Can anyone explain Q-Anon?


Command Sgt. Major
Full Member
So I have a buddy out in OH who is just obsessed with Q-anon... and lives, eats, breathes everything coming out from him/them/it? He is just convinced that the guy has the keys to the 'end of the deep state kingdom' or something like that.

He'es sent me some stuff and links, etc. And I just can't seem to get into what is going on? Or get my head around it. The cryptic postings and riddles and all that stuff look to me like some kind of Horoscope or Nostradamus prognostications that are so vague or muddled that when things 'do' happen, it's easy to say; "See... he was right." (or it.. or they...) My buddy, however, is a smart guy. no dummy. But it's almost like he has joined a cult when it comes to this stuff. He clearly gets it (whatever 'it' is)... I don't!

Can anyone give the Cliff's Notes version or a "Q-Anon for Dummies?" Because apparently that's what I need! Or, heck, debunk it? Is my buddy nuts or am I just not "through the looking-glass" far enough to get it at the level I should? Should I continue to be a skeptic or is there a 'there' there?


So I have a buddy out in OH who is just obsessed with Q-anon... and lives, eats, breathes everything coming out from him/them/it? He is just convinced that the guy has the keys to the 'end of the deep state kingdom' or something like that.

He'es sent me some stuff and links, etc. And I just can't seem to get into what is going on? Or get my head around it. The cryptic postings and riddles and all that stuff look to me like some kind of Horoscope or Nostradamus prognostications that are so vague or muddled that when things 'do' happen, it's easy to say; "See... he was right." (or it.. or they...) My buddy, however, is a smart guy. no dummy. But it's almost like he has joined a cult when it comes to this stuff. He clearly gets it (whatever 'it' is)... I don't!

Can anyone give the Cliff's Notes version or a "Q-Anon for Dummies?" Because apparently that's what I need! Or, heck, debunk it? Is my buddy nuts or am I just not "through the looking-glass" far enough to get it at the level I should? Should I continue to be a skeptic or is there a 'there' there?



Cliff notes version:

1.) There's a 'forum' (like this one, ish) type thing called 4chan, also 8chan, no nicknames are used, usually (everyone is 'anon')
2.) Those fuckers meme'd DJT into the presidency. The trolling here is like a 3 year old pretending superman compared to the crazy shit those guys come up with.
3.) A while back some fucker showed up there talking about 'trusting the plan' and 'the whitehats have control. We're gonna win!'
4.) My dad now knows about Q-anon.
5.) It's so crazy it could be real, but, then again, it's so crazy it can't be real.

I don't know how Q-anon relates to Anonymous but Anonymous is legion and they used weaponized autism to find the bike lock Antifa guy.

They are geeks that aren't necessarily conservative but they can spot BS pretty quickly which is why they didn't want Hillary to be POTUS.

As said, their trolling is legendary but I can troll pretty hard too.
I don't know how Q-anon relates to Anonymous but Anonymous is legion and they used weaponized autism to find the bike lock Antifa guy.

They are geeks that aren't necessarily conservative but they can spot BS pretty quickly which is why they didn't want Hillary to be POTUS.

As said, their trolling is legendary but I can troll pretty hard too.
Weaponized Autism is correct.
Cliff notes version:

1.) There's a 'forum' (like this one, ish) type thing called 4chan, also 8chan, no nicknames are used, usually (everyone is 'anon')
2.) Those fuckers meme'd DJT into the presidency. The trolling here is like a 3 year old pretending superman compared to the crazy shit those guys come up with.
3.) A while back some fucker showed up there talking about 'trusting the plan' and 'the whitehats have control. We're gonna win!'
4.) My dad now knows about Q-anon.
5.) It's so crazy it could be real, but, then again, it's so crazy it can't be real.

As an avid and regular 4chan user since 4chan was a thing, your description of the trolling there is accurate. I’ve seen SOME SHIT.

