Unfortunately, I only shot the cold soaked ammo at 100 yards and was mostly interested in getting velocity data off of it. I really should have shot those rounds out at distance to see if the velocity loss/variation opened up the groups significantly. Here's the picture of the cold soaked ammo at 100 yards (the three blue marked shots in the middle were not cold soaked and were just to get the scope on paper). They grouped pretty much like everything else at ambient air temp. This was all part of a 21-shot Hornady 4 DOF calibration where I established the zero-angle and zero for the rifle with 21 shots fired in 3-shot increments with barrel cooling time in between. Comparing 4 DOF to AB and getting more temperature/velocity data points will be a project of mine over the next year. So far, 4 DOF has been dead-nuts with this load (162 gr ELD-X) whereas AB has always given elevation data on the high side at 800-1000 yds. I haven't done the proper DSF calibration in AB though.