Funny how that is. The Comanches called themselves 'The People' and they viewed everybody else, including other tribes, as being sub human.This is a very true post!
I grew up on an Indian reservation. I’m a American (aka mixed mutt. 1/4 Mexican, 1/4 native Americans mix, 1/4 German, 1/4 English and a healthy dose of stupid) It is very clear that tribalism is what things will break down to.
I have been called “the enemy” because I have a tiny fraction of some “other” tribe.
I have had a drunk old Indian try pissing on me cause I’m “white”, he only quit when I told him I was Indian also. It was that or beat the snot out of an old drunk.
Further, even within the single local tribe there is more than one faction that says “they” are the “real” Indians. So as things break down it will be down to family fighting families, neighbor against neighbor. The .gov will be long gone.
May God Bless America!![]()
The Comanches became the Lord of the Plains but were also considered the assholes of the Plains by other tribes. They didn't tolerate anybody, except maybe the Kiowa, and nobody liked them. In fact, different sub tribes within the Comanches such as the Antelope Eaters and Honey Eaters didn't like each other.
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