Can anyone explain Q-Anon?

the red flag law is an end around run for ur guns. Plain and simple. Get ur county proclaimed a pro gun sanctuary county "before " any laws are passed u should b ok. I'm going to work on that currently for the county i live in.
Why ask here? Research it for yourself. That is what Q proposes.

BTW, the NRA has shown conditional support for them also. Are we to abandon them as well?

that's the problem, Q ask folks to do some thinking for themselves. That's a big problem as most folks now days are used to the government thinking for them. Even seems that way for some on here.
and in getting bump stocks banned, along with Lindsey and the red flag squeeze.

If only that shit didn't leave skid marks on their reputation, they would have a base of supporters that would be solid and immovable. Those actions that they took practically ignited a civil war within the shooting world.

But @palmettoman posted a pretty good link to all the court cases they are battling. A reformed and rebuilt NRA would be our biggest asset now.