I would say its worth the price. I use it on most of my coyote hunts, and love it. You dont even have to remain in a stagnant position once you tag the targets. There are a few spots I walk past when I am heading to my hide, and I will stop and tag those so I know that the distance measured is a lot closer than I could probably get with just putting the marker over the spot. If youre good at satellite overlay recognition, you will be able to get the tags close enough. And yes, multiple targets all visible at the same time, that is if the zoom is out far enough depending on your ranges.
I dont use Shooter App, I use Strelok, if its comparable. And usually I dont even use Strelok, I have a DOPE card pre printed or saved in my phone and a note book so I dont have to fidget too much when a yote, deer, whatever it is I am shooting at walks into my field of fire. I have never transferred any of the info from Range Card to Strelok other than manually, and even that is a rarity, because as said, I use paper a lot more than electronics, and only use Range Card for areas I dont have a map for, and dont know the distances from.
Sorry for the delayed response, its been a hectic week.