Also, Q anon is fake larp garbage precisely designed to Venus flytrap boomers who are one step shy of being flat earthers if they saw a convincing enough YouTube video.
I don't know how Q-anon relates to Anonymous but Anonymous is legion and they used weaponized autism to find the bike lock Antifa guy.

They are geeks that aren't necessarily conservative but they can spot BS pretty quickly which is why they didn't want Hillary to be POTUS.

As said, their trolling is legendary but I can troll pretty hard too.

The doxing of that communist professor shit bag was all 4chan bro. Anonymous is a meme at this point. Especially because people completely misunderstand the decentralized and non organizational structure and keep equating it to some kind of internet gang.
There is a loooong thread on the AK Files with a couple members posting as Q messages explaining it all. I went down a rabbit hole reading one day and came to the conclusion they are nuts. Basically Trump is playing 15D chess and every event that happens is part of the plan. On the upside they are at least patriotic and want the same things most of us here do.
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The Premise of qanon is that the Govt is so corrupt and morally devoid that you would not believe it if all were exposed at once. So they are prepping the masses so that when the truth is revealed the people are more ready to accept it.

For two years almost I have read it, just like I read all the info I can gather. I have too many questions to dismiss it offhand. I am very skeptical, but the more thought I give it, the less able I am to totally dismiss it. I am not a dyed in the wool believer, yet I can not fully dismiss it as a Larp as it is called.

I do want to believe it but that just makes me more skeptical. When considered with all that is and has been happening it seems more possible everyday. Do I think every word will be proven true? No I do not. Though I do think the overall premise that the Govt is corrupt and actively working against the people. May very well be proven correct.

I am a very skeptical man and for me to say the above is truly remarkable.
I think I know what Q is.

I watched a couple of Star Trek episodes...

Don't you mean "who?"
Hey, dont be beating up the autistic folks. They were truly born that way, like a person with MR or Cerebral Palsy.

Not made up like “I self identify as a goat” or “I am a rotund black woman who sings spirtuals while I cooks” from a skinny white dude......

I have never read the Q stuff. My FIL to be has talked to me about it. He reads it.
He is a smart guy. Very successful in business and quite conservative.

Talking to him about it, the fact of the corrupt govt and DT was our best hope to drain the swamp is probably true. Some of the details of how it came about make me think someone needs to change their tinfoil......

Most here believe in some level of it.
I believe the govt is corrupt, it needs remade (wiped clean to do that, somehow), that I need supplies of all sorts to support my family for some period time linger than 72 hrs......
I would say most readers here are close to that in one way or another.

Gotta go be productive, so I can BMA! ?
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There is a loooong thread on the AK Files with a couple members posting as Q messages explaining it all. I went down a rabbit hole reading one day and came to the conclusion they are nuts. Basically Trump is playing 15D chess and every event that happens is part of the plan. On the upside they are at least patriotic and want the same things most of us here do.

Agreed regards their hearts being in the right place.

That shit they pulled on Shia LaQueef was fucking brilliant. I know none of them are US Naval Academy midshipmen as none of those clowns could read a star chart they way the 4 chan nerds did.

Nerd or not if they are for freedom Im with them.
From what I've gathered it seems to be a story of good vs evil applied to our government.
People inherently like to see the good guys win.
Maybe the analogy is a complex version of a WWF wrestling match.
I believe our government is corrupt and seditious.
Whether or not this is a distraction to placate the masses is the question.

From what I've gathered it seems to be a story of good vs evil applied to our government.
People inherently like to see the good guys win.
Maybe the analogy is a complex version of a WWF wrestling match.
I believe our government is corrupt and seditious.
Whether or not this is a distraction to placate the masses is the question.


If he is meant to be the Thomas Paine for our age its not really working.
My take,

I only voted for trump because he was the lesser of both. At first I thought the rumors of Q were true, military Intl guys making sure the country survived. Now, I tend to believe it's a major game being ran on us, to include the whole Russian B/S investigation. Why? To keep our eyes off the true issues an prize. Divide an concure is working to the point this nation would have no issue killing off either all of the left or right an the other not care at all. Obummer stepped it up to where some parts of some states look like an act like 3rd world shit holes. I don't believe killer Klinton was supposed to win at all, think it played out just as designed to make us think we dodged a bullet that night. Hence Q keeping that plan alive, in reality how are we any different now other than watching the DC media show change paths with the likes of AOC an other ink.

