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America after Trump


Full Member
Mar 30, 2013
I've been wondering lately, under the assumption nothing catastrophic happens, after Trumps second term, who fills the void? It's safe to say there's never been one quite like him, I doubt there will be another quite like him. He's got momentum and success on his side and the ability to put wind into other candidates sails when he puts his endorsement behind them. I have no strong inclination to believe anyone I'm familiar with currently can pick up after the next 4 years and continue the "mean parent" role and keep us on track.

If there's any place to ask this question, I think it's here. Are there any local players to watch? Do you think someone already in the game can grow a set and fight the good fight? Do you think Trump has someone in mind to help preserve things? The big wins that help in the long run are the court appointments but it sure would be nice to see another term or two after him where we have a president that doesn't take any shit, doesn't apologize or backpedal and isn't beholden to big money from the usual suspects. If we can see some real, lasting change for another term or two after him, maybe we'll be successful in shaping the next generation of Americans on a large enough scale that we can see a lot of what we have to deal with now eradicated.
Meanwhile the education/media system is churning out 100s of 1000s of borg minded bots every year.

Try as you might, and they will, but no man is going to save us from from the captivity that is coming/here.

Welcome to the bondage of Babylon, soon to be a global affliction.

I'm not implying there's one person who can save us, more so that we the people have the ability to save ourselves and can keep putting a person in office that at the very least doesn't stand in our way of doing so.
How much did your life change during Clinton? And Bush? And Obama? And Trump?

It didn't really, did it?

It's all the same one way or the other.

Was a down hill slide all the way till Trump. A constant barrage of liberties and rights infringed upon for starters. So yes, it has an effect.
If and when he is reelected there will be those looking for the position.
Haven't seen a shortage of folks wanting a 400K job by spending about a billion to get.
Have been pondering this myself.
Now would be the time to try to find/fund someone worthy.
Figuring out who that is is the trick.

If and when he is reelected there will be those looking for the position.
Haven't seen a shortage of folks wanting a 400K job by spending about a billion to get.
Have been pondering this myself.
Now would be the time to try to find/fund someone worthy.
Figuring out who that is is the trick.


That's what I'm getting at. I don't want to see us left holding our dicks without having vetted someone and a worthy successor lined up waiting only to have any gains lost. If a crowd funding system could be implemented that was capable of rivaling the current typical political funding that would go a long way to stemming the dirty money.
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<How much did your life change during Clinton? And Bush? And Obama? And Trump?>
** FOR THE land owning farmers, there were O's regulations that seriously affected land use, and it cost us $.
DT has removed most of them but we havent seen the adjustment yet, to see the relief. That will become obvious in the DT 2nd term, like the pain appeared in O's 2nd term.
O'shitzo put a number of businesses out of service with regulations he or a department head under him instituted.

*** Farm Families of 4 or more, paid $7,500.00 in out of pocket expenses under Alfa Insurance, pre-O'care.
Under the fucking that followed, it's now $25,000.00 out of pocket... and there are much worse nightmare insurance deals out there for farm families. ***

<It didn't really, did it?>
** YES, HELL YES it did !!!!! , see above.**

<It's all the same one way or the other.>
** No, it's not ! If you are a business, DT made life so much better in several ways.
Most of us got income tax breaks. Several of us got estate tax breaks. So, NOT the same as under O...

Some comments on the board here make it obvious the level of ignorance of wage earners struggling to make ends meet, who are in effect tax slaves,
who dont own a business or land, or fit the former upper middle class mould, those said people who have had to fight to keep the businesses or land they own. **

** For some of you, nothing HAS changed, your struggle is very personal and much harsher than others. **
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Been thinking about this too with Romneys latest RINO moves. I refused to vote for him and McCain both and in hindsight glad I did. After DJT the Republican establishment may well go back to providing us with communists with a R after their name. Im rooting for 8 years of Rand Paul to keep the positive momentum Trump built-
Been thinking about this too with Romneys latest RINO moves. I refused to vote for him and McCain both and in hindsight glad I did. After DJT the Republican establishment may well go back to providing us with communists with a R after their name. Im rooting for 8 years of Rand Paul to keep the positive momentum Trump built-

Rand and Ted and maybe Jordan are about the only people that I could even remotely see stepping up. Whoever it may be, one thing I hope they take to heart from DJT is to say what you mean, mean what you say and dont apologize for it. Greater America as a whole loves a fighter and can't stand being pushed around.

