The Past: SH Posters : "John, John, can we please, pretty please get a special CDG pre-purchase. Oh pretty please John?" John: "Well, I don't know, I'm a little reluctant. You'd have to agree to pay up front, then not bitch and moan about delivery" SH Posters : "Oh, no problem John. We promise we'll act like adults and not whine like children! Just take our money, and we'll be quiet as a church mouse until it shows up. Please, oh please, John, give us a group buy!" John : "Well, OK, as long as we have an understanding here"
The Present: " SH Posters : "John, are we gonna be on time? Huh John? Please tell me. Where's my action, John?" John: "You know, we haven't even reached the intitial delivery date yet. Relax" SH Posters - "But, but...I'm so excited John. I know we agreed not to do this to you, and we know you predicted this would happen, but where's my action, John? When will it get here, John? I can't wait, John!" John thinking to himself : "Why the fuck did I agree to this?"
The Future : New ARC Product comes out... SH Posters "John, can we get an early group buy?" John : "Not a fucking chance"