There will be another shoe dropping soon, just more of the plan. The only out may be the unknown factor in all plans, an no it's not guns at all.
My take,

I only voted for trump because he was the lesser of both. At first I thought the rumors of Q were true, military Intl guys making sure the country survived. Now, I tend to believe it's a major game being ran on us, to include the whole Russian B/S investigation. Why? To keep our eyes off the true issues an prize. Divide an concure is working to the point this nation would have no issue killing off either all of the left or right an the other not care at all. Obummer stepped it up to where some parts of some states look like an act like 3rd world shit holes. I don't believe killer Klinton was supposed to win at all, think it played out just as designed to make us think we dodged a bullet that night. Hence Q keeping that plan alive, in reality how are we any different now other than watching the DC media show change paths with the likes of AOC an other ink.

There will be another shoe dropping soon, just more of the plan. The only out may be the unknown factor in all plans, an no it's not guns at all.

I respectfully disagree, Clinton was going to win. It was a done deal. She was going to waddle in to office with her fat ass in a pantsuit. Trump was mocked and laughed. This whole idea that both sides is playing 27 D chess is laughable. Proof is that absolutely laughable dossier with hookers pissing on a hotel bed? GTFOH. They are a legion of stumbling idiots that cover each others asses. Nothing more. They are not super smart 15 step ahead schemers. They are AOC in real life. They just know when to shut up (sometimes) so the masses don’t really understand how stupid and incompetent they actually are.

Dangerous and a threat? Yes.

Super smart genius villain? Hell no.
I don't know about that. I've never listened to Qanon or 4 whatever, but the fact a person like BO or AOC, who has zero accomplishments in life, can rise to the positions they have, shows that there is a Cabal somewhere picking Manchurian Candidates that they can control. George Soros is an obvious one, but I'm sure there are other lessor knowns picking and choosing who runs this country. Otherwise, there is no explanation why people like the Clintons can rape, lie, kill, and give away classified information without ever being held accountable for anything. Trump was an anomaly, when he ran he already had huge name recognition and wealth, and is so boisterous and egotistical, it is almost comic like. But people like him and he walks the walk. That's why the FBI used illegal wiretaps and lied on FISA warrants to try to take him down, why people like McCain and Romney turned on their party candidate, etc. They have to remove him, because he will easily win re-election. I seriously am concerned if he gets re-elected, the cabal will just off him. Hopefully, his Secret Service staff are loyal to him and the country, and not part of the deep state.
I respectfully disagree, Clinton was going to win. It was a done deal. She was going to waddle in to office with her fat ass in a pantsuit. Trump was mocked and laughed. This whole idea that both sides is playing 27 D chess is laughable. Proof is that absolutely laughable dossier with hookers pissing on a hotel bed? GTFOH. They are a legion of stumbling idiots that cover each others asses. Nothing more. They are not super smart 15 step ahead schemers. They are AOC in real life. They just know when to shut up (sometimes) so the masses don’t really understand how stupid and incompetent they actually are.

Dangerous and a threat? Yes.

