Areas that require millions to buy property are NOT small town America. Those kinds of prices destroyed that. In real small town America, $10 million would buy the whole town.I'm moving by June 30. It got pushed a year due to biz happenings mostly spurred by the BS Rona gov't response and public hysteria.
Definitely disagree on mutual exclusivity. Plenty of places in NY and New England where that is still possible, and certainly possible in planned communities in MT, but those are for the old money retirement age people, with 5-10M buy-ins plus construction, etc. Dallas realtor said high 3's-10M would be fine for a 5-20 acre horse property with all the fixins on the north side of Grapevine Lake.
Alternatively, if you mean I'm spending too much to find that, then point me to where I can spend less, that isn't a shithole, and I'd gladly put the rest into night vision and ammo, maybe rebuild a WW2 tank and a few '65 Cobras.
You seem to be wanting country yet have ALL the city amenities at your fingertips. Real country has no amenities. You want the illusion of being country.
Where I live the town (county seat) has no stop lights, the only fast food is a Subway, there is a Dollar General, a few local restaurants, two bars, a liqueur store, a Carquest auto parts and a small IGA grocery/Ace Hardware. A supermarket is 40 miles from my house as is the hospital. Walmart, Home Depot etc are 60 miles in the other direction. In the entire 11+K square miles of Apache County (6th largest in the USA) there are 2 Starbucks and they are up on the Rez at tourist attractions.
Define shithole?
I have 72 acres of this and 5 years ago it along with the 1452sqft log house set me back $176K (the shop and sheds were extra). I have co-op electric and a well. There is a rancher running free range cattle on the lands around me. In the square mile I live there are 6 people to include my wife and I. A guy I know just bought the 36acres to my east for $35K
View from my front porch

View from the mesa looking down on my house

Traffic jam. That Trump hat gets compliments every time I wear it to town.

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