6mm BR

Yes, i do also. Never thought about, cause I'm bumping the shoulders back .002
to new Lapua case size. Don't know if it's the brass or just a tight chamber. PVA did mine
Not to worried, shoots fine and no pressure signs.
I FL resize the brass every time. I'm guessing, tight chamber.
Still impressed with my 6mmBR!!! The accuracy is stupid at times.

Recent report is...On Saturday I shot 2 shots touching at 400Y, went to 500Y same thing but with 3 shots, and 3 impacts well centered with no vertical to speak of at 792Y only 1.5" wide, actually the first 2 shots were touching as well. All on steel painted white. Satisfyingly boring I'll tell yuh ??!! Friends were freaking a little, lol.

To create some sort of challenge I shot off the tripod in sitting position using all holdovers, not quite the small vertical as prone off the bipod but I still hit all 3 steel.

Might as well just practice off obstacles, or for positional, when the wind is down ???
This load only works for me and my application.
always workup your load and mine might not work for you.
Current load is holding fine. Lapua brass, CCI450 primers, Sierra 95g smk 31.85g(A&D FX120i scale) IMR4166 @3033fps
Just had to move bullet, .001+ 600 rounds. No pressure signs. Case is plenty full
I don't use a expander, or button, I just use a bushing to neck down.

Could be my .267 bushing was more like 267.5 -.268?? Seems so because I had almost no neck tension.

I was thinking you used a expander like some guys do but after rereading you do use a button. I was busy so I skipped over your post too fast.

Whatever it takes to get at least enough neck tension to hold a bullet without it getting shoved back into the cartridge when cycling the action. I like .002 to .003.
I wanted to give an update. Approx 900 rounds through this barrel now.

A couple months ago I was at a practice match and beforehand got down to check my zero, eek I was getting almost 1" groups all of a sudden?! Was it me, what happened to my .3" groups?? A friend said that I should do a seating depth test which I thought was the best idea. Also I had bought a .265" bushing to use which could possibly have changed something, unsure at that point. Oh, and I had ultra sonic cleaned my muzzle brake which was getting kinda nasty.

I was super busy with other shooting disciplines, work, family, health problems, etc, to shoot my 6mmBR much, the next time out which was a month ago my rifle was still shooting the same, just less than 1" groups.

Yesterday morning I finally got to do a fast test with 4 shot groups at 100Y. I tried 5 random depths. Out towards the lands another .012" for the heck of it and progressively into the case with the shortest being .030".

The best group was the .030" into the case which produced low .2-ish wide, .1-ish tall and it was a little windy. The .012" out was next best at .3". The others were .5" to .8".

I chose the .030" into the case because the 105 hybrid at my previous depth was close to the lands and already pretty far up into the neck of the case. (to be specific, if I chase the lands there isn't going to be much of the bearing surface of the bullet left in the neck after a while)

Glad my 6mmBR still shoots well!
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Hey Steve, I just did some load development on my BR with some of the new Sierra 107s. I dropped 1/10th on the Varget (30.1) -.030 . 2860 fps.
Mine seems to shoot inside the Hybrids out to 850.

GTK, thanks for the info.

Darn hybrids are so expensive! I'm really thinking of trying another bullet, the SMK, and might give the Hornady 105 HPBT a try. I'm not competitive in tactical comps anymore anyway so might as well try to save some $. Gotta be sub .5" or why shoot a 6mmBR!
GTK, thanks for the info.

Darn hybrids are so expensive! I'm really thinking of trying another bullet, the SMK, and might give the Hornady 105 HPBT a try. I'm not competitive in tactical comps anymore anyway so might as well try to save some $. Gotta be sub .5" or why shoot a 6mmBR!

my buddies son shoots the hornady HPBT and they shoot great in his BR.
I just moved my 6br to a new stock. I’ll be shooting it quite a bit here in the next month hopefully
It was my fantasy stick too. Guy on accurate shooter had this one for sale because he couldn’t get comfortable with it. Fits me like a glove?

