Rifle Scopes Another Viper review 4-16X50 updated range report


Freelance Sharpshooter
Full Member
  • Jul 7, 2009
    Utah, north
    Well, after what seems to have been a very long wait, Its finally here. First of all I would like to take a minute to thank Doug at Cameraland,his idea of service is better than mine!
    I opened up the box, to find not only my scope, but also a Cameraland/Vortex hat, a Vortex T-shirt, and Doug must have picked up some where that I like coffee, because he sent some kind of specially blended custom coffee too. Thanks again Doug, you have been VERY helpful with this and many other transactions.

    I could hardly wait to open up the Vortex box and see if all the hype was true
    As I opened her up, I was pleasantly surprised. It is a handsome scope, if a scope can be handsome. included with the scope were, a 4" shade, a vortex cleaning cloth, shims for the zero stop, allen wrench, a Vortex lapel pin, and the always cheap and throwaway bikini covers. My first impression as I lifted it from the box, was how light it was, I have several scopes of this type and I think this is the lightest one. I quickly lifted it to the shooting position, to make my first visual inspection out my window. Flawless! it was clear and clean as ever I had hoped. the reticle that I had spent so much time looking at on the Vortex website looked fantastic, sharp, and STRAIGHT, not canted. I must say, its not a big problem, but I think that with the scope zoomed all the way out, the retical is almost to fine/small to be usable, at least for my eyes. In my excitement I must have drooled on the eyepiece(as you will see in the pics
    ) nothin a little clean up wont fix.

    This pic is looking at Francis peak, approx. 3 miles from my house.

    My photograph skills are a little better than my 5 yr olds, so if it looks a little unclear, trust that it is me.

    Then I installed the battery for the Illum. turned it on to see a bright, clean, red reticle. as usual, only the center of the reticle is lit. sorry for the crummy pic.

    Then to the all important turrets, I have heard that they are too easy to turn, true. I can see them being accidentally turned by rubbing against something. I'll have to live with it I guess, or maybe a cunning repair with a tighter O-ring.
    I turned the turret all the way up, with an apparent 25 mil's of Up. I measured the clicks against the retical, they were all in accord. 10 tenth's of a mil made one hash mark, 60 tenth's of a mil made six hash marks. the side focus worked as designed, with a perfect amount of tension IMO.
    I like the feel of the clicks, no mushy feeling like others.


    The Glass is perfectly clear, I'd be hard pressed to ask for more with this price tag. Color and contrast are transmitted though the scope creating a pleasant image to look at for long periods of time. The eye relief may be considered an itsy tiny bit touchy for some, but I dont think its bad at all. I am curious as to why it has 5.3 indexed on the power ring, maybe someone could shed some light on that for me.




    My overall impression is very positive, I will hopefully get the rifle its going on done in next couple weeks. in the meantime I may throw it on the old 10Fp and take it for a spin out to a K and back. The few negative things I feel are not much of a downer considering the price tag. I cant help but feel the light weight makes it seem "cheap" but I guess that would be prejudging it. I'll get it on the rifle ASAFP and get a range report out.

    For those of you wanting a size comparison, I took a couple pics of it next to a Leupold 6.5-20X50 Mk4, as well as a Falcon 5-25X50. all with their shades on.


    For any of you waiting on yours, let me know if you have any special request's. Pictures, handling questions ect. I'd be happy to field them.
    Re: Another Vortex Viper review 4-16X50

    " I am curious as to why it has 5.3 indexed on the power ring, maybe someone could shed some light on that for me. "

    Its really designed for the SFP models. The SFP model has its reticle correct at 16x. At 8x the reticle values double, at 5.3x they triple, at 4x they quadruple. I guess its easier to keep the same power knob on both the SFP and FFP scope for costs.

    So really, its not much of a point to have the power values marked on the FFP model. The reticle is correct at all powers.

    Nice review!

    Re: Another Vortex Viper review 4-16X50

    Yeah, I noticed that too MinorDamage. Its in the same spot on all three through-the-scope pics.

    "In my excitement I must have drooled on the eyepiece(as you will see in the pics) nothin a little clean up wont fix."