Super smart genius villain? Hell no.
Your assuming they are not puppets. They are but very good actors upon a stage the media is running to the bank on everyday, nothing more nothing less. Their real string pullers are world bankers, who got fat in 08 on your money an will get fatter the next go around. To much worthless paper floating with nothing tangible backing it up. Debt is but hand cuffs an a persuasion tool, the bulk of the carbon units on this rock have never nor will ever understand. Bankers, the true string pullers are Bankers all over this rock. They could care less about daily monthly, yearly, or election cycle issues, it's a very long range plan. People who believe the President no matter who it is Leeds the USA, needs time on a couch,...
I firmly believe the vast majority of secret service folks are pros. They've certainly had some issues recently, but on the whole, they are a patriotic group.
Well, I can tell you for a fact that once when VP "Global Warming We're All gonna DIE" was in town, one of those agents told a member of our SWAT team, who is a very good friend of mine.... "If something happens, don't get yourself hurt over this wannabe"..... so yeah, I think they are mostly professional, but they all have personal feelings on who they would take a bullet for too.....
I don't know about that. I've never listened to Qanon or 4 whatever, but the fact a person like BO or AOC, who has zero accomplishments in life, can rise to the positions they have, shows that there is a Cabal somewhere picking Manchurian Candidates that they can control. George Soros is an obvious one, but I'm sure there are other lessor knowns picking and choosing who runs this country. Otherwise, there is no explanation why people like the Clintons can rape, lie, kill, and give away classified information without ever being held accountable for anything. Trump was an anomaly, when he ran he already had huge name recognition and wealth, and is so boisterous and egotistical, it is almost comic like. But people like him and he walks the walk. That's why the FBI used illegal wiretaps and lied on FISA warrants to try to take him down, why people like McCain and Romney turned on their party candidate, etc. They have to remove him, because he will easily win re-election. I seriously am concerned if he gets re-elected, the cabal will just off him. Hopefully, his Secret Service staff are loyal to him and the country, and not part of the deep state.

kind of tracking with this one:

as a whole i think the people in government are just not smart enough

not IQ #'s (they are almost all layers or accountants), your not passing the BAR exam if you are a idiot...i can hear the laughter now...

but i really believe that most people in government just dont have the life experiences that are needed

that is most likely because those life experiences if taken advantage of earn more money in the private sector

ive hired / fired / worked with / promoted / retired / and signed paychecks for hundreds of people over the years

one thing they ALL had in common was not seeing the forest AND being able to focus on a tree when needed

usually they are really good at one or the other but rarely both

i also believe that this is the reason trump has them in knots

the politicians are used to everyone having skeletons in their history because if you are in that arena for long enough you have to have some. i think its almost impossible not to, good or bad.

a trump type candidate who has been in the private sector and only political for a short period of time has not has the exposure that a 2 time senator has over his career

Sorry guys attached the wrong post...dumb ass.

Anyway what I said still stands.
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You cant just respectfulky disagree. Doesnt work that way in the pit.

You must use Jr High lingo and insults, and type in all caps.
Once you reach manhood level of interwebz bickering, you can make up stories about your time in the special forces in the War of 1812 and threaten people and their families.

Dont be a spineless pussy. Git some!
Your assuming they are not puppets. They are but very good actors upon a stage the media is running to the bank on everyday, nothing more nothing less. Their real string pullers are world bankers, who got fat in 08 on your money an will get fatter the next go around. To much worthless paper floating with nothing tangible backing it up. Debt is but hand cuffs an a persuasion tool, the bulk of the carbon units on this rock have never nor will ever understand. Bankers, the true string pullers are Bankers all over this rock. They could care less about daily monthly, yearly, or election cycle issues, it's a very long range plan. People who believe the President no matter who it is Leeds the USA, needs time on a couch,...

No, I should have clarified. They are definitely muppets. AOC and BHO are proof. But they are not all powerful, all knowing. BHO was a beta test. Clinton was supposed to win, Trump came along and threw a wrench in the NWO plans. But the idea that Trump is controlled by the puppet master is just silly. Plans rarely work out as laid out.

Now, I’m not saying ignore the threat of the muppets, quite contrary, they almost had Hillary in. AOC and the rag head got in. They are 100% being controlled. The YouTube videos prove it. They will continue to double down till they have complete control or get shot in the face. The danger is very real.
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Here's the "plan"

My takeaway is that it's mimicking a muslim invasion, or a bacterial infection, in the form of an awareness campaign.

Everything is fine until a critical threshold is reached, and then all hell breaks loose.

