Hunting & Fishing Any Trappers on here? Snare, box, foothold?


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
  • Jun 29, 2005
    SW KS
    I have my own "Grandslam" goals of hunting/trapping and now that I have collected a nice buck this year, I am all over trapping. My goal is snare and cage.
    Snare on coyote and bobcat, cage on bobcat.

    I trap the crap out a coon using Havaheart xl large with marshmellow and meow mix cat food.

    Snare on yotes I am having some trouble with. I am getting bait piles gone and snares sized down to 3" diameter with no struggle signs. (guessing there are avoiding it and it just sizes down).

    Cage cats, still early on this one, but I have a good set up and think I am going to have to work it a couple extra days before a cat comes in, by, or comes in.

    All around here suggest cage or snare and so I sold my foot holds. Thinking that was a mistake.

    Mainly after coyote and bobcat, trying to avoid coons and possum.
    Re: Any Trappers on here? Snare, box, foothold?

    It takes a while to get the cable restraints set up right to get a yote in them. Biggest thing I found was trying to get it proper height off the ground (sounds to me like yours is too high or maybe to low, im leaning towards to low) so that the yote gets his head in it fully before the collar slides down. My guess would be that the yotes are hitting your cable restraints and its grazing off the side of the animal hence the closed cable restraints yet no signs of a struggle.

    If you would have the yote in them and they were getting out would see some sign of them tugging and moving against the cable restraints.

    The good news is that sounds like you got the right area and have figured out the yotes approach to your bait now all you got to do is get one in it.

    I always preferred leg holds to me they are easier to set up and didnt have as many that were able to sneak by the trap. Biggest thing is scent if the smell you on the wire they are going to avoid it. Sounds like you got that all figured out

    Other option would be to try to find some one local in area that uses cable restraints and watch their set up ie height and how big of a loop they are using for the snare. And as you have figured coons are catch themselves cause they are intrigued by anything

    Best of luck
    Re: Any Trappers on here? Snare, box, foothold?

    Legholds here in upstate NY. I wish I could use "cable restraints" as it is a whole lot less weight to hump around when canine trapping and beaver trapping. I trapped canines for two weeks and caught 9 coyotes, 7 red fox, 2 grey fox, 9 coon, 2 skunks and 2 bobcats.Had to release the bobcats as we can't keep them in my management unit yet.

    I pulled my canine traps during our rifle deer season just so I won't lose any fur or traps to those that think they are free for the taking.

    Just set out a few beaver traps this weekend and already have 4 beavers including a 55 pounder! Will be setting my canine traps again in about a week. I have a bunch of pics and will have to post a few later.
    Re: Any Trappers on here? Snare, box, foothold?

    I have a coon problem!! My camera is set up at the deer feeder and they will spin corn out all night. I have caught a few in live traps but now they will not go in them i set a dukes foot trap and caught 1.. 3 feet fom the live traps.
    Re: Any Trappers on here? Snare, box, foothold?

    as far as snares go I do not do much of that but i have been told with snares natural sets are the best AKA no bait pile. it gets them in the area but there guard goes up due to suspicion

    as far as cage traps for cats. there no hiding a cage trap so they key is you will have to make it super worth there while to go inside. Live bait is the best thing that has worked for me. if you get a rooster in the back of a big cage (fence off that part, it will need food and water) make sure you cover the ground of the cage trap with some good dirt, cats hate stepping on anything, even a pebble will cause them to put there foot down in another spot much less a cage bottom. between those things a good location and maybe a caller scent or some fresh ruing you should be fine.

    what size cage do you have?
    Re: Any Trappers on here? Snare, box, foothold?

    I do nothing but snares here. Once you figure them out as far as height, loop size, and set locations it's game over for canines.
    Re: Any Trappers on here? Snare, box, foothold?

    I am in east central KS and do a great deal of snaring. In is so easy it's not even to be considered as hard as trapping. Cats are easiest to catch in foot traps. I do snare a few, but miss some as well. For cats you need the lighter wire, which the coyotes will break sometimes. I use ram power snares. Think fence corners and bait with beaver out in the field. I have caught as many as 5 in one night, in one corner. Let me know if I can help.
    Re: Any Trappers on here? Snare, box, foothold?

    I am far from that. I have a sweet little (300acre) pc of property that should have cats and know it has coyotes like no other. I have had 3 or 4 snares jacked up, but recognize a few problems. Hope I have them corrected.

    What would help the most is seeing what a real snare set up looks like.

    Cats, not sure I will collect but have dug out what few (two double sets) I have and will set them this weekend.

    Would like to get a coyote or two on snare and maybe foothold then work on a cat or two.

    Without much trapping ground right now, it is tough to snare up like I would prefer.
    Re: Any Trappers on here? Snare, box, foothold?

    Could you guys use the phrase "Cable restraints" instead of snares? We poor trappers that live in these ignorant, liberal states have been trying to get the laws passed for many years so we can use them.

    If using the name "Cable restraint" sounds better to the bunny huggers and lets the law get passed then thats the name I will use. Thank you and trap on!
    Re: Any Trappers on here? Snare, box, foothold?

    GUNNER75, I am doing some sets later today and will photograph a few of them for you. I mostly use natural trails, log over creek crossings, and concentrate near food sources. No agricultural land or fences to set on so we just have to think like the animal. Remember, a lot of these critters will take the path of least resistence when travelling through an area. Many times I have artificially rerouted multiple trails down into one with great success. Make your sets look natural and don't try to force animals to them. You just have to be subtle and "suggest" that they follow a certain path. Get low to the ground so you can see what the animal sees. Good luck and I will post some pictures of my favorite sets later today.