Somebody that believes Citizens have more power/rights than the State and that States have more power/rights than the Fed.......

Somebody that as a State "Representative" has yet to vote on or against ANYTHING that did not firmly line up with his constituents he is "representing".

1 "party" vote that did not line up with the people and no chance of staying in Office type of candidate.

I'm not implying there's one person who can save us, more so that we the people have the ability to save ourselves and can keep putting a person in office that at the very least doesn't stand in our way of doing so.

I haven't read all replies yet, maybe someone already pointed this out.

I'm all about the Trump, I think he is and has been, the right man at the right time.
I am concerned that this exercise has set us up to swallow a large dose of poison later.

Looking for a Messiah, and I know sixfive you aren't implying we should be, in an elected official is a bad bad thing.
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How much did your life change during Clinton? And Bush? And Obama? And Trump?

It didn't really, did it?

It's all the same one way or the other.

Thats what they thought when they passed the NFA in 1934 among other seemingly innocent laws over time. The left is deadly patient and will quietly nibble at the soul of our nation until one day we look down and our heart are gone. We will be another socialist failure, one law at a time.

NOBODY that has held an appointed State or Federal Government position.....


Orson approves.
giphy (1).gif
I haven't read all replies yet, maybe someone already pointed this out.

I'm all about the Trump, I think he is and has been, the right man at the right time.
I am concerned that this exercise has set us up to swallow a large dose of poison later.

Looking for a Messiah, and I know sixfive you aren't implying we should be, in an elected official is a bad bad thing.

That fear has crossed my mind. A similar fear is the flip side of the coin to DJT....aka Bloomberg. Personally financing a campaign is a great way to ensure you're not beholden to any special interests....unless it's a candiate with a means and motive like Bloomberg.

To be clear, I'm in no way considering any elected official to be a messiah, more along the lines of a goal keeper. We don't need a player in the whitehouse that's gonna throw the game.
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As long as Ginsburg craps out before trumps out we can get the Supreme Court a fighting chance to limit the lefties.

It’s pure math the the numbers...in theory we may never see a true republican in office again.

I believe the whole political landscape will shift left “1” position. the dems become liberals...republicans become dems from the 80/90’s etc.

I don’t thing a true republican or conservative will have enough votes going forward.
Yall can ding me all you want.

J. Mattis.......

As long as he doesnt forget his oath.

Right now, I dont see anybody involved in current politics worth a dirty diseased shit capable of following after DT.

I see some "long in the teeth old people" like pe looser, roy moore, mc connell, who look like greasy dead people walking.
Who remind me of every perverted pedophile I ever met or arrested,

***None of which have any depth, vision, or future leaning problem solving ability. ***

I may be older and all that, but after 24 years of supervision, I know you train your replacements, mentor them, and help them grow professionally. All our politicians who ignore our youth and do nothing for them guarantee FAILURE !
And move the oligarchy agenda along.

I see the idiot youth in politics that resemble a grinning jackass, the bitch, and many like her who have never done one visible positive thing but advance a party line, that jmho, advances the oligarchy agenda. So, that excludes them.

Then..... there are some current politicians who have served in mil. Some operate under the radar and we dont know if they are manchurian candidates or whatever. They are like ghosts. Do they have potential ???

And there are pols who served in mil who definitely follow the oligarchy party agenda, the current VA fight with black face identified several of them. They might respond to solid leadership if they are not bought out. Might.

Anyone here who doesnt recognize the sacrifice our mil youth have made in the past 19 years and the fucking that .Gov has handed many of them, and understand that these youth have no reason to trust the old long in the tooth politicians who sent them to war, is out of touch with reality.

I do not wonder why many of them want a change that doesnt seem in line with the views seen on the Hide.

.Gov HAS NOT in any way offered them the same opportunities the "greatest generation" received. NFW....

.Gov and the current pols under clinturd, bush, and o'shit have grown obscenely rich fucking over the youth of this country.....

And we see them fighting DT like demons to keep it this way. F them.

So, if Mattis followed DT and offered the youth who served the same thing Eisenhower offered the greatest generation, and provided jobs and opportunities to the non serving youth, THEY would reject the oligarchy currently trying to destroy US.

We need to support our youth and give them a candidate viable to them, that will do something to keep their hopes alive.

Ain't none stepped up yet...