    I read too fast and missed that part.
    Re: Another Vortex Viper review 4-16X50

    Thanks for noticing the drool. Its gone now. Ive got her all mounted up on my old beater rifle, gonna do some testing as soon as work permits. after mounting the scope and boresighting it, I decided to try the zero stop shims out. For those not familiar, the shims are placed beneath the inner turret shank, under a shoulder. One simply adds or removes shims to increase or decrease the point at which the turret "bottoms out"
    I found this feature to be very handy, setting it up is the tricky part. I found that the shims thickness translates into about 1.2 to 1.4 MIL's per shim roughly, so the idea of having it stop at exactly zero is a little difficult. While it would be nice, I dont feel it is a big deal to have it stop at 0.4 MIL's under my zero, and then just turn it up 4 clicks. another thing I noticed, is that the more shims you put in, the more friction is added at the "bottom out" point. Much like the drag of a fishing reel, the shims are crushed inside the turret and the more there are, the more squish you feel. so when returning to zero, one must be gentle so as not to have the turret stick, causing unessessary effort to begin elevating the turret.


    got a couple of slightly better pics of the lit reticle in the dark.Still crummy pics though, my camera doesn't like Lowlight, sorry Frank.


    Re: Another Vortex Viper review 4-16X50

    See, they're not all full of problems! From the positive reviews I've read, the only problem that would bug me is that the turrets have been described as a little loose. I imagine Vortex will get that taken care of and tighten them up somehow on later models.

    Otherwise, I think the "bad" reviews were simply units that got rushed out a bit. It happens with anything that's being released initially, so I'm confident we'll see those issues resolved.

    Thanks for the good review!
    Re: Another Vortex Viper review 4-16X50

    real nice review thanks cant wait to see range reports for this scope and how it holds up to a little hammering
    Re: Another Vortex Viper review 4-16X50

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Basher</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I imagine Vortex will get that taken care of and tighten them up somehow on later models.</div></div>

    I would think a retrofit or upgrade of some sort for existing models in the field would be called for also. Turrets that mysteriously end up on some setting that I did not dial is worse to me than a canted reticle or adjustments that are 1.03 instead of 1.00.

    It will be interesting to see Vortex's response to this.

    Re: Another Vortex Viper review 4-16X50

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: jrob300</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Basher</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I imagine Vortex will get that taken care of and tighten them up somehow on later models.</div></div>

    I would think a retrofit or upgrade of some sort for existing models in the field would be called for also. Turrets that mysteriously end up on some setting that I did not dial is worse to me than a canted reticle or adjustments that are 1.03 instead of 1.00.

    It will be interesting to see Vortex's response to this.

    John </div></div>

    Yes absolutely. If anyone gets a scope with turrets that are too loose or in anyway not correct we will take care of it at no charge to the customer.

    Re: Another Vortex Viper review 4-16X50

    That's very good to hear Sam.

    I like the way you worded that, too.

    I bought another scope (mfg. will remain nameless to protect the guilty)and in my mind the turrets were to loose. I'd grab it out of my bag and have to reset windage every time.

    According to them, they were "In Spec".

    So the difference between "too loose" and "not correct", are very important to me. What's "correct" to a mfg. might not be working for their customers, and obviously you guys at Vortex understand that and are willing to make corrections.

    Good CS.

    Re: Another Vortex Viper review 4-16X50

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Underwhere</div><div class="ubbcode-body">How would you rate it against your Leupold MK4? </div></div>


    I've always found Leupold Mk4 glass quite adequate. A direct comparison between the two would be great! Even some side by side pics through the scopes at the same magnification?
    Re: Another Vortex Viper review 4-16X50

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: AJBello</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Underwhere</div><div class="ubbcode-body">How would you rate it against your Leupold MK4? </div></div>


    I've always found Leupold Mk4 glass quite adequate. A direct comparison between the two would be great! Even some side by side pics through the scopes at the same magnification?


    Even better
    Re: Another Vortex Viper review 4-16X50

    Is the Viper lighter then the MK4 or about the same?

    MK4 glass seems adequate, but I like the looks of the new VX-3 glass. It seems better in every respect, to my eyes anyways.
    The MK4 glass only looks as good as my Bushnell 4200 glass.