Once enough people know enough about how much illegal shit is going down and who is responsible for it, that's when we'll start seeing people get arrested, tried and convicted of treason, and hung for it.

Nice idea. Real or not? Hope it is, but not surprised if it isn't. Can't sit around waiting for that to pan out.
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No, I should have clarified. They are definitely muppets. AOC and BHO are proof. But they are not all powerful, all knowing. BHO was a beta test. Clinton was supposed to win, Trump came along and threw a wrench in the NWO plans. But the idea that Trump is controlled by the puppet master is just silly. Plans rarely work out as laid out.

Now, I’m not saying ignore the threat of the muppets, quite contrary, they almost had Hillary in. AOC and the rag head got in. They are 100% being controlled. The YouTube videos prove it. They will continue to double down till they have complete control or get shot in the face. The danger is very real.
We are going to disagree on this as if you do your home work you'll find Trump is just as much a Klinton thinker/actor. He was installed to appease the right to the point of not starting CW II. That brought them more time as I don't think they fully understood how much push back there was going to be over bug ears. Don't know the depth of the background's involved, in this roll out, but these people know how to run a long term game plan. Money & power nothing more, nothing less. Laughing that many think the gun will be their savior in the long run,... guns will be nothing but a new form of handcuff's before it's over. Many people are but one line voters, to the point their rallying point/cry is going to enslave them that much quicker. Guns are not going to correct this nations debt, health issues, ect. Those things are out of control, an will bring down this nation. In fighting over guns, the left (or right), is but a smoke screen, then add a false flag or two to keep the sheep an none thinking from understanding where the turning point elephant in the room is. Trees it's all about the trees, but the media talking heads would have you believe otherwise.
We are going to disagree on this as if you do your home work you'll find Trump is just as much a Klinton thinker/actor. He was installed to appease the right to the point of not starting CW II. That brought them more time as I don't think they fully understood how much push back there was going to be over bug ears. Don't know the depth of the background's involved, in this roll out, but these people know how to run a long term game plan. Money & power nothing more, nothing less. Laughing that many think the gun will be their savior in the long run,... guns will be nothing but a new form of handcuff's before it's over. Many people are but one line voters, to the point their rallying point/cry is going to enslave them that much quicker. Guns are not going to correct this nations debt, health issues, ect. Those things are out of control, an will bring down this nation. In fighting over guns, the left (or right), is but a smoke screen, then add a false flag or two to keep the sheep an none thinking from understanding where the turning point elephant in the room is. Trees it's all about the trees, but the media talking heads would have you believe otherwise.

I agree. Guns will not stop it. The debt is real. I believe this is the literal war of good and evil. Money is used to enslave not only the individual, but nations. My question is who is controlling the banker. I say it is evil itself. Call it/him what you wish. He has many names.
I hope everyone understands the fact the President has the power to close all borders w/o Congress's approval for XX days. Why are illegals an terrorists still pouring across? Because the ones that are supposed to be here to further the plan are not here yet. Once they're all in place, grab your ankles but Vaseline up first.

Two things that control Bankers, Greed an Glutton. Both of those words are plainly written in a very Good Book that has stood the test of time.
ETA: The Q story should be regarded as an onion. The first layer of that onion is SpyGate / Russia Gate / Corruption of DOJ / FBI.

THAT story is MUCH more highly nuanced than what Joe Six Pack understands about the matter. That entire story has been vetted hard as based on testimony and prior news coverage. Solid.

However, Q is a jump off point into very possibly revelations regarding the motivations / behaviors / similar cast of characters throughout history. This is the part of the onion that is squishy and stinky.

The media will encourage that because the of the stinky parts, the Coup is a lie, and only believed by whacky in the head types.

For those that are really interested:

This is the catalog. Select one of the Research tabs (white background). At the top is a welcome / proofs section. Next are the q postings. Then the Notables (collected note worthy news). Then discussion on notables and related. (FYI - be real careful about posting on 4chan or 8chan - it is the Wild West with lots of potential problems)

I have been reading since @ November of 2017 (and on the related for @ 10 yrs).

