Anyone have any experience with
theses three cartridges:
300PRC, 30 Sherman Mag, and 300Norma
I’m thinking about building a 300Norma but that requires a new action. The 30 Sherman Mag is an easy improvement over the 300PRC.
Before you decide the PRC isn't what you want, here is my short story that may help...
I have been all over the place going from Win mags to a 300 Norma and thought I should have been getting way faster velocity. Sold it and said why do I need the XL bolt face and tons of powder for not the crazy gain I was hoping for.. Then I went to multiple 300 PRC rifles and disappointed initially with them and the velocity I was seeing. My goal was 3000 with a 215 in a 26" tube and many folks said nope, need something else. Then I was going to spin up a 29" barrel instead of the 26" I had, and try for 3000 fps with the 230s. I again was told that it was a NO GO by many on here. Sold 2 of my PRCs but kept one Cadex rifle with Tooley barrel. Then I thought that I wold give the 300 NM another chance and bought another AXMC in 300 Norma. I had Tooley send me and an additional PRC barrel also. So now I have two 27" barrels for the AXMC. Norma and PRC. Lets just say at this point Ive spend 50k in rifles going back and forth chasing velocity in a moderate length barrel. 26-28" area.
Having said all that.... The main factor I am seeing here and the difference between me being happy with one and not another is POWDER type. H1k in the Norma I have worse results then the PRC with H1k. H1k in the PRC I have worse results then Retumbo in the Norma. PRC with RL26 I have about identical results to the Norma with Retumbo. All 215gr pills mind you.
All rifles below had cans on them. TB Ultra 7 and TB Ultra 338s
26" SAC PRC barrel: 215s
78.5gr H1k 2965
26 inch Tooley PRC Barrel: 215s
RL26 215s and 76.6 and 76.9 gr in Hornady Brass were 3000/3008 FPS.
H1k in that same 26 inch tube with 79.26 gr of H1k was 2980. Started at 2947 until the barrel speed up to that 2980.
27 inch Tooley AXMC Barrel; 215s
H1k was identical to above at 2980 New barrel so it may still speed up.
RL26 with same 76.9gr as above at 3038! Wouldn't go higher as just on the verge of pressure.
27 inch 300 Norma Win Tac AXMC Barrel: 215s
H1k had pressure at 82gr. Didnt do much after this.
Retumbo at 86gr was 3005 and at 87gr was 3047. Wouldnt go higher here as starting to pressure at 87.
Moral of the story... The new fancy powders in the PRC are making a difference. I do not have any of the N565 or 570 to try in the PRC or the Norma. Maybe the Norma with one of these will really walk away from the PRC and RL26. Maybe not. I plan on using the Norma to shoot the 230s and the PRC for the 215s. I believe the Norma with the heavies will push them a little faster.
No idea on the Sherman Mag. Maybe it gets the same as Norma Velocity with the heavies and less powder, I don't know. Seems like an easy improvement over the PRC, but with all I have been through, I have just found that RL26 has made a big enough difference in the PRC to not want to even go down that road at this point. Too much time and money invested chasing velocity out of the 30s in mag fed rifles.
And in reality, what is this doing for us at any practical distance? Couple tenths at most? Whats the dope difference to a mile? Can we get the 230s fast enough to shoot better then the 215s in these guns through a mile? 2000? I'm guilty as sin and will be the first to admit I get caught up in the FPS game. Few guys on here have told me time and time again to not get caught up in the speed. If something shoots really really well and is 50fps slower, who cares, dial a few more tenths and shoot the thing. Thanks
Obviously I don't listen very well, but after all this switching and chasing numbers and spending all this money, I should have just listened to them from the start.
So for folks that aren't super happy with h1k in the PRC. Try some RL26 before throwing in the towel. Or N565, if its temp stable enough for your application. Guys here are getting good numbers with these new powders.