    Thanks for taking the time to review this scope.
    Re: Another Vortex Viper review 4-16X50

    I think it is very comparable to my Mk4(at this point, not having shot with it yet)It feels lighter, but my Mk4 has rings and bubble on it so they could be really close. as far as magnification, one is a 4-16 and the other is a 6-20 so I couldn't check them at minimum and max but at the overlapping ranges they are both very clear and crisp. the Vortex doesn't give up anything, but I dont know if I would go as far as saying one is better than the other.
    Stickboy, I will be bringing it to every match I go to, and with any luck the host rifle will be done this weekend, so look out!
    Re: Another Vortex Viper review 4-16X50

    I also have the 6x24 FFP on order thru liberty optic, I cant wait to see the ups truck show up, wish vortex would be alittle more vocal here and keep us more informed
    Re: Another Vortex Viper review 4-16X50

    Man, now I dont know which way to go about the Vipers. I've read to good review and the bad. I think I will settle on the MOA/MOA SFP version for my "trainer" rifle.
    Re: Another Vortex Viper review 4-16X50

    Okay, so I made it to the range today, it was busy as could be with freedom loving Americans enjoying the time honored tradition of exercising firearm ownership AND use. That didn't make it easy though.
    So as mentioned earlier I mounted the new Vortex on "Beatie" the rifle, and loaded up a box of his pet load(44.0 gr RL-15 175smk).
    Now at the range, I boresighted the rifle, and sat down to get to business.


    Before any shooting, I did a little looking to make sure everything was still straight and true, no problems there, so I checked my targets and did a little measuring to familiarize myself with the subtentions ect. Temperature was roughly 90-95 with a slight breeze.
    100 yd target(note the dust from the other shooters)

    200 yd target

    Aiming for the dead center of the target, I let the first round go. to my surprise it found its way to the bottom of the paper, but fairly good and center. Using the EBR-1 reticle, I measured the correction angle and quickly dialed it in.
    Then I fired the second shot, which found its way right into the happy place in the middle of the paper. Very happy with that shot, I decide to make a little three shot group, just for the record. I adjusted up slightly(I like the 200 yd zero) and fired three consecutive shots. Not the best group I've ever printed by far, but I was a little excited and in a rush, so you'll have to forgive me.


    I then decided that I would do a bit of a box test, now it may not be an official box test, so pardon my ignorance. All shots were fired at the lower left hand target.
    I reset(for some reason beyond my recollection) for 100yds, and settled in on the lower left target on the paper, bang. as you can see, little low, and little right(later corrected) I didn't want to make any adjustments to screw with my box test aim point, so no "centering" adjustments were made. Again using my reticle, I measured the didstance from point of aim, to the upper left target on the paper.(2.75 mils) so I dialed 2.7 mils into the Viper, and bang. It hit the second target almost exactly where it had hit the first. I was very happy

    Back to the reticle to measure the distance from the top left, to the top right. The square nature of the target naturally produced the same distance from one target to the next, so it was easy, 2.7 mils to right.
    Again, my bullet impacted at almost the exact spot it had hit the first one. I was really happy
    and there was only one thing left to do, another 2.7 mils down the elevation dial we went. Comming to rest on my already familiar zero. The 2.7 right windage was still in effect, so aiming for the lower left target again, I was anticipating a hit in the same spot, but on the right lower target. Steady. . . . Bang.
    I knew as it left the bore that I had pulled a little left, which I quickly confirmed through the Viper. But it was still, right about where it should have been.Perfect
    Had the four shots been stacked ontop of eachother, it would have made a fine three shot group, with an asshole for a neighbor. But thats typical of my groups.



    It was a very satisfying procedure, afterwards I did a little shooting at the 200 yd target, though the mirage comming from both the ground and my imodest naked can made holes very hard to see. But I dont think that could be blamed on the Viper.
    I then replaced the Viper with "Beatie's" old friend, a Leupold Mk4 6-20X50. and double checked the zero, and for a second I forgot that it was a different scope I was looking through. But then I felt that old familiar focus knob, and tuned her in. what a picture it was, I thought for a second about it, and I think I may have to give the Leupold a little thumbs up as far as clarity against the Viper. But I still think the Viper is more than clear enough for its intended purpose.
    Lovin this scope!!!

    Again, for all of you waiting out there for your Viper PST, give me holler if you have any request's, or questions.
    Re: Another Vortex Viper review 4-16X50

    My turrets on my 4-16 are definitely not stiff, but I have to think this idea of the turrets getting turned somehow by some phantom turret turner or a butterfly fart is another one of those urban myths that seem to be finding their way to this scope.

    I tried to turn the turrets by not grabbing them but by rubbing them with my finger. No dice. If I get to the point of tipping my rifle on it's bi-pod with the heel of my hand I can get them to turn but this is a very deliberate action.

    I can only speak for my scope and others may be different but for me it's not an issue.