I do not put a lot of thought into who or what Q is (person / persons / AI) - don't care. I do consider (and I am still not sure about) the motivation of why we are being exposed to it all.

The primary thing to know - the depths of it all are likely never going to be so starkly revealed that 'every man' has a full and complete understanding. The most explicit example of this is the satanic pedo baby eating thing. People tend to react to the premise before consideration of any facts. People quickly dismiss all of this due to their understanding of the world (while denying the fact that they were born into a world that has been tailored and augmented to produce a collective reality).(*For the record - I dunno on this one, it is stretch even for me, and I see people as prone to do shitty things to one another)

This same fog of understanding extends to how our nation was formed, for how long divisive individuals, families, and organizations have been working against us, or just how large of a problem this all really is.

Ask your buddy, ask your wife a question that you know the answer to and watch them argue with you because they want to be right. People feel grounded when they 'feel' they understand the world around them. People are fragile. That fragility needs to be respected.

By the same token (and every bit as difficult to get one's head around) are foundational issues - like the Vatican and the Pope for instance. The man in the street has come to believe (regardless of faith) that generally, the Pope is a man of God and the Vatican exists to promote God and good works. That part of their brain wherein history (what was the relationship between the Kings and the Church? How did the Vatican amass such wealth? What were major shifts in the Church, like the Inquisition, really about?) and reality (how exactly is it that one man on earth can speak for God? How is it that an organization that is all about God and good works has always been infested with kidfuckers?) all of which result in a disconnect in how they conduct their every day life - if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck......People are just now coming to the realization that along the way the bad guys figured out that they needed to comp the media because it influences the masses. However, their mind can not handle the thought that Kings knew comping the Vatican centuries ago was just as important.

No way? Did the Gulf of Tonkin happen like they said? How about WMD in Iraq? Did we have advanced warning at Pearl? JFK? Consider that a lot of major milestones in 'history' are fabricated to shift society.

In the end we will be prohibited from a real house cleaning b/c of our collective understanding of 'history'. Most will never really understand that they were born brainwashed, and continue to be brainwashed every single day.

Not everything presented in the Q story is real. The onus is on the individual to research for themselves and draw their own conclusions.

Best of luck
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Cheer up, Brian. You know what they say.
Some things in life are bad,
They can really make you mad.
Other things just make you swear and curse.
When you're chewing on life's gristle,
Don't grumble, give a whistle!
And this'll help things turn out for the best
Always look on the bright side of life!
Always look on the bright side of life
If life seems jolly rotten,
There's something you've forgotten!
And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing,
When you're feeling in the dumps,
Don't be silly chumps,
Just purse your lips and whistle -- that's the thing!
And always look on the bright side of life
Come on!
Always look on the bright side of life
For life is quite absurd,
And death's the final word.
You must always face the curtain with a bow!
Forget about your sin -- give the audience a grin,
Enjoy it, it's the last chance anyhow!
So always look on the bright side of death!
Just before you draw your terminal breath.
Life's a piece of shit,
When you look at it.
Life's a laugh and death's a joke, it's true,
You'll see it's all a show,
Keep 'em laughing as you go.
Just remember that the last laugh is on you!
And always look on the bright side of life
Always look on the bright side of life
Come on guys, cheer up
Always look on the bright side of life
Always look on the bright side of life
Worse things happen at sea you know
Always look on the bright side of life
I mean, what have you got to lose?
you know, you come from nothing
you're going back to nothing
what have you lost? Nothing!
Always look on the bright side of life
Songwriters: Eric Idle

just for reference
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For those that are really interested:

This is the catalog. Select one of the Research tabs (white background). At the top is a welcome / proofs section. Next are the q postings. Then the Notables (collected note worthy news). Then discussion on notables and related. (FYI - be real careful about posting on 4chan or 8chan - it is the Wild West with lots of potential problems)

I have been reading since @ November of 2017 (and on the related for @ 10 yrs).

