Re: Babboon hunting with David Tubb and family
Guy... the facts..
1) You can use a silencer in South Africa or Namibia
2) Most plantation owners will give you all the baboons you wish to shoot for free.
3) The costs are travel and accomodation if the estate owner is a friend - otherwise you have to hire an outfitter to set things up for you.
4) In Zimbabwe, where I am from, you HAVE to hire a Professional Hunter to accompany you- but firearms imports are much less difficult than SA- BUT silencers are forbidden (not negotiable minimum mandatory 5 year sentence for having one)
5) There are several Americans who come to Zim each year just shooting baboons. One I know personally comes for 6 weeks a year and pre ships his ammo. (5000 rounds of .50 BMG and .338/378 last year.) Yup he wore out barrels!
6) taking firearms out of the USA is no trouble- fill out form 4457 at airport and present it when you get back.
7) Each African country has it's own unique firearms laws. SA has issues with 'military' style Semi Auto's...but you can have silencers. Zim you can have full auto if you pre apply for the permit (otherwise a normal semi or bolt action rifle permit takes about 20 minutes at the airport)...but you cannot have a silencer!
If you email the associations PHASA in SA or ZPHGA in zim they will gladly put you in touch with outfitters who will put a bobo shooting party together.
Zim is
[email protected] and Collin van der Linden is one PH I know who specialises in setting up this sort of thing.