to say all that.

I am somewhere above the level of a casual shooter, but not full competition or professional. I've taken long range shooting classes and shot a handful of comps... but mostly I spend the year preparing to take that one perfect long shot during elk season. I obsess over small groups just like everybody does... I could afford more than $1600 for the rifle, but for my uses, the difference between 3/4 moa and 1/4 moa isn't worth a few thousand more dollars. I've never built a full custom bolt gun from parts but I've always wanted to. To be honest, if Bergara didn't offer the HMR (and I didn't already own one and know I love it) I would for sure be looking at custom options. Rifles like the Ruger Precision are great, but I don't want a chassis rifle with a pistol grip... I want something adjustable but in a form factor closer to a traditional rifle... a wish which an HMR Pro suits quite well.

Almost more than anything I have appreciated reading about ya'lls load development... I have some of each H1000, R26, and Retumbo… I have brass, bullets, primers, a Mark 5 HD, and rings... I just need to decide on the rifle! So far I haven't found a factory rifle with the features and quality of the HMR Pro for anywhere near its price. I think I just need to buy one and shoot it a bunch... if it ends up disappointing me I'll know I need to spend the extra few thousand.

thanks for the thoughts and info!
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Just for primer pockets/durability or what?
HB (50 Lot)
Weight: 219.9 Ave.
68% <=1.5g VAR
34% <=1.0g VAR
STDev 1.47
Neck Consistency:
Lot VAR .0135 - .018
Typical VAR .001->.002

ADG (100 lot)
Weight: 222.78 Ave.
92% <=1.5g VAR
78% <=1.0g VAR
STDev .48
Neck Consistency:
Lot VAR .0135 - .015
Typical VAR <=.001

Only on 3x...Try to let you know when I burn one. May be a while.
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Thanks for the info. What powder and reload specs? I'm guessing your going to want to stick to the 200-215gr pills with that tube. Asking a lot for the 230s in a 21" tube. Probably not going to be worth it.
Sorry for late reply.
I'm using H1000, Fed 215 primers, and Hornady brass with the 208gr A-Max #30732. Resized in Hornady FL die with a .336" bushing bumping shoulders .0015 avg. COAL to meplat is 3.648" average.

I hope the 230 grainers work because I committed to a whole lot of them.
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I hate to do this but reading threw 52 pages is way to much. I read threw some But has anyone tried the 250 atips in the 300 prc 28 inch barrel? Velocity?

250gr A-Tips, Bartlein 28" 1-9tw barrel, N565 Powder, Hornady Brass, 2931fps on a cold day at ~900feet ASL....hits at 1 mile. Vertical stringing was very nice and tight.
I hate to do this but reading threw 52 pages is way to much. I read threw some But has anyone tried the 250 atips in the 300 prc 28 inch barrel? Velocity?

I helped a buddy do a bit of development with his 26" RPR yesterday and 250gr A tips.

Hornady brass
Primers ?? (He prepped the brass prior)
H1000 - 72gr
250gr A-Tips
.020" off lands (single fed, which he said was fine for what he wanted to do with it.)
Avg 2668
ES 19
SD 9.4
**I think that was the ES and SD. I had a ton of numbers going thru my head yesterday. I know the SD was under 10, though.**
Avg 5 shot 100yrd group - a hair under .5"

.055" off lands to fit in mag resulted in same avg fps. But group size opened, horizontally, to a tad under 1".

Side note: I was surprised at the recoil, or lack thereof. 48-50 rounds, which included 4 factory rounds. I'm sure it was the factory brake, but didn't look that close, to be honest.
I say do your testing with h1000, for me it's been a clear winner, h4831sc is slightly more accurate but slower velocity wise. The speed gain for me with the 215 bergers out weighs the bc gain of the 225eldm for my purpose. I do have a bunch of 230 atips that shoot very well, but not at mag length.
Sorry for late reply.
I'm using H1000, Fed 215 primers, and Hornady brass with the 208gr A-Max #30732. Resized in Hornady FL die with a .336" bushing bumping shoulders .0015 avg. COAL to meplat is 3.648" average.

I hope the 230 grainers work because I committed to a whole lot of them.

Interested to see how this works out for you. I'm having a 20" 1-8 twist spun up by LRI right now and hoping to run the 230s.
Wow... late to the game.

I ordered the last 3 boxes left at creedmoor sports... and the last 2 boxes left at Precision Reloading for the ADG brass.
Should be enough to do development and then for the NF Match. lol
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Wow... late to the game.

I ordered the last 3 boxes left at creedmoor sports... and the last 2 boxes left at Precision Reloading for the ADG brass.
Should be enough to do development and then for the NF Match. lol
So it was you !!!! What happened to common sense brass buying ? LOL stockpile bro stack em deep... meanwhile I’ll keep cycling that Hornady and praying for divine intervention or a miracle :unsure:
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What's up guys


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So it was you !!!! What happened to common sense brass buying ? LOL stockpile bro stack em deep... meanwhile I’ll keep cycling that Hornady and praying for divine intervention or a miracle :unsure:

Not really a stockpile, I am loading up all 250 pieces for a 2 day match. Need that many to comfortablely have enough ammo to get through it.
My ADG brass won't be here until tomorrow. I'd like to get a head start on ordering bushings for my Whidden dies.

Can some one who has there ADG brass in hand help me determine what size(s) bushings to order?
My ADG brass won't be here until tomorrow. I'd like to get a head start on ordering bushings for my Whidden dies.

Can some one who has there ADG brass in hand help me determine what size(s) bushings to order?

Oh dear lord...I didn't even think about changing my bushing size...welp...I guess we'll see if I have the proper size soon.
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