    Maybe I'm missing something in my shooting routine that others are doing that makes it hard to keep the turrets from turning? Even if I do find myself in this odd scenario I am confident I can zero the turrets easy enough with the zero stop and the pointer on the elevation turret.

    I believe box testing would be more valid with a box about 6 times what you showed here coldboremiracle. Whatever happens, it's good to know Vortex stands behind these scopes.
    I'm thinking it will be a while before this scope won't be enough for me.
    Re: Another Vortex Viper review 4-16X50

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: jeffersonv</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

    Whatever happens, it's good to know Vortex stands behind these scopes.
    I'm thinking it will be a while before this scope won't be enough for me. </div></div>

    Agreed. also, the more I get to know this scope, the less likely it seems I'll be needing any help from Vortex.
    Re: Another Vortex Viper review 4-16X50

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: jeffersonv</div><div class="ubbcode-body">My turrets on my 4-16 are definitely not stiff, but I have to think this idea of the turrets getting turned somehow by some phantom turret turner or a butterfly fart is another one of those urban myths that seem to be finding their way to this scope.

    I tried to turn the turrets by not grabbing them but by rubbing them with my finger. No dice. If I get to the point of tipping my rifle on it's bi-pod with the heel of my hand I can get them to turn but this is a very deliberate action.

    I can only speak for my scope and others may be different but for me it's not an issue.

    Maybe I'm missing something in my shooting routine that others are doing that makes it hard to keep the turrets from turning? Even if I do find myself in this odd scenario I am confident I can zero the turrets easy enough with the zero stop and the pointer on the elevation turret.</div></div>

    This was very encouraging for me to hear. Turret feel can be very subjective. Sort of like, "How's the glass compare to...". Every comment I'd read about the turrets was negative, so I was a little concerned.

    Either way Vortex said they would make it right, but for me as more data comes out on these scopes, I think a lot was made of a little and they look like a pretty good offering just as a lot of the "hype" predicted.

    Kudos to Jon A. for his thorough review, but honestly, that's the most exhaustive optical review I've seen posted on here. If he'd received the 80th scope instead of the 1st or second would there have been such an outcry? Probably not.

    Just my .02

    Re: Another Vortex Viper review 4-16X50

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: jrob300</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: jeffersonv</div><div class="ubbcode-body">My turrets on my 4-16 are definitely not stiff, but I have to think this idea of the turrets getting turned somehow by some phantom turret turner or a butterfly fart is another one of those urban myths that seem to be finding their way to this scope.

    I tried to turn the turrets by not grabbing them but by rubbing them with my finger. No dice. If I get to the point of tipping my rifle on it's bi-pod with the heel of my hand I can get them to turn but this is a very deliberate action.

    I can only speak for my scope and others may be different but for me it's not an issue.

    Maybe I'm missing something in my shooting routine that others are doing that makes it hard to keep the turrets from turning? Even if I do find myself in this odd scenario I am confident I can zero the turrets easy enough with the zero stop and the pointer on the elevation turret.</div></div>

    This was very encouraging for me to hear...Every comment I'd read about the turrets was negative...
    John </div></div>

    Ah, so there is another way...
    Re: Another Vortex Viper review 4-16X50

    For my use--hunting--they will turn accidentally as they are now. When crawling I often use the scope as a handle, when alone I sometimes carry the rifle backward with the scope resting on my shoulder and saddle scabbards are notorious for rubbing things. I've tested the first two and pretty easily made the turrets move.

    That said, this should not be a difficult problem to fix. It may be as easy as a fatter O-ring so people shouldn't panic. Vortex already said they'll address the problem. The turrets are very nice otherwise.
    Re: Another Vortex Viper review 4-16X50

    I go with covered turrets on my hunting rigs.
    Seems like you would want your turrets vice-grip tight to not turn under those conditions!
    I haven't dragged my precision rifle over the country side either. I bet I would want some stiffer knobs if I did.
    Sounds like you guys go on some nice hunts.
    Re: Another Vortex Viper review 4-16X50

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: BCP</div><div class="ubbcode-body">turret covers would be a cheap solution if they can't make them stiffer. </div></div>

    perhaps, but that defeats the purpose of the turrets.
    Re: Another Vortex Viper review 4-16X50

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: coldboremiracle</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: BCP</div><div class="ubbcode-body">turret covers would be a cheap solution if they can't make them stiffer. </div></div>

    perhaps, but that defeats the purpose of the turrets. </div></div>

    I think in a hunting situation if you are far enough away to dial in for a long shot, you have time to pull them off... If the animal is moving or the shot window is short, I won't be taking soo long a shot that I couldn't use the reticle for holdover/windage... Just my .02...

