Catching primers


Full Member
Jan 9, 2011
I have 5 presses set up at the moment. My favorites are the Rockchuckers-2 of 'em. However they spill the primers all over when decapping. One has a U shaped catch that leaks continually and the other has a weird triangle with two basins which is worse.The slot in the ram for a priming system also ejects spent primers on the floor. Anybody use that to prime cases? Anyhow, today I had an idea and it's working. I drilled a 1"+ dia. hole in the bottom of a Sierra bullet box and slid it over the ram. A large clothespin clamp holds the lid to the frame.I decapped a bunch of 338LM's and did not lose a primer.Petty to be sure, but since I have no life to speak of, petty is good.
on mine i just velcroed a plastic cup underneath the spent primer ramp works pretty good although not all of them deprime the same way so some don't make it in... A while ago i decided to upgrade my press to the forster coax and use that now for almost everything except priming.
I modified mine and can catch the vast majority. I got a piece of 1/4" square thin wall brass tubing from a hobby shop and ground off one side. Cut it about 3/8" short of the total length of the exposed ram in the full up position. Insert the open side into the groove of the ram and leave the gap at the bottom. This keeps the spent primers from flying out halfway up the channel and gets darn near every one in the cup.

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