Re: 600 yards 22LR pictures
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: VYD</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 2500yards</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
The CCI stingers are the only ones that still have power at that range.
My gun is sighted in with the Federal Match at 400 yards. </div></div>
First of all it sounds to me you are simply wasting your ammo just to see how far a .22lr bullet can travel and what kinda damage it does on a piece of board. Stingers are not known for their supreme accuracy, it is not a Match load and it's supersonic at the muzzle which completely screws up the accuracy at longer ranges. Second of all, what is your grouping at 400 yards??? Something like 20"??? And you call it "sighted in"??? To me <span style="font-style: italic">sighted in</span> is when I can consistently print 1/2" at 50 yards or 1" or under at 100. Can you do the same at 400??? If the answer is no, then you are not sighted in.</div></div>
VYD, I can't tell if you're being serious or just baiting for reaction, but I'll assume you were being sincere.
Sir, if he could maintain the 1 MOA accuracy you're suggesting out to 400 yards, then he would be nigh unto the "messiah" of rifle shooting. With a .22 LR past about 125 yards, most of us aren't expecting sub-moa accuracy. The expectation is to observe the actual level of accuracy (whatever that may be) and then learn to make repeatable hits within those accuracy limitations in varying conditions.
As to using ss match ammo for this: The transonic problem is a deterrent to accuracy, but it's not a deal breaker in most cases. We all know that in theory the ideal would be to shoot only ss ammo for long range, yet other factors play a MUCH larger role, imho. There are pages of discussion on this topic, all of which are quite enthralling, I'm sure, so please feel free to imbibe of those noble archives. My experience is that accuracy does not deteriorate exponentially after crossing the sound barrier. I have yet to see any evidence that bullets suddenly destabilize to the point of detrimental accuracy erosion just because they have gone through the transonic zone.
Whether Stingers are the most accurate 400 yard .22 LR ammo available isn't the question...he was referring (in layman's terms) to apparent impact velocity/energy.
By "sighted in", I'm relatively sure he means that his scope is adjusted so that his POA and POI are the same @ that distance...whatever the group size may be. I'm not sure if you're a veteran playing dumb or if you have really never shot long range using target/"tactical" turrets on a scope to compensate for bullet drop over distance. I'm really not trying to be an anal retentive muscle, but I'm not sure from where you are coming. I assure you it is not my intention to insult your intelligence by any means!
I am sorry that you [apparently] have not yet experienced the joy and merit of long range rimfire shooting! My sympathies.
To 2500, what kind of groups are you getting at 400 (at which distance you aren't actually zero'd; you just think you are.
I've only shot to 300 so far, but my "group" was laughable @ best.
As to hunting at 400 yards? I'd not try it because I don't have the capability of placing my shots in the vitals @ that range. If you can, then more power to you. If you can't...then I'd just hope you're man enough to swallow your pride and back off before you wound too many critters. That being said, prairie dogs hit in the chest @ 200 yards seem to die faster than those hit solidly at less than 100. [mumbles something brainy sounding about energy transfer] 8)
Keep up the good work and good luck!
-The Kid.