Pretty much every manufacture has a had a recall on floor mats. It is almost always due to the "retention" of the mat so that is doesn't slide up and under the pedals jamming them, most notably the accelerator pedal.I was at the Dodge dealer yesterday getting Ram services and inspected. There was a recall notice sitting on the counter for...
(Can’t make this stuff up)....
Yes, they recalled floormats. Slabs of rubber. With no moving parts. And they couldn’t even pull that off.
The retention systems where not even designed until the mid 90's I believe. This was due to a few accidents involving floor mats jammed under the pedals. So all of a sudden the manufacture was responsible so make sure it never happened.
I get in vehicles all the time with floor mats jammed up into the pedals, almost always non-factory mats. Makes me wonder just how lazy people are that can't straighten the mat out once every few days.