    Re: Another Vortex Viper review 4-16X50

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Jon A</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I prefer to hunt with turrets without covers. Things can happen fast. </div></div>

    +1, sometimes even when your target is far away.
    Re: Another Vortex Viper review 4-16X50

    Every hunting situation is different. Up to this fall I've only ever shot with a standard hunting scope without turrets (run of the mill covered 1/4 MOA adjustments) and used holdovers and its worked great for shots up to 350 yards away. I'm sure that if you had your turrets covered, then you'd end up in a situation where you needed them NOW.... because thats how hunting is lol

    Re: Another Vortex Viper review 4-16X50

    So today I got out to shoot a little more. I wanted to give the Viper another workout, on a little more range. We went to our high mountain hide, and started picking apart the mountain for targets. Six different targets going like this; 490, 548,600,730,840,1130yds. I had to do a little math, because my dope was used to my other scope(moa) but after that, the Viper made some fine hits. I found the reticle very handy, watching my own misses and correcting for a quick follow up hit. I went from 548, to 1130, then back down to 548, then up to 840, and down to 490, and so on. Not hiccup one from the Viper. it was a great excercise, and I was pleased with the results.
    Again I was obligated to recognize the difference in optical quality
    after looking at some far targets for a while,I found myself seeing some distortion around the outer edges of the scope. and it wasn't quite the sharp image as the Mk4 and NXS on hand. But it wouldn't be fair to say those things without mentioning that the Viper is still VERY nice to look through, and funtioned flawlessly and accurately.
    Still a happy customer.
    Re: Another Vortex Viper review 4-16X50

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: coldboremiracle</div><div class="ubbcode-body">... <span style="font-style: italic"><span style="font-weight: bold">and it wasn't quite the sharp image as the Mk4</span></span> and NXS on hand. ... </div></div>

    Ugh. I've always been happy with mk4 glass, and if the PST isn't at least to that standard, I think I'm out. I expect the NXS to be better given the price point, but hoped the PST would equal the mk4 in the glass department.

    Would you say it was readily noticeable? Did you have to bounce back and forth and analyze to see it? Or was it an immediate difference?

    I'd really love it if someone could post some side by side through the scope pics, PST vs mk4.
    Re: Another Vortex Viper review 4-16X50

    How much does the Mk4 with the same features cost? If the nightforce is expected to be better because it cost more shouldnt the mk4 be expected better because it cost a more?

    Looking better for me every day people keep backing out i keep moving up the the list.
    Re: Another Vortex Viper review 4-16X50

    AJ, I wouldn't say it was super noticeable, but after shooting some long shots, I found myself noticing little things that under normal(Mk4) viewing weren't a problem. I'll pull them both out in a bit and get a couple pic's side by side.
    Kurt, my Mk4 6-20X50 has almost the same features as the PST, other than the different power spectrum(4-16) and FFP. They both have a milling reticle, turrets,illumination, side focus, ect. When I bought the Leupold about three years ago, it was $1300.00, the PST was about $750.00. so they are definately in a different price range, therefore I wasn't surprised that the glass was good, but not quite as good. The features of the Viper I think are better than the Mk4, having a ffp mil/mil is SOOOOOOO convinient, that doesn't make up for optical shortcommings, but together with the price tag, it goes a long ways for me. I'll try and get those pics up soon.
    Re: Another Vortex Viper review 4-16X50


    You may have surmised from Reaper's other thread that high on my priority list is lowlight performance. Can you comment on the MK4 vs. PST with this regard or even put up some pics?


    Re: Another Vortex Viper review 4-16X50

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Kurt</div><div class="ubbcode-body">How much does the Mk4 with the same features cost? If the nightforce is expected to be better because it cost more shouldnt the mk4 be expected better because it cost a more?

    Looking better for me every day people keep backing out i keep moving up the the list. </div></div>

    The mk4 is definitely more expensive, but I seem to remember conjecture early on in the PST saga that they would top them optically. I don't recall if that was from Vortex, dealers, or just people that peaked at them early on... thus my disappointment.

    Thing is, I don't need FFP, I don't need an illuminated reticle, but I do want good glass. For as much as many here bag on mk4 glass I'm surprised the same concern isn't raised over the PST if it's not even up to that level.