Have you put a micrometer or digital caliper on the DTACs and SMKs to see if there is a measurable difference? Do the first cleaning patches have difficulty being pushed down the barrel? The other thing I might try is tumble clean some of the DTACs then lay them out on paper towel to spray with non-chlorinated brake cleaner. Roll them between paper towels, replace the towels with clean dry ones then rub/roll again, load them and try. The boron-nitride is not supposed to have a visible appearance when done correctly. If wax was used as in my failed experiment, it wouldn't necessarily be visible but the tumbling and wiping with brake cleaner should strip it off. Also, If you can shoot a full session with SMKs and no problems it has to be the DTACs. However, the DTACS might have a longer bearing surface that will force you to not be able to push them as fast the SMK's. I'm starting to run out of ideas.