700 action bolt fluted and knob added by Paul at Pro Precision Rifles he did the fluting on a Brux barrel. Barrel chambered in 6br 272 neck and .120 freebore, threaded and chamber work done by Lee Gardner. Cerus stock and my own Form1 12” suppressor.
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I just got 500 95 TMK to play with. Interested to see how they shoot compared to 105 Hybrids out to 800yd. Got them cheap with the recent PV Sierra sale

Interested in results. They were lasers in my 6 creedmoor I used to have. According to calculator the 95s are really close to the 105s from the extra speed.
Looking at chambering a 6BR since my 6.5 CM is getting wore out.

What are the go to Powder’s for 105-108 bullets?

How do the 105 BTHP compare to the 108 eld?

Gun will be used for PRS and ran in an Impact action. So speed will still need to be up on the priority list.
I’m wanting the smooth bolt lift that you have with not a lot of pressure.

Have friends with the BRA and they all complain about the bolt lift being a little heavy. 6 creed has lots of speed and no bolt lift.

30g of varget a fed205M and a 105 or 108 .025 off the lands...i dont shoot hornady bullets so i can not comment on them...this is the beauty of the BR...30g of varget will shoot in any BR if it dont something is wrong.
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Everyone thinks you have to run the "heavy" bullet.
I'm running the 95g smk @3040 with IMR4166
If you run the #'s compared to the 107 smk @2850, the 95 has less drop at 600 and 1000yds
and about the same drift at both.
I run my 6br @3040 and have almost 800 rounds on this barrel. No problems
It's only a 26 inch HawkHill 8tw. Any picture I've posted is with this combo ( post 112 and 131)
I was comparing it to your post of 2850 fps with the 107 smk
No, I get what you're saying. My cases are full, I have to tap them to load the bullet.
But that's where I found a great node and have no pressure signs. Maybe the IMR4166
or I got a fast barrel. I bore scoped the barrel several times and still looks great.
Damn thing shoots at that speed.
Just got back from testing the 95 TMK over Varget in my 28" Kreiger 6BR. Barrel has 60rd down it.

Tested 3rd each in 0.3gr increments with Varget from 30.0gr to 31.2gr. No pressure, primers round, easy bolt lift at 31.2gr.

31.2gr was sub 0.25moa @100yd 3020 SD 2.. everything was seated 0.015 off lands. Gonna load some up and test them at distance now. Wasnt testing accuracy, just looking for pressure and velocity numbers this outing.

Here guys say they couldnt get 95 TMK to shoot but they were very accurate in my gun all charges and same POI.

Here's the OCW target looking for pressure, not concentrating on accuracy but it still was damn accurate. Going to explore 31.2 - 31.6 to see if im close to pressure and check center of node. Probably 31.4gr final load but we shall see. Should get me around 3040-3050.

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Just got back from testing the 95 TMK over Varget in my 28" Kreiger 6BR. Barrel has 60rd down it.

Tested 3rd each in 0.3gr increments with Varget from 30.0gr to 31.2gr. No pressure, primers round, easy bolt lift at 31.2gr.

31.2gr was sub 0.25moa @100yd 3020 SD 2.. everything was seated 0.015 off lands. Gonna load some up and test them at distance now. Wasnt testing accuracy, just looking for pressure and velocity numbers this outing.

Here guys say they couldnt get 95 TMK to shoot but they were very accurate in my gun all charges and same POI.

Please keep this updated I’m interested to see were you end up...I’m think about trying the 95g tmk I’m my BRX
lotta potential there for sure...and the 95gTMK has to be a bit better at 200-250fps faster than a 105-108

Here is a side by side comparison of the 105 Hybrid using my go to load which is 2850 fps and the final 95 TMK load I believe where I will stop @ 3040fps. 95TMK has better elevation all the way out to 1000yds (farthest I ran the numbers) and very close in windage to the 105 with a .1 difference.

For as cheap as I got these 500ct boxes of 95 TMK's with the big Powder Valley Sierra sale last month and the accuracy Im seeing, its a no brainer of the 105's for me. About $60 per 500ct box cheaper than the 105 Bergers.