Anyone had a look through the sig sierra6bdx 3-18 x 44 ?


May 19, 2024
new zealand

whose got an opinion on the SIERRA6BDX 3-18X44MM ?​

The BDX tech in the scope matches my range finder , so i am thinking of looking to find one .
Now , my rifles are zeroed around 200 yds , meaning i just hold on the animal anywhere out to 300 yards, and that's fairly reliable . But i also use the range finder to confirm that the range. from time to time, i take longer shots and then i am fiddling with turrets and phone apps . Thats ok , but sometimes its not smart to be mucking around with things and taking your eyes of the animals .

So, i hear the glass is hd/ed "special" sig magical stuff . Really ? I got a nice swaro , is the glass as good as a swaro ?
How about all those little dots on the retical ? are they annoying , do they stick out like dog nuts and distract the eye ?
Anything else , thats gonna be big surprise ( good or bad ) ?

let me know
First off, it works as advertised. Would I trust it to use in a blind or tree stand? No, probably not. It’s a great concept, but I’d rather rely on knowing my gear and my mk1 brain.

As for glass quality, it’s decent. My Leupold and Nightforce scopes are better clarity.