Quarter rant off,
Thats what they thought when they passed the NFA in 1934 among other seemingly innocent laws over time. The left is deadly patient and will quietly nibble at the soul of our nation until one day we look down and our heart are gone. We will be another socialist failure, one law at a time.
Exactly! If anyone has any doubts look up "Fabian Society", or Fabian socialists, and the one they named themselves after the Roman general Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus, nicknamed Cunctator, "The Delayer", often hailed as the "inventor" of guerilla warfare for his tactics employed against Hannibal avoiding pitched battles but never letting of, unless he saw himself holding an overwhelming advantage. Their coat of arms symbols are the wolf in sheep's clothing, and the turtle, how telling is that. it's hidden in plain sight but all you have to do is some research and it's all there, they believe we the people are too lazy and stupid to find out. Hillary even cited the Fabian socialists as her inspiration repeatedly.
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I still think the dims will be the dims and will continue to try to pull off there socialist plans and the republicans will still want to find new ways to make tons of money off the backs on American workers nothing will change it never does , they may change there rhetoric a bit for a while but its still always the same dead fish smelling plan to take over the world . the bigger question is how much will the people continue to allow them to get away with . you still will only have two parties to choose between maybe 3 lol not too likely but there is that chance .
Need more Libertarians at all levels of govt.

I'm a business owner and have far more qualms with state, county, local "initiatives" and related regs and taxes than I've ever had with the feds.
No we don't!
We need people who make the correct decisions.
I'm not going to base my vote on a particular party label.
If I did I could have ruled out Trump, I personally don't think Trump is a traditional Republican, he sure as hell hasn't demonstrated he's a Democrat.
If he ran as a libertarian would he have been elected?
Does he align well with libertarians?
I think he aligns quite nicely with all Americans whether they admit it or not.
What he has done for all Americans across racial, political lines is amazing.
Now he might be electable running as a different party, no need for that now.
Apparently no one ever mentioned to not volunteer.
Learnt that a long time ago, waaaaaayyyyyyyyy back when in basic training when Ronnie was President, when a few gold bricks raised their meat hooks as the gentleman with the big round hat asked if anyone knew how to type and they ended up on KP. It's good to learn from others mistakes. LOL
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Whoever it is needs to continue what President Trump has started. Both with helping the economy and draining the swamp. We were given a miracle to save this nation. We can at least follow what God has granted us. Just try and imagine what this country would be like if hitlery had won ....that alone should scare you straight. MAGA baby!
I still like Ted Cruz.

The Trump Juniors need to go back to hotels, casinos, fashion accessories, condos, golf clubs and maybe NRA Chairman... etc. I never want to hear from them in politics after Feb 1 2025...

Back to Ted... he was not ready in 2016. But he will be in 2024. And I'd get behind him.

Rand Paul is nuts. Nuttier than squirrel-poo. His dad was worse!

There are some other rising stars in the Conservative world, too. Many of them women. I'll make a prediction here... the first Woman President will be a Republican. And she will make Margaret Thatcher look like a socialist.

How much did your life change during Clinton? And Bush? And Obama? And Trump?

It didn't really, did it?

It's all the same one way or the other.
You can add a few more to that list,
And everyone on it affected life as we knew it good or bad, did we adapt yes, survive the bad yes.
Try home loan rates around 18+%
Same with business loans.
Jobs get scarce when that happens.
And a pleathera of other things too numerous to mention.
Was it always Democrats at the helm no but they have a rather shitty track record.
Don't overlook Congress they can have as much affect good or bad as the president, no matter what party.
So my point is, if you grew up in a particular economy and accepted it as the new Normal, Obama's words no it probably wouldn't have any impact.
Look at Carter's go at it (dumpster fire)
Obama's was a nuclear dumpster fire.
Two of my favorites.
You can add a few more to that list,
And everyone on it affected life as we knew it good or bad, did we adapt yes, survive the bad yes.
Try home loan rates around 18+%
Same with business loans.
Jobs get scarce when that happens.
And a pleathera of other things too numerous to mention.
Was it always Democrats at the helm no but they have a rather shitty track record.
Don't overlook Congress they can have as much affect good or bad as the president, no matter what party.
So my point is, if you grew up in a particular economy and accepted it as the new Normal, Obama's words no it probably wouldn't have any impact.
Look at Carter's go at it (dumpster fire)
Obama's was a nuclear dumpster fire.
Two of my favorites.
Overton window, changing what's acceptable by adopting more and more radical stances, and shifting public opinion gradually to the left, that's their plan and all you have to do to check if it works is compare today to thirty years ago. Ever wonder why a lot today looks like a bad performance of a comedy show and it seems like a bad dream?