Best iPhone app for measuring straight line target distance f


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Feb 16, 2007
I had an awesome app on my android that I could drive out to the target and then drive back to firing position and it would give me very accurate distances. I cannot find an iPhone app that will do this. Does anyone here use anything like that. The one I had only measured straight line flight of the bullett. Not the ups and downs of the Terrain you were driving.

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MotionX. Drive to your target, set a waypoint and drive back. The distance to the waypoints is your distance. The two waypoints will also provide elevation info that you can compare. It also has a measuring tool where you can look at a sat image and measure with tow points on the overlay. There is another tread on this under equipment.

Good luck
I had an awesome app on my android that I could drive out to the target and then drive back to firing position and it would give me very accurate distances. I cannot find an iPhone app that will do this. Does anyone here use anything like that. The one I had only measured straight line flight of the bullett. Not the ups and downs of the Terrain you were driving.
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Care to share? I'm stuck on android and would like to try out your app
Pretty sure Android has a version of the distance map app, it gives you the ability to pin a spot on a sat map then go to shooting spot and give you accurate distance to pin.

What is the name of the developer. I can't seem to find one with that exact name. Also, some of the apps I've tried give distance in miles as soon as you've gone very far. Will yours do feet or yards?

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What is the name of the developer. I can't seem to find one with that exact name. Also, some of the apps I've tried give distance in miles as soon as you've gone very far. Will yours do feet or yards?

sent from my POS phone

Mine does yards,miles,feet, kilometers, nautical miles, point to point distance, total distance, with street view, sat view,and hybrid

Name on seller is John Sherman the name of the app is DistanceMap

Hope that helps
Commander Compass works really great for that even though it's designed for flying. You can use the location feature and mark your target and it will give you the gps location and distance to the target. I have compared it to my PLRF10 and is always within a yard or two. And it's free. You need cell coverage and it down loads aerial photographs. If you turn on all the features like the GPS and gyroscope it uses a lot of battery but it's verry powerful
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Can Distance Measure show distance in feet or yards? Mine just shows miles (i.e. .42) which I know can be converted, but would like to see yards.

They don't have a feature for yds yet. I just sent them an email asking them to add yds. Hopefully they will.

To change it to FT hit the button on the bottom right then hit INFO. Change measurement to imperial. Distances under 1 mile will display as ft. Over one mile will display as X.XX miles.
Do any of these apps have the ability to mark a spot on a satellite image, & give the range from your position? My Google maps app used to have a measuring tool but it's not there anymore.
Im not sure if its available on iOS, but I use Range Card on my android. You can tag different targets and and it gives distances from your position in yards and meters. Satellite view/google maps based, and with my phone and coupled with Strelok, first round hits every time Im capable of it. Both apps are free, btw.
Thanks Rodo. I'm an Android user so I just checked it out. Not free anymore. They want $4.99 for it. Is it worth it? Hard to tell from the pics on the synapsis, but can you range multiple targets from a FFP, & have the range to each shown? Also, can you transfer the ranges to the Shooter App somehow without manual entry?
I would say its worth the price. I use it on most of my coyote hunts, and love it. You dont even have to remain in a stagnant position once you tag the targets. There are a few spots I walk past when I am heading to my hide, and I will stop and tag those so I know that the distance measured is a lot closer than I could probably get with just putting the marker over the spot. If youre good at satellite overlay recognition, you will be able to get the tags close enough. And yes, multiple targets all visible at the same time, that is if the zoom is out far enough depending on your ranges.

I dont use Shooter App, I use Strelok, if its comparable. And usually I dont even use Strelok, I have a DOPE card pre printed or saved in my phone and a note book so I dont have to fidget too much when a yote, deer, whatever it is I am shooting at walks into my field of fire. I have never transferred any of the info from Range Card to Strelok other than manually, and even that is a rarity, because as said, I use paper a lot more than electronics, and only use Range Card for areas I dont have a map for, and dont know the distances from.

Sorry for the delayed response, its been a hectic week.
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I had an awesome app on my android that I could drive out to the target and then drive back to firing position and it would give me very accurate distances. I cannot find an iPhone app that will do this. Does anyone here use anything like that. The one I had only measured straight line flight of the bullett. Not the ups and downs of the Terrain you were driving.

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Motion X

I have this app now. I cannot figure out how to measure from point to point. It will measure actuall distance traveled but if you have to go around the road to get from target to firing position then it reads the actual distance traveled. Not the path of the bullets flight? Can you walk me through how to get this bullet flight distance?
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$5 is reasonable to me to have yards/meters to choose from, multiple targets all in straightline distance from whatever position I am currently in, and while it lacks a few high end features and transferability to a ballistic computer (unless ive overlooked it) its not worth complaining given the potential savings vs other programs.

Get a tablet, use multi window feature, and run Strelok and RC at the same time, and as long as you have battery power and a weatherproof case, youre G2G on the cheap. Well, on the cheap if you already have a phone or tablet.

Use what ever map format you like. Then...

1. Mark a waypoint at your target
2. Mark a waypoint at your shooting position
3. In map view, make sure you are zoomed out enough to see both waypoints in the screen.
4. See the three little horizontal lines in the top left corner? Touch them to bring up Map Options.
5. Scroll down the options to find the measuring tool and select that.
6. Now move the green circle to your shooting position waypoint and the red circle to the target waypoint. The distance between is given in Ft. at the top left corner. You can go into the display menu and change the values from ft. to yards or ridiculous values like meters and kilometers.

I also use this feature to find distance without waypoints by changing the map format to Google Sat. and measuring between landmarks. If you still need a hand feel free to PM me.
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Best iPhone app for measuring straight line target distance f

OK Holmes. I see you think your a mathematician. I'd rather have the app give me the range in yds. Thanks.

Doh! That's what I get while typing while sleepy. Sorry guys.

I completely agree I really wish they would output in YDS!!!

I just emailed the Distance Measure app developers asking them to add it.
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Just downloaded Map Distance Meter on my droid. & gave it a run. Better than the other Maps Distance calculator I did first. 1st one app icon is a blue square map with a line across from corner to corner. This one is a blue green earth only. The new one uses Google Earth with all the roads, etc so its easier to navigate, & does distance output in Miles, KM, Meters, yds, & feet. Can spot your position with GPS, though that wasn't real accurate when I checked my position. The other one was actually pin pointing the room I was in my house. This one says I'm in the back yard. Close enough for Gov't work. I checked it's accuracy after navigating to some known spots I have lased many times, & it was spot on. But they both were actually.
Best iPhone app for measuring straight line target distance f

I use an app called Map-o-meter. It has Standard Map, Satellite, and Hybrid, and units of km, mi, m, yd, and nm. You can also save your data.

Thank you! Its on iOS. Apparently I had downloaded it before but deleted it. I haven't tested it agains my rangefinder but it probably uses the same algorithm and software the other programs use. Output in yds is nice.