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Cold Body Cold Mind


Full Member
Sep 26, 2008
Jackson, WY
I consistently push cold bore shots low and left with my 300 WM. It's not a significant shift, .5 mils. Follow up shots are sub-MOA bullseye or very close.
I dry fire several times before going hot.
I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.

Any tips?
Shooting is both mental and physical. Control the variables (physical), snap in a couple of times, make your best wind call using ALL available information, and get one in the air. Take notes, critique yourself, and challenge yourself to continue to learn. Make it hard, You’ll never get better shooting easy stuff. For your CB shot, really focus on all the fundamentals from sight alignment to follow through. Then, after the CB shot, use the information gained (impact, splash off target, etc...) to further your knowledge.

The mental side is to be confident, but in the event of a miss, to use the failure as information to put into your notes (toolbox) to learn from and carry on to the objective. You can’t unring the bell, or get the shot back that missed. Consider a miss as more information, determine the “why”, and move on.

You didn’t mention at what range you’re seeing this, but with a 300, it is probably something simple in your fundamentals AND your mindset going into the CB shot. Relax, apply the basic fundamentals, and correct, and have fun.
When you say consistently, are you implying that over many many range trips your first cold bore shot always hits low left? That to me sounds less like shooter error and more like a verified cold bore shift.

What makes you think you are pushing the shot or doing something wrong?
When you say consistently, are you implying that over many many range trips your first cold bore shot always hits low left?

Yes consistently. When I shoot cold bore I use the exact same target. I only use that target for cold, fouled bore shots at 100yds.
When I miss I tend to consistently pull shots either right or slightly high and right.

FWIW - I shoot often and well. I've won or placed high in any LR or precision rifle matches I've competed in.
tnichols' advice is SOP for me.

That to me sounds less like shooter error and more like a verified cold bore shift.
I was under the impression that was BS?

What makes you think you are pushing the shot or doing something wrong?
I always look for any mistakes I may be making before I look at the equipment.[/QUOTE]
I was under the impression that was BS?

I think a lot of people use it as an excuse for blaming "cold shooter" errors. And not all barrels will have a cold bore shift. But it sounds like you've got all the fundamentals wired, have tested this over time, and have a demonstrated pattern of where the gun prints when it's cold.

Do you have other guns that do this same pattern or just the 300WM? That would be a clue whether it's you or the gun.
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Magnums are flinching factories and the first round shift or cold bore, (cold body cold mind) can best be described as a flinch.

1. Shoot a different rifle first to check to make sure, at least 10 rounds prior to shooting the 300WM

2. Double your ears up, use both in and over ear protection to remove the sound. (Brain keys off the sound)

3. Dry fire prior

4. Like Tom Cruise, no mind, don't over think it just shoot.
Do you have other guns that do this same pattern or just the 300WM? That would be a clue whether it's you or the gun.
No not at all

Couple questions:

1) do you have a muzzle brake?
2) what is your cleaning schedule / routine? (IE clean the bore once a year, after a certain number of rounds, after every range trip, etc?)
It's a fairly new rifle. I'm still trying to figure out how often to clean it.
I did a full barrel break in when I first got it. I have just over 200rds through it. I've cleaned it with only carbon remover (KG 1) and a brass brush twice since then. I've pulled a dry Otis Ripcord through it a few times while it was hot.
You mentioned you dry fire prior to going hot.
I like lowlights suggestion of some real fire right before. What other calibers are you running. Do you have something that has some kick in a medium weight that you can put five or ten rounds down range then slide behind your 300wm for a cold bore
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I took the .223 and .300WM to the range today. I shot 10rds of 1'' dots @ 100yds with the 223 before shooting the 300wm
After adjusting for wind all of my .223 hits where in the black.
My 100yd cold bore 300 shot was .1 mil low and .2 mil left.
I shot 50 dots with the 223 and all but 3 where in the black
I shot 20 dots with the 300WM and missed all but 1. There was no consistency in POI for any of the misses.
I felt like I was executing my fundamentals of marksmanship well
I'm managing recoil fine and maintaining my sight picture after the shots.

After the break in process I tried some factory loads to see what my barrel would prefer. The round it preferred was 200gr ELD-X. which it no longer seems to shoot well.
The last time I was at the range I tried 210 VLD's loaded by HSM and 215 Hybrid's loaded by Berger. It shot 5 shot groups from both really well, the 215's in one hole.
When I originally tried them it would not group them at all.

Is it possible that a barrel will shoot a bullet better after it has a couple of hundred rounds through it?
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I took everyone's input. assessed the situation and started from square one.
I ordered 5 boxes of the same lot of factory loaded Berger 215 Hybrids.
I shot a cold bore zero and dialed the correction. I held for and confirmed it at 200, then 300 yds.
I ran 10 rds through the Magnetospeed, entered the data into my phone and confirmed DOPE out to 1109yds.
I have enough factory ammo for what's left of elk season

I ordered 300 cases of Norma brass and 2 boxes of 215 Hybrids.

I have no clue why my barrel won't shoot the 200gr ELD-X now but I guess it doesn't matter.
Cold shooter is definitely real. I attempt to put in some dry firing at the range before live firing to mitigate it.

Alternatively, when pistol shooting on a flat range, I try to shoot my first mag cold. I set up the target, then go through a simple CQM table with my carry firearm. The point is to see how I can perform totally cold, with no prepping of myself or my equipment. After that, I do some dry firing and slow firing before working into more serious drills.

Thanks for updating us.
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