Dressing up a child like a hooker then posting on social media is just creepy.
Everyone has their opinion, but this is where the line needs to be drawn you jerk. You made quite a leap with this one.
I will fully admit, I might not have lived a life like yours, so I haven’t seen many “hookers”. But your hyperbolic comment is foolish and uncalled for. My daughter certinaly doesn’t look like a hooker, in fact, I don’t think she is even allowed to wear make-up in this particular pageant…..which I assume is a “hooker” prerequisite. Did you even see the photo, or are you just commenting to pad your post count? If you saw her photo and equated it with a hooker, I will pray for you.
She is a 9 year old child who asked me to do her a favor. Nothing more. I knew I would get some funny comments and a little ribbing (no harm in some banter) but the line must be drawn at the point your either directly or indirectly compare my daughter to a hooker. You could either click on the photo or not, really no dissertation on your take of modern societal norms was necessary. I love both of my children and I find it odd that someone would call into question my parenting. I’m not “pimping my daughter out”, bud. She is in a contest to see who could get the most likes on their photo. Quite literally as simple as that.
A well-adjusted adult would have seen the title of the thread and said to himself, “I’m not on Instagram, so there is really no point in me commenting.” Or a well-adjusted adult could have said to himself, “I’m on Instagram, but I don’t really want to participate in this request (for whatever personal beliefs I may hold).” But here some of you are thinking, “why don’t I just call this guys parenting skills into question. Maybe even equate what he asking to child endangerment. Surely this guy doesn’t know this photo is the beginning of the end for his family.”
Contrary to what you or your ilk may believe, most modern day pageants have little to nothing to do with “beauty” anymore, hence them simply being referred to as “pageants”. These aren’t the Honey Boo-Boo pageants in a hotel. These young women are awarded college scholarships, etc. The young women are taught gracefulness, manners, and public speaking. They are judged more on their public poise and ability to carry on intelligent conversations than what they look like. Many pageants don’t even allow the younger girls to wear make-up. I have yet to see a single one dressed up like a “hooker”.
I’ve already admitted, I made a mistake….but let’s keep grinding out collective point. I took the link down. I just hope to God my daughter doesn’t ask me if anyone said they were going to click like on her photo. Poor thing just doesn’t know she is already on a irredeemable path of moral turpitude.
Maybe one day we can meet and I can sit at the master’s feet and take lessons on “how a real man runs a family”.
Give me a massive break.
Yes…..you took it too far.
I know. I know, “Lighten up Francis”.