I do not put a lot of thought into who or what Q is (person / persons / AI) - don't care. I do consider (and I am still not sure about) the motivation of why we are being exposed to it all.

The primary thing to know - the depths of it all are likely never going to be so starkly revealed that 'every man' has a full and complete understanding. The most explicit example of this is the satanic pedo baby eating thing. People tend to react to the premise before consideration of any facts. People quickly dismiss all of this due to their understanding of the world (while denying the fact that they were born into a world that has been tailored and augmented to produce a collective reality).

This same fog of understanding extends to how our nation was formed, for how long divisive individuals, families, and organizations have been working against us, or just how large of a problem this all really is.

Ask your buddy, ask your wife a question that you know the answer to and watch them argue with you because they want to be right. People feel grounded when they 'feel' they understand the world around them. People are fragile. That fragility needs to be respected.

By the same token (and every bit as difficult to get one's head around) are foundational issues - like the Vatican and the Pope for instance. The man in the street has come to believe (regardless of faith) that generally, the Pope is a man of God and the Vatican exists to promote God and good works. That part of their brain wherein history (what was the relationship between the Kings and the Church? How did the Vatican amass such wealth? What were major shifts in the Church, like the Inquisition, really about?) and reality (how exactly is it that one man on earth can speak for God? How is it that an organization that is all about God and good works has always been infested with kidfuckers?) all of which result in a disconnect in how they conduct their every day life - if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck......People are just now coming to the realization that along the way the bad guys figured out that they needed to comp the media because it influences the masses. However, their mind can not handle the thought that Kings knew comping the Vatican centuries ago was just as important.

No way? Did the Gulf of Tonkin happen like they said? How about WMD in Iraq? Did we have advanced warning at Pearl? JFK? Consider that a lot of major milestones in 'history' are fabricated to shift society.

In the end we will be prohibited from a real house cleaning b/c of our collective understanding of 'history'. Most will never really understand that they were born brainwashed, and continue to be brainwashed every single day.

Not everything presented in the Q story is real. The onus is on the individual to research for themselves and draw their own conclusions.

Best of luck
Very good basic description. A conspiracy theory that wants you to think for yourself. This conspiracy theory has given the conclusion, then ask's you to do the backward investigating to find the evidence to support that conclusion. Then will give a nudge or clue to help guide you to it if you are not getting it.

It is possible that it is a total BS game on folks. It is plausible that it could be real. The only way Q becomes "real" is if it comes true. Till then, at worst it is a great thought provoking exercise for the brain. JMHO
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Very good basic description. A conspiracy theory that wants you to think for yourself. This conspiracy theory has given the conclusion, then ask's you to do the backward investigating to find the evidence to support that conclusion. Then will give a nudge or clue to help guide you to it if you are not getting it.

It is possible that it is a total BS game on folks. It is plausible that it could be real. The only way Q becomes "real" is if it comes true. Till then, at worst it is a great thought provoking exercise for the brain. JMHO

Nah fam. This is a conspiracy theory that literally tells you to trust other people to fight for your freedom and to root out and destroy corruption.

“Trust the plan”, goyem.
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Potus is the #1 arch enemy of the MSM/DS and is attacked daily. Q is #2, Ask yourself why, if it is a conspiracy, why they spend so much time debunking it. What are they afraid of? Why won't any MSM person ask Trump if Q is real? Because once they do, it's no longer a conspiracy. Q is real. What he/it/she is made up of, no one knows. Myself , i think several MIL persons. As someone who has been following and reading the drops for well over a year now, there are to many pre post that come factual after time. To many to b a coincedence. I really want Trump to be for real, "BUT" deep down i am still afraid to believe. Maybe because the people that are running this country are so evil and so corrupt and have been so long, i'm afraid to hope there is someone who is really one our side. Also on the biblelical side of things, the bible tells us, that in the end times, a man will be brought forth, followed and loved by millions, who seems a Godly man, but is evil.
OP, if you're really interested in finding out about Q, check out this website . Click the picture icon in the upper left and read thru. There's alot of Q Proofs along with some memes.

