Re: Advantage of case concetricity? NONE
You might be completely missing th point of everything we do. The point of any shooting technique or reloading technique is consistency. The ejector spring pressure is consistent since its a machine doing he same action. So the fact that the ammo is no longer Aligned perfectly to the bore doesn't actually matter, it matters that since it was concentric going in, with the ejector spring, it is now crooked the same exact way.
For example... All the fundamentals of shooting are not actual laws that if you dont do , you will be a bad shooter. They are just techniques that if you follow help guarantee that you are consistent in your movement. If you were able to jerk the trigger exactly the same way Everytime, you would be you as accurate as the fella that goose straight back on it. The problem is that it's much more difficult to pull back on the trigger with exactly 3 degrees of jerk Everytime, as opposed to just focusing on ping straight back.
So if you can load and chamber a crooked round exactly the same way Everytime, then it would be just as accurate as a concentric round. Otherwise, just because you can't shoot the difference doesn't mean there isn't any.