Q has repeatedly said "Future Proves Past". Q gives clues that point people in the right direction to research for themselves. Some things are not understood until after later events unfold. Clues are given in such a way as to not violate national security protocols.

Q has also said "Where We Go One We Go All" (WWG1WGA)
Remember when POTUS tweeted "Scott Free" when it should have been spelled scot-free? Well, everyone started laughing at him and looking to find out who is Scott Free. It turns out Scott Free Productions was founded by Ridley Scott and his brother. Ridley Scott directed the movie White Squall where the line "Where We Go One, We Go All" comes from.

Watch this video. Q has linked this.

This guy is also good at decoding Q posts on YouTube

She is also good on Twitter

Is it so hard to believe that POTUS and his team would devise a way to communicate with their supporters by-passing the MSM during an unprecedented time in our history when he has been so persecuted?


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She is also good on Twitter

Is it so hard to believe that POTUS and his team would devise a way to communicate with their supporters by-passing the MSM during an unprecedented time in our history when he has been so persecuted?

"A Florida Man Posted Some Shit On The Internet"
The hilarity of Q is that the literal idiots who buy it hook line and sinker will STILL be crowing about it ten years after NOTHING HAPPENS. They’ll find a way, just like flat earthers, to twist their mind around some garbage to keep it going in their own heads.

It’s one of the most epic trolls of all time and I stand in stunned amazement how efffective it has been.
Q has also said "Where We Go One We Go All" (WWG1WGA)
Remember when POTUS tweeted "Scott Free" when it should have been spelled scot-free? Well, everyone started laughing at him and looking to find out who is Scott Free. It turns out Scott Free Productions was founded by Ridley Scott and his brother. Ridley Scott directed the movie White Squall where the line "Where We Go One, We Go All" comes from.

Thanks, Palmetto, for the detailed response!

One part of it, though, is exactly the sort of thing that kind of makes my head spin... and it's the Rube Goldberg/Heath Robinson logic that goes into the 'proofs.' And this is exactly the sort of thing my buddy just eats up and gives me a 'see... see... see it HAS to check out because what could be perceived as a typo has been analyzed to be a production company of a guy who directed a movie with a line in it that was in another post. It's the 7-degrees of Kevin Bacon applied to a treasure hunt.

Back when I was a kid, we used to have this joke... but I always remembered it as a sort of warning against stretching logic... and this is what keeps making me think that the followers are a 'couple of bridges too far.'

The joke went this way: "Fire engines are red because most fire engines have four wheels and eight men. Four and eight is twelve. There are 12 inches on a ruler. The greatest ruler of all time was Queen Victoria, who ruled the seven seas. In the seven seas are fish. The fish have fins. The Finns fought the Soviets. And the Soviet flag is red!" I loved telling that joke!

I am also reminded of the line in the movie National Treasure which is "that there is no treasure... it's one clue, to another clue, to another... and it was all designed to keep the British occupied for decades trying to find it." Right up until there 'was' a cool treasure.

Regardless, I really do 'want' to believe that there is a group of white-hats and everything will be 'ok.' But where they lose me is in the riddles and pictures of watches and the backwards proofs that are so detached as to defy my (linear?) thought process. The old axiom of an infinite number of monkeys typing on an infinite number of typewriters over an infinite amount of time will, statistically, type out Shakespeare's Hamlet.

Given enough time and enough people 'analyzing' clues... someone will have an ah-ha moment and connect what could have been a typo... to a Ridley Scott movie that has a line in it that is Q-friendly.

That's where I get lost! Not to say I am against it... but to quote Carl Sagan when it came to alien visitation... "Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." And the logic leaps detract from an otherwise cool potential narrative... when it would be perfectly plausible that such information can be put forward in a more 'user-friendly' way! Then again, noone said I was bright enough to 'get' this stuff!

Cheers and thanks everyone for some thought-provoking posts!
